A Blogging Award

Nothing beats the feeling you get when a peer offers you praise. The blogging community as a whole is a great community. There are bloggers that I count as friends even though I have never met them in person. They are the ones that show up everyday in my “Likes” on my blog, even when I know a post wasn’t up to standard.

Now one has included me as one of her nominees for a Blogger Award and I feel grateful and not sure if I’m really worthy. 🙂 But I won’t let a little self doubt stop me. I have been very lucky in the world of blogging. I have been Freshly Pressed twice, and awarded Versatile Blogger once.  Now I am honored to add The Liebster Award. Thank you to my Blogger Friend, Patty Ross of http://learnmoreeveryday.wordpress.com/


But to accept the nomination I have to answer a few questions for you so HERE ARE THE QUESTIONS I WAS ASKED TO ANSWER:

1. What’s in a name?  Tell me about the name of your blog and what/who inspired it?

The name  Dusty Roads came from the dirt roads that surrounded the ” homestead” where I grew up. Whenever the family piled into the car for a road trip a plume of dust would billow behind the car. I added the “around” to imply that I travel around. Sadly progress has reached my old family home and most of the roads are now paved so no more dust plumes.

2. How do you quickly describe your blog to others?  You know, the elevator talk for your blog.

Hi, I’m just an everyday person, northing special and I write a blog about my experiences. It’s not heavy reading so if you have time, I hope you’ll check it out.

3. Do you have any tricks or tips that help keep you writing every day/week/whenever?  If so, please share some advice.

I worked up to posting daily (or trying to anyway) slowly. I started out trying to post weekly, then built up to 3 times a week, then 5 times and now I try for daily. When I’m planning a trip or just returned I have lots to post and can usually get 30 or more posts out of a trip by keeping the posts short. Little bite sized pieces. Between trips it gets a little harder. I look for inspiration from the news, especially animal news, mini adventures, and the antics of my cats who are forever entertaining.

When I am really at a loss for words I fall back on photos…Wordless Wednesday and Mystery Monday are two themes I sometimes employ.

4. When not blogging, what do you do?

I keep busy, that’s for sure. I search for attractions in my area that I can experience and write about. I love photography and try to get out for photo shoots a couple of times a week (goal for 2014 is a daily “mini-shoot”). I love reading novels and magazines and I have a few blogs I try to keep up with… oh and did I mention that I work full time for a real estate company?

5. One way I try to find balance in my life is to keep a gratitude journal.  It keeps me focused on the good around me.  How do you maintain balance/sanity in life?  Share some advice for the rest of us!

I confess that since my job change in May, I haven’t had a good balance. I’m still adjusting to a 5 day work week instead of 4 days. It’s still 40 hours but somehow it just seems longer when spread out over  5 days. Time in the field with my camera always relaxes and settles me which is why I have a goal for daily  mini-shoots starting in 2014. I also keep a journal where I jot down ideas and thoughts good and bad. Once I put something in that journal I can move on. It gives me a clean slate. 🙂

6. What is your favorite or least favorite book, and why? 

My favorite book to this day is a child’s book. Although I always liked to read, a book called The Snow Filly, was the book that changed books from something to do to something to experience. I can close my eyes now and see the illustrations and remember the way that book made me feel. I love fiction and now for me to like a book, it has to let me step into it, not just read as an observer. I forget the name of my least favorite book but I can tell you it was about ghosts and legends  in Massachusetts. The writing was poor and disjointed and the stories poorly researched. It was work to get through it.

7. What is your favorite or least favorite movie or television show, and why?

I seldom go to the movies. I think the last one I saw in a theater was one of the Star Wars movies.  It would be easier for me to give you genres rather than specific movies. I do not like war or horror movies or shows. I love children’s movies, like Disney or Pixar. I also like animal shows. I watch PBS and Animal Planet, Discovery and the Learning Channel. I am sick of reality TV like “Keeping up with the Kardasians” or “Here comes Honey Boo Boo” although I like “Alaska State Troopers” and “Wild Justice” oh and “Swamp Wars” about South Florida.

8. What was your favorite or least favorite birthday present, and why?

Another hard question as I don’t get many birthday presents but I can tell you that one of my most moving birthdays was my 60th. My co-workers celebrated with me for a month! They really embraced that milestone and made me feel very special.

9. What is your favorite or least favorite food, and why?

My food choices change. I love lobster tails…not  Maine Lobsters but the tails like you get in Florida. I also love scallops and shrimp. My least favorite would be a toss up between liver and raw oysters.

10. What is your favorite or least favorite animal, and why?

How can an animal lover chose just one? The least favorite is without a doubt, a spider. I have heard that tarantulas make great pets but they are my worse nightmare. As for favorites, I’m kind of known as a cat lady and I do love my kitties, but I also like dogs, big ones, little ones and hamsters and ferrets are cute and funny. I love horses but can’t really have one in a 1 bedroom apartment.  I thought about a bird too. I had a parakeet when I was growing up. I’ve had fish tanks and turtles so picking just one is hard.

11. What is your favorite or least favorite anything, and why?  You know, keep this mini-series going.

My favorite thing is photography. I love taking photos and trying to improve my skills. I even enjoy the editing process, a big part of digital photography.

My least favorite thing has to be housework. It interferes with everything else I’m trying to get done. If I ever win the lottery the first thing I’ll do is hire a housekeeper! the 2nd thing is to move to a bigger house. I need a separate room for an office instead of the corner of my living room!


  1. What’s in a name?  Tell me about the name of your blog and what/who inspired it?
  2. How do you quickly describe your blog to others?  You know, the elevator talk for your blog.
  3. Do you have any tricks or tips that help keep you writing every day/week/whenever?  If so, please share some advice.
  4. When not blogging, what do you do?
  5. Do you tell everyone about your blog or keep it quiet?
  6. How do you build you audience, you know get the word out about your blog?
  7. What is your favorite or least favorite book, and why?
  8. What is your favorite or least favorite movie or television show, and why?
  9. What was your favorite or least favorite birthday present, and why?
  10. What is your favorite or least favorite food, and why?
  11. What is your favorite or least favorite animal, and why?

AND MY NOMINEES ARE: (envelope please) In no special order

  1. http://homesteadramblings.wordpress.com/ For her gentle stories and lovely pictures and for beating me to Alaska 🙂
  2. http://www.jrstjeanphotography.com/ Because he’s a really good friend even outside the blogging community and he takes really NICE PICTURES.
  3. http://phillanoue.com/ Wonderful wildlife photography described with stories and humor.
  4. http://jacksongalaxy.com/ Home of Cat Daddy, the host of “My Cat from Hell” on Animal Planet. Great for cat tips and insights.
  5. http://placesunknown.com/ Great travel photography. He’s been to more states than I have plus overseas
  6. http://toddpack.com/ I love his humor especially when he writes about his children who he has dubbed Thing 1 and Thing 2 from “A Cat in the Hat”. He has really good recipes too.
  7. http://nigelborrington.com/ Yes another photographer, but so inspiring

There are others that I drop in on from time to time but am not currently following. Several that I did follow seem to be gone now 🙁  At least the links aren’t opening. So I’m afraid I don’t have 11 nominees.



Special thanks again to Pattie Ross of http://learnmoreeveryday.wordpress.com/