Ginger (Orange) Cat Appreciation Day

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

Ah the Ginger aka Orange Cat appreciation day. Ginger Cats are the redheads of the cat world. Actually their coats can range from pale yellow to reddish brown but all gingers have stripes or swirls in their coats and an M on on their forehead.  All ginger cats are Tabbies but not all tabbies are Gingers.  Some things that make orange cats unique are:

  1. Tabby describes a coat pattern and is not a breed.
  2. 80% of all orange tabby cats are male. The gene for orange color is riding on the X chromosome. Females need to have the gene on both of their X’s while male cats have only 1 X so the odds are better for them than their female counterparts. 
  3. There’s more than 1 type of stripe. There are four different types of tabby patterns that can occur: mackerel (tiger-like stripes), ticked (hair that alternates with light and dark bands), spotted, and classic (which gives a swirled look).
  4. The pigment that gives your Garfield his ginger color is the same one that gives humans red hair.
  5. M marks the spot. 

Photo credit Deb Neumann

6. Orange cats Have Freckles. They usually start to show up at about 2 years of age. Don’t panic if your cat starts getting these black spots on        their  lips or nose. It’s normal for these guys.

They’ve got Purrsonality

I was a late comer to the ginger cat fan club. I was always drawn to black and tuxedo cats. Boy was I missing out! My first orange tabby was Rocky. Rocky was my constant companion for 19 years. He was quirky and funny and always loyal.

Photo credit Deb Neumann


Photo Credit Deb Neumann

You can see Rocky’s freckles in this picture.


Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Banner is my current tabby. He got his name by the way he carries his tail on high.


Always straight up and confident.  Banner is definitely all Garfield as far as his personality but not his eating habits. No lasagna for Banner. Banner is Mr. Fussy. The original finicky eater. But he has the prey drive in the family. When the toys come out get out of his way. He is 15 lbs of orange fur barreling across the floor to catch that feather toy! That’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy a snooze in the sun.

Photo credit Deb Neumann

Famous Ginger Tabbies

  • Morris the 9 Lives cat
  • Garfield
  • Crookshanks from Harry Potter
  • Marmalade from Cole and Marmalade
  • Heathcliff
  • Puss In Boots

 So hats off to our Ginger aka Orange tabby cats. Lovable , cuddly doofus kitties

photo credit Deb Neumann

Photo credit Deb Neumann


Banner! I almost named you George

His name is Banner, Not George


Looney Tunes got it right. He’s only been here since 8 pm last night and already I love him to pieces. I could kiss him and hug him and pet him and squeeze him but no, I didn’t call him George. His tail is just too much a part of his personality. It waives proudly like a banner or flag so his name is Banner.

Go Ahead, Say I told you so.

I know I said no more cats after Rocky but the house felt so empty without a furry friend. Then when covid came along and stuck us all at home it just wore me down. I have always believed that cats find me. I’ve never had to go looking for one and I didn’t really do much searching now. I told myself to be patient but the grapevine was quiet. I didn’t see any strays in the neighborhood. I didn’t even see my neighbor’s cat much.

Then out of nowhere a little kitten face popped up in my facebook feed! I see dogs for adoption all the time but this was the first kitty and I fell for that face. 

The Shelter named him Teddy

 I put in an application right away to Project Safe Pet- RI but Teddy was already spoken for. I didn’t want a different cat. I only wanted Teddy. Turns out my friend and former boss has connections there and she convinced them to give Teddy to me. The other adopters agreed to a different kitty. So here we are. I’ve renamed him Banner and we came home last night, October 10. I expected him to hide and left a lot of boxes around for him to explore but he wasn’t shy at all. He wandered all over the house. He found his food and litterbox and made himself at home.  I imagine you’ll be hearing a lot more about Banner. Kittens are crazy fun but can be trying. All that energy! But they are oh so worth it.

Photo of the week~ 6

The week 6 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is Outdoor Gazing with a total of 33 points.

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