Welcome 2023

 A Warm Welcome to 2023

Happy 2023. How many of you stayed up to Welcome in the New Year? Watch that shiny ball drop in Times Square? According to my Fitbit I made it to 10:30 pm before I fell asleep in my recliner. No ball drop for me.


Looks like my resolutions are a bit of a struggle in 2023. Normally I would promise to be more consistent with my blog posts but I am struggling to think of interesting topics when I am not sure how much or even if I’ll be traveling this year.  No Hawaii in February this year. 

I was watching  Nat Geo and a show came on with pictures of a mountain range. I said to the cats, look it’s the Grand Tetons right before the moderator said we’re in the Grand Tetons outside of Jackson Hole. Later they showed a geyser and I identified it as Old Faithful. I was right! Same with the elk horn arches in Jackson Hole.

Old Faithful Erupts

Old Faithful 2017 – Photo Credit Deb Neumann



Elk Antler Arches Jackson Hole 2017 – Photo Credit Deb Neumann

I hope I am not going to become an arm chair traveler. There is too much to see and experience!

Of course I always say I’ll lose weight. That’s a standard resolution but usually that means that I’ll add 10 lbs by year end.


May be an image of cat and text that says 'Think you better get started on your New Year's resolutions. So many improvements needed, and so little time. IGANHASCHEEZBURGER.COM'

Financial Goals

I can say I don’t want to get a real job but I need to have something to do to supplement my retirement fund if I’m going to take even short trips. But I don’t want to have to punch a time clock any more. I’m enjoying that part of being out of work. A few hours on the computer would be a comfortable work schedule. My cats might even leave me alone that long. I wonder if anyone would pay me to travel? 

I got my year end E-Trade Statement. Very scary. While at Redfin I took advantage of their profit sharing employee stock plan. At it’s height of almost $100 a share I was well on my way to a secure retirement.  Today my stock sits at $4.00 a share. I own 468 shares. You can do the math. Its not worth much right now. Maybe in another 2 years it will rebound. Fingers crossed.  My 401K wasn’t much better but I had to close that out when they laid me off. So we won’t even think about that. 

Lets get Going 2023

So 2023 is going to be interesting to say the least. I have no real direction yet. I’m hoping for clarity as the year gets going. How about everyone else? Are you as confused as I am?

Resolutions Anyone?

Resolutions or no?

Are you big on making New Years Resolutions or do you just say no? Personally I don’t think I pay much attention to an annual To Do List that I’m probably going to blow off in the first 2 weeks anyway.  Doesn’t everyone plan to lose weight? How many times is that going to be on your list? But I do think taking stock of your life and where its going is a good idea. Seems to me quarterly would be better than annually but maybe I just need to do it more often to stay on track.  Here’s a few of the things I am working on for 2020. I’m not sure of they are resolutions , goals or just wishful thinking.

Work Resolutions

Work is a big part of my life so I’m starting there. Work has been pretty scary in 2019 so I am anxious to take more control. There have been a lot of changes and more to come in the near future. Like I said, scary. Will my boss be the same? Will I need to change roles or apply for another position? Will I end up working for someone I don’t respect or trust? With all the reorganization anything is possible. So to combat my feelings about all this upheaval I  want to be better organized. I want to be pro-active. If I am aware of a problem then I want to take steps to correct it. I want to develop a training program, not just wing it. I want to standardize procedure so everyone knows what to do. I want to lead a strong and united team. 

Health Resolutions

My hip replacement was a 100% success. My doctor has given me 2 thumbs up but now I need to worry about my knee.  X-rays show that the pain I have going up and down stairs is real, not a figment of my imagination. It shows degeneration to the point of bone on bone.  You guessed it, I need a complete knee replacement. Pretty soon I’ll be the bionic woman. My doctor says we may be able to delay the surgery with cortisone shots and exercise. He suggested PT again. But tops on his list before he’ll do the surgery is weight loss. I’m trying. I’ve been working diligently on that since July but it’s 2 lbs off 1.5 lbs back on. Not much progress. I guess I’ll have to make more of an effort in 2020.

Fun & Hobby Resolutions

I haven’t been a very fun person in 2019. I got quite lazy during my hip recovery. I put travel on the back burner and did absolutely no weekend adventures. As a result I didn’t take many pictures and didn’t have much to say here. So aroundustyroads suffered and so did my companion blogs, dustyroadsphotos.zenfolio.com and dustyroadsphotos.com . I will try to make a better effort in 2020. More adventures= more posts. 

Friends  & Family Resolutions

As any member of my family and many of my friends will tell you, I’m not a warm fuzzy sort. I forget birthdays and anniversaries. I didn’t send my Christmas cards last year or this year. I don’t go visit anyone. I’m always busy, busy , busy. But I hope they know that I love them all and worry behind the scenes about the trials they face. I should show them more often that I do care what’s going on in their life and if I can help at all I want to.  There have been so many losses both in my family and in my friend’s that we …I….need to cherish those that are still with with us. Life is too short not to. 

So What about you?

So now that I’ve shared my thoughts, fears and aspirations for 2020 what about you? Will you take time for any self reflection?

Its That Time Again

New Years is right around the corner. A blank sheet of paper if you will. Lots of people will be looking back over 2016 and setting goals for 2017. There will be the usual “lose weight”, “quit smoking”, “be nice to the neighbor” and so on. I’ll probably make some “resolutions” too. After all, a little introspection is a good thing but I tend to think of this week between Christmas and New Years as a time to wade through a whole year’s worth of photos.

Red Fox on a rock

Red Fox on a rock

Most of my pictures are of the snap shot variety. I grab the camera and try to capture a moment, maybe something to share here but every now and then I try to get that special picture. One that makes me say ahhhh.


It gets harder and harder to get those special pictures. Everybody has a camera and everybody thinks they are a “pro”. Just this kind of atmosphere raises the bar.


I’m reviewing my pictures for that special , indefinable quality that makes them a “cut above”. I want to find the 10 best.


They have to be in focus, with lots of pixels so they can be blown up to gallery print size, and they need to be special in some way.

Puffin portrait

So for the next few days I’m going to share my pictures as I search for those special top 10.


Some of these are pretty good but I don’t think they will make the cut. We’ll see.


It’s a New Year After All…

Happy 2016! It’s a new Year, a new beginning, a new calendar, a new, well you get the idea.


Did you make resolutions? I did not. Too much of my life is like hanging onto a run away train and I don’t know any way to change that.

Steam in Snow 018e copy

Although I’m told that I work  9-5 Monday – Friday once the busy season starts that kind of goes out the window. Until we get going for this year I really have no idea what my personal time is going to be like.


They are adding more staff this year. Most will be starting in February or March and they will be changing the teams so I can’t begin to guess what my work load will be like but glad to have more folks on board.

I got my summary from WordPress about my posts last year. I only added 90 new posts. Well, if you are one of my followers you probably know that already. That’s not very good. Part of the reason was that I was working 7:30 am  – 11 pm and weekends for most of the spring and summer and even if I’d had the energy to post a story my mind was too overwhelmed with work to think of anything to write. I try not to write too much about work because I don’t want anything mis-interpreted, good or bad!  I love my job but it got out of control last year.

So with fingers crossed that I will have a bit more time here are my hopes for 2016


#1. I’d like to say that I am going to make a real effort to increase my posts this year. If I can’t think of anything to say maybe I can share a picture of Rocky or Buddy.

Buddy 004a

Rockyagain 009a copy












#2. My team gave me a membership to a photography museum and part of the membership is a portfolio review. I am totally an amateur who gets lucky sometimes with my photos so putting together a portfolio that can be reviewed by real professionals is going to be a challenge.  But it will make me move out of my comfort zone. So that’s a another goal.

Disney 2012 067 copy





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#3. No goals about losing weight. By now I know its not gonna happen. Besides, I don’t look so bad for somebody who’s almost ready for medicare but I do have some financial goals.


I raided my savings account to upgrade my time share. It was the smart thing to do but now it’s time to start paying myself back.  I feel much better with a healthy emergency fund.


And that’s about it for goals..note I did not call them resolutions. So wish me luck and I will wish you all luck with yours too. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016!