The Third Leg

As I mentioned yesterday, there were 3 legs to my journey to Maui. We almost missed the this connection but American Airlines held our plane for us. I had upgraded my  seat for this leg and it wasn’t a full flight so I had the aisle in a very roomy seat and my row mate had the window. The middle seat was empty.

There was quite a bit of turbulence so the seat belt sign stayed on the whole 6 hours.

Somewhere over the Pacific the pilot came on from the flight deck to announce the Superbowl was 7 to 0 Falcons. Not what I wanted to hear.

I went back to my book and a bit later he announced that the score at halftime was 16 – 0, Falcons. There were a few cheers at that but still pretty subdued. I hung on to hope. After all, Belichick hadn’t gotten them into the locker room yet. No further announcements were made.


My phone alerts me to the results of the Pat’s games but I’d turned it off on the plane. Putting it in Airplane mode just sucks down the battery.  Flying into Maui at 6:15 Hawaiian time was quite a sight. The sun was setting and the clouds were rimed in pink. I think its the first time I’ve been to Hawaii when I didn’t land in the dark!

As soon as we touched down and the flight crew gave the ok to use cell phones I powered up. The very first alert I got was “Pat’s Win”.


Brady & Belichick did it again. You have to admit these come from behind wins are pretty amazing. So many teams would have given up; choked.

What a great feeling…I’m landing in one of the most beautiful places on earth at sunset after a last minute connection save and getting news that my team just pulled out a great win.

Baggage claim, Maui

Baggage claim, Maui

I strolled through the open air terminal to baggage claim felling pretty darn good about everything!



Superbowl Sunday

Before anyone starts yelling mean things about the New England Patriots, remember I am from a New England state. I’ve heard it all and I am sick of it. Suck it up , cupcake. The New England Patriots win games. You hate us ’cause you ain’t us! So I am not going to get pulled into a Pat’s bashing dialog. No  whining about “cheaters”. No complaining because we’re in the Superbowl “AGAIN”.

I am not going to put your team down. I am not going to call your team names. ( Not even if it’s the Cleveland Browns)

I work in Foxboro, home of Gillette Stadium.

I’ve been to Patriot’s Place.

I like Tom Brady. I’d like to see him get one more ring.

(Brookline, MA, 0/14/15) New England quarterback Tom Brady holds his hands with all four of his Super Bowl rings during a ceremony on Sunday, June 14, 2015. Photo courtesy of the New England Patriots

(Brookline, MA, 0/14/15) New England quarterback Tom Brady holds his hands with all four of his Super Bowl rings during a ceremony on Sunday, June 14, 2015. Photo courtesy of the New England Patriots

I have friends in Atlanta. I’ve been there. It’s a nice city.

I have nothing against the Atlanta Falcons. Congratulations on making the Superbowl!



That being said,

May it be an exciting game, a true nail biter. Make it a game worthy of a “SUPER” bowl.


‘Nuf Said!