A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~4

Little Joe was really getting up in years. Persians have a shorter lifespan than many other breeds, probably because of their “smooshed” in noses. In any case he was starting to growl and hiss at his formerly good buddy, Rocky. Rocky would try to play and Little Joe would try to get away and head for the hills. Plus Rocky was coming into his prime and turning into a good sized cat!


I felt bad for Little Joe. I figured he deserved some peace in his old age. While visiting  friend who had 9 cats I learned she was being forced to re-home all but 3. The city she lived in had a pet restriction to try to prevent animal hoarding..no more than 3 cats in any home.  She was desperate.

While we talked one of her 9 cats kept rubbing around my legs. When I didn’t give it any attention it jumped right into my lap and then climbed up my chest to get right in my face. Most cats don’t like to stare but this one locked his bright green eyes on mine as if to say, I’m yours. His purr was so powerful it vibrated his whole body. In that moment of weakness I told her if she was stuck, I’d take him. His name was Smokey.


Now if you have ever tried to find a home for a cat you know how hard it is. So not surprisingly about 2 weeks later I got a call. Would I still take Smokey? Could I come pick him up? By now I’d had second thoughts but I put myself in her shoes and kept my promise. Smokey came to live with Little Joe, Rocky and me. We were now a 3 cat household… a 3 cat- all male cat – household.

All the boys were neutered so that was a good thing. Little Joe and Rocky had all their claws. I do not believe in de-clawing. Smokey was a beautiful, gentle longhaired gray cat but somewhere along the line someone had de-clawed him.


Rocky welcomed the newcomer right away. A new playmate – but Little Joe would have nothing to do with this interloper. I tried the slow introduction, the challenge line with food, the territory swap, pheromones, everything I could think of but Little Joe hated Smokey. Fur flew often and Smokey didn’t back down just because he had a handicap.


About a year after Smokey joined us and an uneasy truce had finally been established,  Little Joe began to fail. The Vet ran all kinds of tests and from December to March I lived at the vet’s office trying to find out what was wrong. Little Joe had stomach cancer. By the time it was found the tumor was so large that it filled most of the stomach cavity and Little Joe was starving to death. He had deteriorated to the point that he was too weak for surgery so the Vet recommended we release him and put him down.


Little Joe had just celebrated his 14th birthday. I held him when the vet administered the medications. There was just one small sigh and he was gone. Suffer no more, my baby! RIP.

It’s been years since I said good bye to Little Joe but I still cry when I remember those last moments. Letting go is the hardest part of being a pet guardian.

Does this mean They are Buddies?

There has been some tension between my oldest cat, Smokey

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and the newcomer, Buddy.

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Buddy is almost 3 lbs. heavier and bigger than Mr. Creaky Pants. Plus Smokey was declawed when I got him so he is handicapped in any confrontation. Too many times I saw Buddy stalking Smokey and Smokey trying to slink away like a prey animal. When I would see that I would distract Buddy but I didn’t like it. I worried about what went on when I was not home.

My pet sitter said they got along fine when she was in the house. She felt the behavior was caused by jealousy and that was why it only showed  up when I was at home because I’m the “mama” and they all want my attention.

Now that I ‘ve been working from home for a few months the behavior seems to have subsided. Smokey doesn’t act afraid and timid anymore and Buddy picks on Rocky, who is quite capable of holding his own.

In fact if Buddy and Rocky mix it up too much, Smokey jumps into the fray and starts batting them with his declawed paws. The combatants always separate for him. I think I need to get him a little striped shirt.

Speaking of Rocky and Buddy, they have what I think is a strange behavior. Cat lovers, have you had this in your multi-cat homes?

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One of the two cats approaches the other. It starts a grooming behavior by licking the ears and head of the other cat. This goes on for a bit and just when you think ohhh, so cute…bam! The first cat pounces on the one that was just being groomed. It makes me think of the hand shake before a fight.  Then they go bumping and rolling around the room. Growls and hisses are common but they have  their ears pointed forward. I assume they are playing because the ears are not laid back. No blood is drawn. The next day the whole ritual is repeated again but usually its the other cat that starts the grooming.

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This morning when I went into the bedroom to make my bed there were two cats sleeping there! Buddy and surprise, Smokey. They had bunched up the comforter between them like a wall to separate them. That’s the closest I’m seen them. Does this mean they are finally becoming friends?

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There is never a dull moment around here!