Week 1 Winner

Since I decided to try one of the 365 photo challenges again mother nature is trying her hardest to throw a monkey-wrench into things. It’s been record cold and we had a 2 day blizzard. Not the kind of weather to inspire me to go out looking for pictures. Instead I’m inside taking down the tree and other decorations so the house has boxes piled like I was getting ready to move. Certainly not photo ready. And how many pictures of my cats can I take!?

Anyway, I made it through week 1. I am very lucky it was a short week. 🙂 This week isn’t looking much better but I’ll persevere. In the meantime here’s the results of the first week. It was very close but I have to go with the New Year picture.

New Year 2013 007a

It beat out Rocky’s picture  by just a hair but it’s kind of appropriate for the first week of a new year. Rocky will get other chances. There’s 360 more days to go!