Top 10 2015

To help get into the spirit of my top 10 search, here are the top 10 from 2015. Several have been enlarged and framed. A couple of the bird photos hang in my work place. Hopefully when I’ve gone through 2016 those 10 will be better than these. Hopefully.

Bayou Bridge , City Park, New Orleans

Bayou Bridge , City Park, New Orleans

Egret, Orlando Florida

Egret, Orlando Florida

Egret #2, Orlando Florida

Egret #2, Orlando Florida

Hungry Egret with Hot Dog, Orlando FL

Hungry Egret with Hot Dog, Orlando FL

Great Blue Heron, Herring Run , Middleboro, MA

Great Blue Heron, Herring Run , Middleboro, MA

Germany (Epcot). Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Germany (Epcot). Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Cinderella's Castle in "Ice", Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Cinderella’s Castle in “Ice”, Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

King of Beasts, Animal Kingdom, Disney World, Orlando FL

King of Beasts, Animal Kingdom, Disney World, Orlando FL

Rain Forest, New Orleans Aquarium

Rain Forest, New Orleans Aquarium

New Orleans Cemetary

New Orleans Cemetery

So that’s the “bar” Let’s see what I managed to capture in 2016 and how they will compare.

Hurricane Patricia

Well all that threatening weather finally came to a head. It took the remnants of Hurricane Patricia  to push it over the edge. As hurricanes go there wasn’t much left after getting ripped up on the mountains in Mexico but it was enough. It was like a nor’easter in New England but not a Hurricane. There was a lot of rain and some pretty good wind gusts.

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There were reports of a tornado out by the airport but we weren’t anywhere near that and there ween’t any reports of damage.


We were on the way to take a boat tour of the bayou when we got the call. They were canceling all tours because of the wind gusts. I was disappointed but better safe than sorry. We were in the cab heading there when we got the call so we had the driver drop us off at the Aquarium instead.


I know people who say once you’ve seen one aquarium you’ve seen them all but I disagree. I like fish, the ocean and seeing different exhibits.

NO Aquarium

Every aquarium shows off their collections differently and can even have different animals. A perfect example is the New Orleans Aquarium that has a mermaid exhibit.


I’ve only seen that in one other place, Weeki Wachee Springs, a Florida State Park.

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They also had an Omni Theater. They only had one movie playing that day and it’s a good thing. If they had choices I might have picked something different but this movie turned out to be excellent.

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It was Hurricane on The Bayou about Hurricane Katrina and I thought I’d seen hundreds of hours of footage but this was outstanding. This amazing film tells the story of Hurricane Katrina and the impact that Louisiana’s disappearing wetlands has on hurricane protection. It also shows the survival of a region, the rebirth of nature and the spirit of humanity. Winner of 4 Giant Screen Cinema Association Achievement Awards

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If you can get to see it, I highly recommend it.

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After spending the morning at the Aquarium we finally headed back to the Hotel. The afternoon was spent watching a movie in our room. That’s something we don’t do every vacation!

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Everyone Loves a Parade

The weather still couldn’t seem to decide what it wanted to do. The sky was dark and threatening and it was windy but no rain. It was tempting to head back to the hotel but I had a “vision” of the photo I wanted to get in Jackson Square so after a brief debate we decided to take a walk over there before we went back to the hotel. Good thing we did as the weather finally hit the next day, but more on that in another post.


It was kind of cool to think we were actually walking along the top of a levy to get to Jackson Square but once there it was filled with spectators watching another street performer. As interesting as that was it meant that I couldn’t get the shot I had in mind. We hung around a bit but light was fading fast so I took what I could and we started walking back to the Wyndham.

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Since it wasn’t Mardi Gras or any other holiday I didn’t expect a parade but in New Orleans they hold parades for any reason. I guess the one we happened upon was  because of a foot ball game but the float themes were more along the lines of a salute to the Horror Movie genre.

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It wasn’t a long parade but the floats were quite elaborate and they were throwing the ever present beads. Did you know that in New Orleans you must catch the beads in the air? Yup, I’m told its bad luck if you pick them up off the ground. New Orleans is very serious about their superstitions.

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Even so, I got my share  of beads. Now I can truly say I have experienced New Orleans!

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Back at the hotel the concierge suggested a seafood restaurant but when we got there the line was out the door. Disappointed we went in search of another restaurant that had shorter lines.

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Along the way we passed a group of Ladies of the Night and were followed by young men trying to give away  discount coupons. All very harmless but it gave me an unsettled feeling, not truly safe. This is the first time I have felt that way in all my travels.

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Finally we stopped at the Hard Rock Cafe. There were no lines probably because the  music was so loud you couldn’t carry on a conversation. It was rockin’ the street outside!


It was far different from the Hard Rock experience in San Antonio but it seemed this was the best option for dinner. The meal was only so-so. Not up to the standard I would expect in New Orleans cuisine.

The Steamboat Natchez

Back at the Lighthouse we considered our options for the afternoon. The paddle wheel steamboat Natchez was right there at the dock so we decided to take a ride up the Mississippi. We had about two hours before our trip so we went in search of lunch. The menu on the Natchez didn’t “speak” to me.


Instead we had lunch at the Gumbo Pot on Decatur St.


We both tried the Po’boys. I had shrimp and Sandy had hamburger. They were HUGE! and very good.

We also had a little excitement. It was clear that a storm was approaching as the wind began to gust pretty good. Suddenly it caught one of the umbrellas and over it went right on another table. That certainly got everyone’s attention while the waiters hustled around taking down the umbrellas so it wouldn’t happen again.

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After lunch we made our way to a table on the dock where we could watch the river traffic while we waited for our turn on the Natchez. We had a front row seat for the steam Calliope concert.


Boarding was like going on a cruise.  Photos were taken to documents our trip.


The cruise was fully narrated and there was a jazz band playing inside.Both of us did a lot of our New Orleans souvenir shopping in the gift shop.

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Remember those sugar cane fields we saw from the train? Well we got to see where a lot of that goes when we sailed past the Domino Sugar Refinery.

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The narrator pointed out areas where the docks had been destroyed by many things from Katrina to fires. We passed huge ships and other refineries. The river it self was really wide and bustled with barges and tug boats.

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In spite of the “iffy” weather it was a great ride.

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Back on the dock we spotted a street performer. His “shtick” was to pretend he was walking his toy dog and freeze in place in mid-stride. Still pictures really don’e do it justice but he was quite good and very personable. His tip bucket was the white bucket you can see in the picture.




Big Easy City Tour

Our tour  was billed as the Super City Tour covering the French Quarter, Jackson Square, The French Market, Mansions along St Charles Ave, St Louis Cemetery, City Park  and the Universities of Tulane, Loyola and Xavier.

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Unlike the San Antonio Tour which took all day, the tour was only about 2.5 hours and consisted of driving past most of the sites. We only made 2 stops and those were both very short.

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One of the stops was at St. Louis Cemetery and with the storm clouds threatening it set the proper mood for a New Orleans Cemetery!

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The Stop at the City Park was very short. Most of tour group went into the Morning Call Cafe for coffee or to use the rest rooms. I broke from the group to try to get some pictures of the park itself. I would have loved to spend more time there.

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There were ducks in the ponds and lovely stone bridges. Trees with Spanish moss over hung the water features.

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Later in the hotel room as I browsed one of the magazine I found an article about the park. It seems that it is a high crime area which explains the quick stop. It made me sad to learn this because it is such a beautiful place.

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The ride past the universities was fun because the Students had gone all out to decorate for Halloween. The Day of the Dead was also celebrated in New Orleans so skeletons and skulls abounded.

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Sandy was looking forward to visiting the French Market as she buys  coffee or something online from there unfortunately there was no stop there. The same with Jackson Square. We just got to peak out the bus windows as we drove past.