Little Colorado, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest

Rethinking Monument Valley Scenic Drive

I know that in yesterday’s post I listed a bunch of options but I was poking around online trying to get more information about the Painted Desert and ran across this link There’s a video on the bottom and it really makes me want to take that long drive to Monument Valley. Apparently you will pass through the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest on the way to Monument Valley.

I continued my search and found information on the Little Colorado. I drove by this on my last visit but didn’t stop. Now I’d like to see how we might be able to fit in a visit to this canyon as it was quite impressive too.

According to these links Cameron seems to be a “hub” for both the Painted Desert and The Little Colorado and Cameron is on the way to Monument Valley.

Once again the only drawback is the length of the drive but if Sandy is up for it, I think I am too. If it ends up taking too long with all the stops for sight-seeing we can always turn around.

I’ll see what my co-explorer has to say. At least we can change our minds since there wouldn’t be any tour guide or dinner appointment to worry about.

Monument Valley


Monument Valley is in Northern Arizona on the border with Utah. I don’t think there is an American alive who is not familiar with it’s iconic landscapes. John Ford set many of his Western movies in this area from Stagecoach in 1939 to more modern offerings like Forrest Gump in 1994.

This came up in my research as a Scenic Drive but it is 3 + hours from Sedona to Kayenta, AZ followed by another 5 hours to drive through the Valley to Mexican Hat, Utah. Then we would have the return trip.

I know my sister would share the driving but I have control issues. I would rather complain about doing all the driving than to give it up! LOL A true character flaw. So as much as I want to see this magnificent landscape, I am really on the fence as to whether it just might be too ambitious.

It was in that mindset that I came across the Native American Journey’s website that I discussed yesterday. They have a Monument Valley Tour. The cost is $249/per person so it’s definitely on the “upper” end of my tour budget but it does sound like it must be a full day. The tour description is:

Monument Valley



Travel with your guide, from Sedona through the Navajo Indian reservation to Monument Valley, one of Hollywood’s favorite locations for classic Western movies. Enjoy an exciting Jeep tour through the Valley with a local Navajo guide. Lunch and all fees are included.

I do know that without a licensed guide many areas of Monument Valley are off limits. This would leave the driving to others and free me up to take pictures. It sounds like we could be picked up in Sedona. Although we would be paying a guide, we wouldn’t have to worry about paying for gas for the rental car.



I think this one is worth considering.

Editor in Chief

Editor’s note: The photo of the desert is a stock photo. Unlike the others we’ve used it was not taken by Dusty Roads.