
It seemed like I just got home and we were into the holidays, Christmas and New Years and then it was the middle of January and time for our annual company meeting. I’m breaking my rule about talking about work but this is a very big deal in my work world.

IMG_20160115_130720Called Redferno it is the one time of year that everyone who can get away joins together in one big gathering. There’s a lot of Rah Rah Rah but there ‘s also a lot of really good information about the company’s goals for the coming year and of course, the kudos and awards to the top performers across the country. I love seeing my friends’ names up in lights! I almost got on the board this year too. Maybe next year.

The past  2 years Redferno was in San Diego. This year it was in Anaheim, Ca. If there is one thing I don’t like about it , its that you travel all that way and every minute is booked with training and company events. You don’t get to see the area so it doesn’t matter where they hold it.


But this year was different. Redferno was in Anaheim Ca. the true first home of Mickey Mouse and even though our days and nights were crammed full of work for the week, our last night we were given park hopper tickets and a shuttle bus took us to the Disneyland Parks. A very nice perk. Thank you Redfin!