And The Winner is

The Winner

The winner of the 2023 Mystic Aquarium photo contest is the Whale Breach! Darn I knew that was the one I should have submitted. I still like my iguana but the breach was a good one.  Congratulations to Shannon Higgins-Millicker for the breaching whale photo.


In case you forgot which one I entered here it is again and also my whale breach photo that I didn’t submit. 

Key Largo Iguana

Key Largo Iguana- Photo credit Deb Neumann

Whale Breach

Breaching Whale

Whale Breach- Photo credit Deb Neumann

Next One

That’s the hard part about photo contests. You never know what the judges are looking for. Sometimes they will say specifically that is must be a bird from the northeast or  taken between July 4 and  September 5. When they get specific its easier to narrow down the submission but when its wide open its anyone’s guess. Oh well. It was only to name a seal. No Money so maybe next year. 

It was fun anyway. I’ll have to keep an eye out for the next one. Most are winding down for this year.

National Wildlife Day Photo Contest

 Photo Contest

I haven’t been involved with a photo contest in quite awhile. I used to enjoy them but they can get expensive. Many have entry fees, sometimes fees per photo so it can get pricey. Anyway a friend sent me a link to Mystic Aquarium’s National Wildlife Day Photo Contest and suggested I enter. There was no entry fee and the prize, if you won, is the right to name a seal they are releasing. So its basically just for fun and that’s about the amount of effort I made. Just for fun.


My Entry

I didn’t even look at the competing entries, just made a quick grab for something from my archives. I kind of  like my choice but since it’s from the lizard family it might not have a lot of universal appeal. Maybe I should  have gone with a deer or a bird. Actually I was thinking about my whale breach photo but couldn’t remember where it was filed and didn’t want to take the time to look. So my Key Largo Iguana was it.

Key Largo Iguana- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

The 4 Finalists

It will be another week before the winners are announced but I didn’t even make the finals.  Here’s the top 4 as it stands now.


If I had thought about it I have pictures for all 4 categories that made the finals and here they are.


Finalist #1- Puffins

I like Puffins. I could have submitted a Puffin picture if I’d thought of it. 

Puffin 2016- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #2-butterfly

Oh. I have so many butterflies but my favorite is on the sunflower.

Sunflower and butterfly 2018- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #3 – Fox Kit

This one was a bit harder. I have a fox kit picture but I balanced the camera on the car window and never thought to shut off the engine so it wouldn’t be Photo Contest worthy. There was a little camera shake.

Red fox baby on Monday

Red Fox Kit 2017- photo credit Deb Neumann

Finalist #4 – Whale

I’ve been on whale watches from Cape Cod to Maui. I have tons of whale pictures. Even some of whale breaches. Here’s one.

Breaching Whale

Whale Breach 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann

That’s a wrap

I have so many more wildlife photos that I just didn’t think about. I have seals and Elk and Moose. Even some Grizzly Bears. And this post about photo contests wouldn’t be complete unless I shared the one that made it into a National Geographic Contest. It didn’t win but at least it got past the initial screening. I’m pretty proud of that!

2015- Photo Credit Deb Neumann

I hope you enjoyed

Another photo Challenge

According to the paper this is the “World’s Largest Photo Contest”.

Since I entered a few photo contests last year I get invitations to enter photo contests all the time. I seldom do because they all have that “popularity” part and I’ve never been one of the “In Crowd”. I don’t have 1000+ Facebook friends and of the friends I have on Face book probably only about a dozen are active and of those maybe 5 will actually take the time to vote.

In this case my friend Nancy gave me the paper with the details on this contest.

But this contest seems different.  This is a juried contest. In other words there are real judges. They do have a popularity portion but it’s not for the “Grand Prize”. So I figured ..Why Not… so I spent the afternoon submitting photos. I may submit some more..who knows?

Anyway, I have a link that I believe will take you to my contest page. I’ve uploaded 12 photos so far. I think you can vote for one or all or any combination. I would really appreciate your support. It would be fun to win one of these competitions.

Drum Roll Please!

The winner of the New Hampshire Dream Vacation Photo contest has been announced and I couldn’t agree more with the choice. It’s a beautiful photo.


Grand Prize Winner:

Linda Adamczyk of Simsbury, Conn. won the contest for her photo of her husband and daughter enjoying the view of a sunset over Lake Todd in Bradford, N.H. with Mount Sunapee in the background.

The “I Love it Here” sign was propped up next to two candles overlooking the lake.

Linda Adamczyk

Enjoying a Sunrise/Sunset

View of Mt. Sunapee from Lake Todd

As you know I entered late and this was a contest that  definitely weighted with  the popular vote. At the time I uploaded my meager offerings the leaders had 6-7 thousand votes.  I entered for the experience. It forced me to explore the remote release on the camera and use the tripod. Two things I hadn’t done much of. So even though I wasn’t the lucky winner, I feel it was a great experience.

If they run the contest again next year and if I chose to try that one again, I have a much better understanding of what needs to be done and one of the big things besides having a beautiful picture is to upload early and have a very active social network.

So congratulations to Linda. It’s a wonderful picture and definitely worthy of the Grand Prize!

Interested in the other winners? You can see them all at

A great job was done by all!

Remember the Cog Railway Photo Contest?

I am so excited!

If you recall I sent in the #1 photo from my little poll. When I didn’t get any acknowledgement I called to see if they had received the picture. In my conversation I found out that I could submit more than one picture. So of course I had to send in some more. I decided to send in 3 to test the waters and if I didn’t have any luck try the next 3.

I kept checking the web site and they never posted anything new from anyone, not just me. The same pictures from when I first looked into this contest were the only ones on the web page.

Anyway, I got busy and forgot to check for a couple of weeks. Tonight I was just killing some time and I thought , gee I haven’t been to the Cog railway web site lately and to my surprise and absolute delight there were my pictures! Not just one, but all 3!

Here’s the link. Please check it out!

That takes you to the home page. On the right side of the page under Cog Events is the link to the photo contest. Click on that link and it takes you to the rules and on the right side is a photo of the Mount Washington Hotel. Under that photo is the link to the 2011 entries.

I tried to post a direct link but it didn’t work. So you’ll have to follow the steps to get there.

I read the rules again and all it says it that the winner will be chosen at the end of the season. I’m not sure but it sounds like the contest goes to the end of the year. In any case I guess we wait again. But I am thrilled that they even posted the pictures. I hope that means that I am in the running.

I wonder if I should send the rest? I’ll have to think about that. 🙂