Hello Again

Hello Again

I know its been too long since I’ve posted but it seems time just gets away from me. That’s a weak excuse since I’m retired and should have lots of time on my hands but it just seems like there’s never enough.  Lets see if I can catch you up.


Hello February! For a short month February always seems like the longest even if it is my birthday month. Winter has been rainy but not much snow until the week of my birthday. As is tradition we got a snow storm that week. Still nothing major but then it got real cold so what snow we got froze into icy lumps. All in all a miserable month.

Add to that it was a leap year and on the 29th of February I got a call from the Chevy dealership. They wanted me to turn in the Equinox. I agreed to talk to them as long as the new car was 4 wheel drive and the payment was less than what I was currently paying. I went in at 2 pm and didn’t leave until 7 pm but when I drove off the lot it was in a 2024 trailblazer and a lower monthly payment. 




And Then It was March. Hello again March.

When I left the dealership it was too late to call the bank about my next payment for the Equinox. I was told not to make that so I tried to cancel it online. According to my bill pay the payment was already in progress. On March 1 I called the bank to see if they could manually cancel the payment but they said no. I immediately called the dealership thinking I’d need to do new paperwork to reflect a lower payoff but I was assured that GM would send me a refund. Thus began a month long battle back and forth between the dealership. GM and me with everyone telling me I was wrong. Hey people this isn’t calculus. Any 5th grader should be able to understand.  I made an extra payment. Give it back.

Anyway, without dragging the story out too much, I finally got someone who took the extra step and found where the mistake was made. They stopped looking at the paperwork and looked up the actual amount the dealership sent to GM. Guess what, the dealership had called for a new payoff before they sent any money which was why GM didn’t have my extra payment.  2 days after that I had my refund. Yay!

The other thing I did in March was start looking for a part time job. Nothing was coming along that seemed to suit so I finally applied to be a Door Dash delivery person. I was attracted to this because I can make my own hours. I am more interested in flexibility than in the amount of money.  By April the background check was done and I was on board. Now I just needed to do a “Dash”.


Home warranty


In April I started “dashing”. So far opportunities have been limited as Taunton seems to be a quiet area. I’m hoping things pick up with nicer weather. We also had the HVAC inspections to do in the condo before May 1.  My news wasn’t good. The heat exchanger was cracked and the whole unit needed to be replaced.

I have a Home Warranty but when I submitted my claim it was turned down flat. So much for the promises the Home Warranty companies make.  I was back and forth on that for the rest of April.


And that brings us to May. I finally got the new furnace/ AC installed yesterday. So nice to have heat when I get out of the shower! It only cost me $7000.  The installers were nice guys too. Both are cat lovers so tolerated Banner & Balboa and made sure neither got locked in the utility closet. So as you can see I haven’t been terribly busy but the things I have been dealing with could be called “Big Ticket”. It feels like its been a lot but fingers crossed , things will be back to my dull normal now




Things are Happening Here

Things are Happening

I may have been MIA the past 2 weeks but that’s not to say things aren’t happening here. Where should I begin? Maybe with the excuses on why I haven’t posted lately. 

The Annual HOA Meeting

The first miss was 2 Saturdays ago. I had planned to write something after the HOA meeting. I hate these meetings but go because I think owners need to be aware of what their board is doing. We just had an assessment for new decks but nothing has been done so far and I wanted an update. I never dreamed that before the meeting was over that the police would be called when a 40ish unit owner provoked a fight with our 70 year old property manager. Basically we have two loud mouth bullies that hijacked the meeting. They yelled over everyone else and were disrespectful of our board. Our 1 hour meeting lasted 4 hours! In the end the new owners were intimated into voting most of the old board off the island. I am sick over it. If I could sell my unit and move I would.

So what about Sunday

2021 Equinox

Well I could have taken time for a post on Sunday but I had an appointment at the car dealership. I guess there is a big demand for used cars so the dealership called me to see if I’d like to upgrade to a 2021 vehicle. I agreed to take a look at what they had available on the lot. My last 2 cars had been a dark gray and a black but I’ve always loved white cars. Sure enough, they had 1 white Equinox left. I couldn’t say no. So after about 4 hours of doing paperwork and a short test drive we moved my personal belongings from my black 2019 Equinox to my new 2021 White Equinox. It always amazes me that I can just drive right off the lot with the new car. Of course I’ll need to go back on a weekday to get my inspection sticker but other than that, I’m good to go. 

Basking Shark

Meanwhile off Cape Cod

Captain John’s Boats are posting lots of Whale pictures. One research boat spotted a Basking Shark! Very rare in Cape waters but the big news was the lobster fisherman who tried to imitate Jonah. Yup Unbelievable. He actually got “eaten” by a humpback whale.  The whales feed by opening their mouths and lunging though schools of fish scooping up anything in front of them. He was in the wrong place at  the wrong time. Luckily he was spit back out with only some bumps and bruises. Now he’s telling his story on the late night talk shows.  

So you see, in spite of my silence, things are happening here!

Humpback Whale feeding