Oh No! Where did the Summer Go?

Summer’s Last Gasp

Picnic table

It’s still summer. August is still summer and it’s only August 31. According to the weather folks tomorrow, September 1, is the first day of meteorological fall. Oh boo hoo! Fall in New England is nice but I miss summer already. Labor Day weekend is the last long weekend, our last chance for summer fun.

Fall leavesSigns of Fall are all around us

The seasons change and the signs are there. School has started. I got stuck behind a school bus on the way to work. The turkeys are getting restless. I saw two big turkeys by the side of the road on my way home tonight. A big maple tree on Route 140 has begun to turn colors! Already! The nights are cool and mornings have a crispness to the air. A sweater or jacket might be in order. I can open a window and turn off the air conditioner. Football is top of mind as the boys of summer fade away. Another fall sign that’s not so nice is the ragweed. Seems like we have a bumper crop this year. Excuse me while I sneeze.

Road trips are callingWaterfall

Along with the cooler nights will be the fall colors. Leaves will be changing. Our roads will be filled with leaf peepers but even I plan to be one of them. Maybe a trip down the Mohawk Trail or back to New Hampshire to visit a place called Diana’s Baths. They are a series of waterfalls and cascades. I have it on good authority that although they are lovely any time of year, fall is especially pretty.


Cranberry Harvest Festivals

In Massachusetts, home to Ocean Spray, fall means the cranberry harvest. From mid- September until late in the fall,  cranberries reach their peak of color and flavor. The landscape is dotted with the bright red cranberry bogs as they wait for the harvest. Cranberries can be harvested wet or dry. Interested in visiting a cranberry bog? We’ve got lots of farms for tours or products.

Down on the cape the cranberry harvest season begins around Labor Day and usually runs into the middle of November. The Cape Cod Cranberry Growers’ Association has created a cranberry harvest trail guide.

Cranberry bog

I love cranberries. Maybe fall’s not so bad after all!

Goodbye Summer Hello Fall

It’s here. The calendar reads: Autumn Begins


The nights are getting cooler even though the days are still warm and pleasant but the air has a different feel.  It’s raining buckets right now. A fitting start to a new season.

Leaf Peeping time is just about on us. Here in southeastern MA. it comes a little slower than in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont but I spotted a little bit of color starting when I was outside yesterday.

I hope I get the chance to do some leaf peeping myself. Take the camera along for a work out. There are  quite a few harvest festivals that roll around in the fall but I always miss them. They hold them on the weekends and I work. The cranberry harvest should be underway soon and the Cranberry Festivals. The bogs will be deep red. It’s a beautiful time of year in New England.

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To me this is the best weather all year. The heat and humidity of the summer is gone but there is still enough warmth that we don’t have to deal with bulky coats and boots. Driving is still pavement…no ice and snow, which if we could just look at would be pretty. Unfortunately most of us have to go out in it and drive in it and shovel and…well I’m making myself depressed thinking about all that white stuff. Lets just get back to the lovely colors of fall.


Apples are fresh and apple picking is a wonderful pass time. Massachusetts has a number of wineries and they are bringing in the last of the grape harvest and pressing the wines. There is just a different feel this time of year.

Yes, fall is a nice time of year, a fleeting time of year. And the wheel of time keeps turning.

Storm Stories

The  New England Blizzard of 2013 is winding down. The storm centers are starting to compare past major storms to this one. My favorite storm was the Blizzard of ’78 but I’d say this one was handled much better. With a driving ban starting yesterday at 4 pm they avoided having cars stuck on the expressway and stranded drivers which was one of the most horrific memories from ’78. The storm surges are still battering the coast with widespread evacuations but I haven’t heard too many reports of homes being washed into the sea the way they were in ’78.

I was a property insurance adjuster in 1978 so had first hand exposure to the devastation. Now in 2013 I’m a dispatcher for a telecommunication company so still on the front lines, just in a different way.

Here are some pictures from 10:30 last night.

Our Entryway door at the condo in Taunton

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Plowing the parking lot

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The tree in front of out building

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And then 9 am this morning.

Still snowing

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Nice job clearing our walk way

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And the stairs but what happens at the bottom???

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Wake me up when it’s spring.

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Where’s my car?

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Another Challenge~ New England Passport

I was mentioning to one of my co-workers that I would love to have an Irish post for St. Patrick’s day next year and she said she knew someone who was going to Ireland.  She said one of our co-workers from another department was going over for about 2 weeks. I asked if she thought he’d let me get an interview to post and she said if she spoke to him, she’d ask.

Well, she got back to me and said his exact words were…Bring it on! So we’ll have a real Irish adventure to look forward to!

The title for today’s post is Another Challenge. When I was at the AAA Marketplace I stopped by the National Parks booth. I am a great fan of the National Parks. I’ve mentioned before that I collect the stamps in the National Parks Passport. Well they have a regional Passport. So I accepted one.  I just got around to reading it and it covers National Parks in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts , Connecticut and Rhode Island. Altogether there are 23 parks listed in the New England Passport. The challenge is that to complete the book you have to visit all of them before December 31, 2011. If I succeed I will get the 25th Anniversary Passport.

Well, I love a challenge and some of these parks are close together so I may be able to go to more than one in a day but Acadia National Park in Maine is a hike. I’ve had it on my list for a couple of years now. I really think it deserves more that a “quick hit” so I’m going to have to do some planning to get there before the end of this year.

 I wonder what the weather is going to be like on Wednesday. If this snow clears I might just head down to the Cape. I love Cape Cod and that’s where I can collect the stamp for the Cape Cod National Seashore.


But for now I will sign off. I need to check airfares so Sandy and I can book our flight to Phoenix.