Dinosaurs, Trolleys and Presidents, Oh My!

It’s the last full day of vacation and the one place we haven’t explored is Rapid City. It just seemed wrong to have spent a week in this city and not explore it at all but we’d been busy exploring all around it. So today we’re going to see Rapid City. Unfortunately we have another gray day. Occasionally it sprinkled but there were no downpours.

So after breakfast at Denny’s we drove to Dinosaur Park where we parked our car and prepared to climb the stairs to the park. Dinosaur Park has been around since 1936 and is filled with vintage , life size Dinosaurs.

That is something to keep in mind when you see them. They have not been updated to reflect current knowledge of dino anatomy, but that is part of their charm.

These sculptures aren’t off limits at all as kids climb all over them. It’s not a very big park so if you don’t have children that want to ride on a stegosaurs you will probably be done there pretty quickly. Still it’s worth the climb to be able to look out over Rapid City. The views are amazing.

Leaving the Dinosaurs in the little hilltop park we browsed the gift shop and then caught the trolley for a ride into town. Like most of the trolley’s I’ve been on, this combines a sight -seeing tour with transportation. This trolley is at least partly supported by the City of Rapid City which seems to be a common way to subsidize their operating costs.

We weren’t on very long before we saw the statues on the street corners so we hopped off to check them out.

More on that next time!

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