A Day in The Life in Quarantine

Life in Quarantine

Another day in Quarantine. The pandemic continues and they say the worst is yet to come. We are all trapped in a bad version of Groundhog Day (the movie) I do the same thing every day over and over. I always thought I would make a good Hermit. But looks like I was wrong. Humans are social animals. That’s why solitary confinement is such a strong punishment in prison.

Pacing 800 Sq Ft

I pace my condo at odd hours. I’m not sleeping well. Probably because I don’t do anything. It just keeps raining so I haven’t been able to walk around the block. Its midnight and I’m up again to wander to the living room. I stay out of the kitchen. I’m not hungry but what else is there to do besides eat. Then I wander back to the bedroom. I tell myself I’m not getting my 8 hours of sleep but my body isn’t tired. I want to go jogging or mountain climbing or anything to just get out. Is this what prisoners feel behind bars? Maybe I’ll finally learn to meditate?

The Phone Never Stops

The worst part of this is that all the other folks I know are feeling the same thing. There is this underlying anxiety. For some of my friends its becoming overwhelming. Where I escape by  reading books or writing blog posts my friends don’t seem to have these outlets. They relieve their stress by calling and texting me. They want me to reassure them and they want me to entertain them. Sorry folks I’m in the same boat you are and you are interrupting my book! On the other hand I get to yell at telemarketers for my stress relief.

Do you Have a Mask?

The CDC says we all should wear a mask if we have to go out. I don’t have any masks. I didn’t stock up when the pandemic started. Its not mandatory yet but it sounds like its headed that way. I bet robbers will be sorry when this pandemic ends. Right now they have a perfect disguise that is blessed by society. Oh, that’s right, the stores are closed! Not much left to rob.

So how is your day in Quarantine?

So how is this quarantine thing working for you? Do you have family or pets to keep you company? I’m going to spend the rest of my day trying to find a mask or two so if the sun ever comes out I can go outside again.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy. This too shall pass.



Working From Home

So You Want a Work From Home Job?

I bet you thought a work from home job would be great. I bet you’ve even searched job sites to see what might be out there. No more long commute. No more getting dressed up.  In most cases it was customer service phone work or stuffing envelopes but now a pandemic has hit and whether you want to work from home or not, here you are. Is working from home as great as you thought it would be?



Not What You Expected

So your office is closed and you’re at home. You still have your tasks and skills but you also have your dog and cat and your 2.5 kids underfoot. Yes your children are home from school and not just in the afternoon. Schools are closed so they are home with you all day, everyday. Maybe you have a spouse that is willing to help out. But maybe your spouse is “essential personnel” so he/she is still getting out of the house for work and that leaves you all alone with your dog and cat and 2.5 kids. How’s that working for you?

What is your Coping Strategy?

In my state the liquor stores are still open. They are considered essential services. I guess someone in power knew the realities of working from home with children would push sane adults to the limit. It’s hard enough to entertain energetic young ones without trying to juggle your own work. Are you a one or two fisted drinker? 

I Used to Work from Home

 I didn’t have kids but I had a cat.  Every time we started a video meeting my cat had to climb onto my desk top and peer into my computer camera. Now instead of seeing cats and occasionally dogs interrupt meetings it’s children. Somehow children just don’t interrupt quite so quietly. 

I Feel Your Pain

So my parenting co-workers I don’t envy you at all. You finally have the chance to work from home but not in a peaceful, quiet, atmosphere. Your kids are the ones living the dream. No school! But just think of all the wonderful stories you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren! You may not have had to walk to school in a blizzard, up hill, both ways but you survived working from home with children and pets.