2018 is a New Year
Like it or not 2018 has arrived. It’s a New Year. Did you stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop? Did you toast the New Year with champagne and wine? What about resolutions? Are you one of those people that make a list of resolutions? How long do you stick to them? I confess I did none of these things. I stayed home, warm and toasty and went to bed about 10:30 pm. What a bore I am! I didn’t make a resolutions list either. I prefer to think of things I want to “throw out” from 2017. Once something is “out” there’s room to add something new in.
What to throw out in 2018?
- Thoughts that spin around and around in your head the minute you try to go to sleep. All those insecurities that you hide so well during the day and seem to pounce as soon as you snuggle into bed. Well, Be Gone! Be Gone I say! You know most won’t come true and the ones that do, well you’ll just prove them wrong. In 2017 my motto was “Let It Go” and it worked! Doing the same in 2018!
Another Let it Go moment
- Let go of the things you did wrong, accidentally or on purpose. You are human and mistakes happen. Sometimes its a bad judgement call on your part other times it’s just a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Move on. Let It Go! This is actually a bit harder than the last one but I’m going to try.
All those Negative People
- We all know them. People that seem to have a dark cloud hanging over their heads. The only thing they like to share is how bad everything is, their life, the world, and if you let them, they’ll convince you that your life is pretty bad too. Even if it’s not! Time for some new friends. Spend less time with Mr or Mrs negativity and surround yourself with fun, happy folks who see the good in life.
Welcome 2018
I don’t know what 2018 has in store for me but I know one thing. I am going to do my darnedest to live it to the fullest. So hello 2018. Cheers to you!
Happy New Year Everyone!