
The last state on the list, #50, is Wyoming. You must have heard the phrase “You’re tried the rest, now try the best” or “Save the Best For Last”. I think Wyoming will fill either of those phrases nicely.


I was surprised to learn that Wyoming is considered one of the Great Plains States. I don’t know why that surprised me but it did.

I almost made a brief visit to Wyoming when we visited South Dakota. If we’d had more time we would have made the drive to Devil’s Tower. An enormous monolith in northeastern Wyoming, it rises from a fairly flat plain so it can be seen for miles. Northern Plains tribes consider it a sacred place and Steven Spielberg had his aliens land on it in Close encounters of the Third Kind.


Flowing north through Wyoming ranch country is the Bighorn River. A gentle flowing river winding through fields and pastures until it approaches the Montana Border, there the Bighorn begins to cut one of the grandest canyons in the northern  U.S.  Cutting through an uplift of limestone, it creates a ruggedly beautiful canyon. The river’s Yellowtail Dam backs up the river to create Bighorn Lake with bluffs rising 2250 ft, above the surface.


While in the neighborhood of the Bighorn Canyon  you can enter Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range where you might be lucky enough to spot a band of wild horses . These wild horses are genetically unique and closely related to the original horses imported by the Spanish Explorers.


Grand Teton National Park surrounds Jackson hole with some of the youngest, craggiest peaks in the Rocky Mountains.


Jackson Hole is know for it’s winter skiing and snow sports while the surrounding mountains are known for their majesty. Nearby is an Elk Sanctuary where the migrating animals come to shelter and  calve in the spring. By now you know just the Elk will put this high on my list. But Wyoming only gets better.


Perhaps the biggest draw in Wyoming is Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone is the nation’s oldest and probably best known national park, first established in 1872. This is nature’s extravagant  showcase! The largest of America’s national parks outside of Alaska crosses volcanic plateaus, forested peaks, 2.2 million acres of steaming hot springs, crystalline lakes, thundering waterfalls, and exploding geysers. Over 3 million people visit the park between June and September. Expect traffic jams if you visit during these peak months but also expect to see amazing geothermal curiosities and abundant wildlife.

Yellowstone National Park

If you can tear yourself away from the wonders of Yellowstone, you might want to visit the  Big Horn Mountains and the Medicine Wheel. Three roads climb into the Bighorn Mountains, all designated national scenic by-ways but only one will take you to the Medicine Wheel, an 80 foot-wide wagon wheel of stone said to be over 700 years old.


Wyoming is the old west. From dude ranches to rodeos and cities with names  like Cody and Cheyenne, Wyoming may be last on my alphabetical list but it certainly doesn’t deserve to be the last state you visit.

My final tally for this time in 2013 is : visited 21, Still to go 29.

NaNoWriMo is Here

Don’t know what it means? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t either. I know it always rolls around in November but I thought it was a challenge to bloggers to post at least one  post a day, no restrictions, no minimum, no maximum, just be dedicated enough to post at least once a day.


For a part time blogger that can be tough but the point of the exercise is to create a new habit..or so I thought.


I decided to look it up for once and I found out the NaNoWriMo really stands for National Novel Writing Month! It was started to encourage budding athors to pursue their dream of writing a novel, maybe not the GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL, but who knows what’s locked inside if you never get started.


Now reading novels is more my speed than writing them but that doesn’t mean I don’t embrace the idea of a month in which we make an attempt to post daily. One of the quotes I found says NaNoWriMo is all about writing something you want to write, just for you, without worrying about others sitting in judgment, so it’s an exercise in truly expressing yourself — which means, if you think about it, there really isn’t a way to fail!


Pretty cool idea, huh. I know I try very hard to make my posts interesting. When I don’t have first hand experience I put a lot of research into the subject. Sometimes that takes more time than actually writing the post so when, after all that, no one sees it or reads it, it can get kind of disheartening. I’m sure all of the other bloggers out there feel the same way.


Oh I know, you’re writing for yourself. You don’t care if no one else reads it. Don’t kid yourself. If you really didn’t care you wouldn’t put it out there for everyone to see. You’d have a private diary or journal.


So hop on the band wagon. See if you can post something every day in November, short or long, good or bad, just post something so you can be a part of NaNoWriMo.


Happy Writing!

The Week in Review

Wow! This week has been all over the place with snippets of news and some weirdness. I suppose that’s to be expected any week that includes Halloween.

Probably the most horrific event was the shooting in LAX. I’m not going to delve into that tragic event as that’s what I consider “Hard News” and I prefer to keep this as soft as possible.

So how about the Most Unusual Wedding Proposal. We’ve seen them on the Jumbotron at sports events, and the skywriters have become fodder for jokes but this week’s proposal was a first as far as I know. Very original.


It’s been reported that she said YES!

Dell laptop buyers make a stink over cat smell


Stop blaming poor Garfield. Your pretty kitty is not the culprit. If your new Dell laptop smells like a dirty kitty box it’s just part of the manufacturing process or so they say. Dell said Thursday that its investigation revealed that the strange scent is related to a manufacturing process, which the company has since fixed. But if your portable PC isn’t purrfect, Dell recommends contacting the company’s technical support team to have your laptop’s palm rest assembly replaced.

Dell laptop (1)


And finally a note of caution to would-be burglars and thieves. Don’t leave any  body parts behind less you be identified by DNA or, in the case of an Arizona man, his fingerprints, from his severed finger!


An air conditioning company employee told Glendale police someone tried to steal the wire from his truck on Oct. 7.


The spool of wire — worth more than $300 — had been pulled out about 20 feet from the truck, and what appeared to be a cut off finger was caught in the wiring. Police retrieved the finger as evidence, and forensic technicians were able to match the fingerprint to 29-year-old Joshua Allen Goverman. OOPS!  Goverman says he lost the finger while working on a car and has no idea how it got in the spool of wire. Dismembered fingers – spooky!


And how was your Halloween Week?


Land of the Cheese. I’m going to say yes but I probably should say no. I didn’t get much sight seeing done as I was only there a few days. I think I may have touched on the visit when talking about Illinois and Chicago O’hare International Airport. So rather than repeat myself; let’s just say it’s the journey, not the destination!


My brother retired from the Navy at the base in Wisconsin. He was stationed there and living in Kenosha so I had the chance to fly in for the ceremony and visit his home and that was about it. I’m sure there’s so much more to the state so let’s see what I can dig up.


Wisconsin shares it’s shores with Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, 2 of the largest of  the 5 great lakes. In size Lake Superior is #1, Lake Michigan is #3, right behind Lake Heron.


Seems to me Lake Superior deserves a visit. It’s the largest freshwater body in the world and a great place to visit would be The Apostle Islands. 22 islands strewn over 450 square miles, they range from tiny Gull island (3 acres) to 10,000 acre Stockton Island.


Heading south from the Great Lakes you’ll find the famous cheese country from Monroe to Mineral Point. Here the rolling hills and river valleys attracted dairy farmers starting in the 1800’s. Today it is the heartland of  Wisconsin’s dairyland where cheese making remains a generations-old fine art.


In Ontario, Wisconsin you can explore the “Driftless area”  all  serpentine valleys, crooked rivers, craggy bluffs and limestone. The Kickapoo River best characterizes this geology. Sometimes called the “crookedest river in the nation”. One of the oldest river systems in the world, the Kickapoo winds for 120 miles to cover a 65 mile distance. It’s a lazy spring-fed river of easy paddling except during the spring run off.

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Running from Prairie du Chien to Prescott is the Great River Road or at least part of it. The 250 miles is only a fraction of the whole byway running the length of the Mississippi River. This stretch slaloms between the Mississippi and it’s towering bluffs. The road will take you through sleepy river towns, past busy barge traffic, braided backwaters, wildlife preserves   and birds, birds, birds. This is part of the Mississippi Flyway. More than 40% of the Nation’s waterfowl and shorebirds pass this way.


In the southern end of the state, not far from Chicago, Illinois is Lake Geneva. The area has a resort-like feel and attracts vacationers from all over. The lake is a pristine spring-fed lake 22 miles in circumference. Being only 10 miles from the state line you can see how it would attract city weary residents of Chicago.


There’s more, from the North Country to Circus World, Amish settlements  to Madison’s Dane County Farmers’ Market but I’ll leave some of that for another time.

The count is now 21/ 28. Only one more state to go.

West Virginia

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

I can’t say that I’ve been to West Virginia but if singing this John Denver song counts then I’ve been many times. 🙂 I even played it in the background while I was doing my research for this post. I figured it would put me in the mood.

One of the first things I ran across was Cass Scenic Railroad State Park. Nestled in the mountains of West Virginia, Cass Scenic Railroad State Park offers excursions that transport you back in time to relive an era when steam-driven locomotives were an essential part of everyday life. Now that sounds like a top of the list experience in my book.


For a scenic drive West Virginia boasts the 43 mile long Highland Scenic Highway. This was built for the pleasure of mountain driving. The quiet two-lane highway takes you into the heart of the 919,000 acre Monongahela National Forest. On the 23 mile section known as Rt 150 there isn’t a house, business, utility pole, bill board or traffic signal! There’s no plowing in the winter so unless you plan to travel it on your snowmobile, plan a summer visit.


In Wheeling, a winter trip will land you in the middle of the Oglebay Winter Festival of Lights. A 6 mile driving tour set in a spectacular setting – a 19th century ridge top resort that was once a “Gilded-age” tycoon’s estate. The estate is now owned by the city of Wheeling and every year more than a million people  enjoy more than 5o lighted displays.


Adventurous souls should explore the New River Gorge in south-central West Virginia. Once the coal capital of the state today tourism rules the economy and the New River and nearby Gauley River have become top white water rafting destinations.


Plan your trip for October and you might see some crazy acrobatics on and off the New River Gorge Bridge. Bridge Day is the largest BASE Jumping event in the world. Every year some 450 BASE jumpers leap off the 876 ft. high bridge doing all kinds of flips and turns before deploying their single parachute.


At the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers you’ll find Harpers Ferry, the site of John Brown’s ill fated  slave rebellion. But long before this historic event, Thomas Jefferson described it as “perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in nature. ” Harpers Ferry is remarkably well preserved with narrow streets and a lot of history.


West Virginia is the only state completely contained in the Appalachian Mountain Range giving the state a hilly winding topography. Folks joke that if the state were pulled flat it would be bigger than the state of Texas!

Country roads, take me home 
To the place I belong 
West Virginia, Mountain Mama 
Take me home, country roads

The count now stands at 20/28