UPATE~NH Dream Vacation Photo Contest

I have spent several hours trying to upload my 5 photos to the NH Dream Vacation Contest.

First I ran into problems because some of my photo files were too large so I had to reduce them and reload.

Then 3 of my photos were on my desk top computer and 2 were on my laptop. Although they are networked I couldn’t get them to all upload to the same entry form. The entries have  to be submitted all at once. I finally gave up that battle, copied the 2 from the laptop to disk and reloaded them on the desktop so they would all be in the same place.

So you’d think it would be easy from there, right? Well putting them in the entry form was easy but then I hit submit and nothing happened. When I hit submit a 2nd time I got a message, validating form. Well It’s now been 15 minutes and it’s still “validating form”. Maybe they are getting a lot of traffic. I wish it had a progress bar so I’d have some idea if it’s doing anything or just frozen.

The link is: http://nhdreamvacation.com/browse-and-vote/

If it ever uploads they will probably be under Recently Submitted.

I finally canceled out and reloaded all of them This time they went right in and I got a message that “All photos have to be approved. My pictures will appear shortly” So at least I know they got there this time. I’m not sure what “shortly” means but I’ll keep checking and let you know.

Speaking of checking, I haven’t seen anything on the Cog Railway pictures either. Maybe I didn’t make the cut or maybe they are just behind.

The 5 I am trying to submit are:

New Hampshire Dream Vacation Images

I reviewed the website and official rules. The Grand Prize is a $2,500 vacation. There are 2 first prizes each for a $500 NH vacation. The pictures have to be uploaded all at once and the deadline is September 5, 2011. That means I have no chance for a “do- over” or to hit the state line attractions. Work has launched into it’s Fall-Rush mode so we’re all working overtime for the next 3-4 weeks.

A lot of pictures have been uploaded already and the current leader has 15,751 votes! I have a feeling I’m not going to get an honerable mention but it’s fun browsing and seeing what other’s have done. I’ll have a better idea for next year. Plus I’ll have to work on my networking skills. I’m really blown away over that number 15,751!

The 2nd place picture at the moment has 6, 525 votes. After that the vote levels starts to be more realistic..the third place in the popular vote as of today has 2.008 votes.

I was also told by a volunteer at one of the locations that there are a couple of groups that have rented busses and are going around taking pictures to submit. They said there was over 100 in one of the groups. Wow. If they win I wonder how they will divide up the prize?

I think to garner lots of votes it’s good to upload your photos early in the contest. So my meager offerings are here so you can see them. I’ll upload them next week but you are getting a sneak preview.

Once they are uploaded, I’ll post the link . I hope you’ll vote for at least one of mine. 🙂

As you can see, I missed a lot of opportunities. My vacation photos were much better, like the Cog Railroad and the Flume gorge or the Cannon Mountain Tram. The problem was remembering to bring that sign. So like I said , there’s always next year. I have a better idea about the contest now.