The “If there’s any Spare time” list

The “If there’s any Spare time” list is made up of things I enjoy or think I’d enjoy but also don’t mind skipping for something better. Sandy may feel differently and if so, we’ll just have to shift things around.

Here’s the list:

  • Out of Africa Wildlife Park

Zebras at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park

  • Jerome, Arizona
  • Palatki and Honanki Heritage Sites
  • Have lunch at a café in Tlaquepaque


On the list of things that I would do but Sandy probably won’t want to:

  • Helicopter Tour

Helicopter tours

  • Hot Air Balloon Ride

Hot Air Balloon

I’m sure I’ve left something out but these are the lists that come to mind as the first stage of planning begins.

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Bucket List, Sedona~ ”The Possibles”


Grand Canyon

Then we have a list of “possibles”. If yesterday’s list was the main course, then this is a list of “side dishes”.

Now understand that this list is one I have put together from reading brochures, searching the internet and my own past visit. This is very much open to change and I know we won’t have the time to do everything. If compared to cruising,  yesterday was the cruise and these are “excursions” to pick from.

Slide Rock

“The Possibles”

  • Native American Journey’s…”Visit the bottom of the Grand Canyon”
  • Wineries tour
  • Montezuma Castle National Monument
  • Tuzigoot National Monument
  • Slide Rock Park
  • Take a day tour (drive tour)

         Grand Canyon Loop

         Flagstaff Loop

  • A longer Road trip to Monument Valley
  • Meteor Crater
  • Petrified forest
  • Spa day/massage
  • Vortex tour
  • Sunset Crater
  • Jeep tour
  • Lowell Observatory

Meteor Crater

I’ll be looking for feedback on this one for sure. What do we pick from the list or have I missed anything that can be called “Not to be missed?”

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The Journey Museum, Rapid City, South Dakota

The Journey Museum is a modern facility located in Rapid City. The museum is set in 7 acres of gardens. The premise of the museum is of a journey through the time and history of The Black hills. The journey begins with the Native American Creation stories before moving on to the geology exhibit, paleontology, archeology, Native Americans and the pioneers.

I confess that we didn’t spend the amount of time to do this museum justice. We were limited by the time restraints of the trolley schedule. We also only glimpsed the gardens because by now the weather was taking a turn for the worse.

The geology presentation was interesting if a bit dry. I’m sure “rock hounds” would eat it up but before long I was edging to the back so I could slip into the next exhibit.

The exhibit halls were roomy and well presented and the facilities immaculate. The next room had Teepees set up so you could actually see how the plains Indians lived. There were some holographic presentations but some of them were not functioning. Native American Artifacts and pottery were displayed in cases around the room.

We moved on to the Paleontology exhibit where the dinosaurs seemed to be alive. That was an excellent exhibit.

If I get back to Rapid City I am definitely going to revisit the museum. From what I’ve read, we missed a lot by being pressed for time.

That about wraps up our time in the Badlands. We had an early flight out of Rapid City in the morning so we grabbed the trolley back to the Dinosaur Park where we’d left the car and headed back to the hotel to pack and call it an early night.

Next post: Final thoughts and South Dakota wrap-up