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For those of you who have not followed Beau on the Facebook page. Here is the latest update. Good news!

TEAM BEAU: Legal Update


Bryan Mauldin has updated us for the legal team. Most importantly- we have hearing dates and are moving forward.

There are two hearings set up with motions pending in both City Court (with Judge Dedmon) and Circuit Court (with Judge Moore).

The City Court hearing is first on TUESDAY JANUARY 27th at 4:00 p.m. This hearing is asking Judge Dedmon to set aside and vacate his trial court order, declare the ordinance void and FREE BEAU. This motion goes straight to the main issue in the case and took awhile for the legal team to have proper jurisdiction and basis to file.

The Circuit Court pleading is the response to a motion filed by the city for a CASH BOND of $7,500 to secure the costs of Beau’s boarding ($12 a day) during the appeal we were granted. Legal feels that the motions was simply intended to prolong the litigation and hopefully bleed us dry so we would lose or quit. That is the purpose of the second Go Fund Me just in case this ridiculously high bond had to be posted.

However, legal is happy they filed it because it opened the door to simultaneous jurisdiction in the Circuit Court and the reasons they are not entitled to bond goes to the heart of the case. NO bond because Beau is being held unlawfully because the Ordinance is void. This allowed legal to file a response that argues the central issue in the case and puts the ordinance in front of this court. The CIRCUIT COURT date is THREE days after the CITY COURT date on JANUARY 30th at 9:00 a.m.

This is finally an important move forward. We are sincerely hoping that the city court will overturn their ruling and allow Beau to go free.

We ask you continue sharing our information, as we are in a critical time frame now.

Please share the original petition and sign it if you didn’t at:

There is a second petition at:…/save-life-innoc…/qmf1WGKb

Our website is:

We need to remain BEAU STRONG now more than ever. Your voices count and we are moving forward in the court system finally!!

We hope this is Beau’s time and that the city and courts will agree to righting this horrible wrong!! Without your support, we would not have gotten this far!!!

Stay strong and thank you all!!
