Cog Railway Photo Has Been Submitted

First I want to thank you for all your feedback and help in picking the  photo to submit to the Cog Railway Photo Contest.

This contest seems to be a little different from others that I’ve entered. They don’t have a place to upload a photo. It has to be submitted by email. So that means there’s no link for a “public” vote. If I get a reply I’ll update everyone.

The poll showed a bunch of “ties” but I also send the pictures around my office so when those votes were added in the winner by 1 vote was  # 4.

Almost everyone who chose this picture gave their reason as that “it looks like it’s about to fall off the mountain.” So with that in mind, I captioned the photo Over The Edge.

Now that it’s submitted it’s on to the NH Dream Vacation Photos. Truthfully, they weren’t as much fun as this contest and I think it shows in the pictures. For that contest I can submit 5 photos. Now that I’m back home I can think of so many missed opportunities. I’d forget to bring the sign along and then there’d be a gorgeous photo. I took the picture but I can’t use it for the contest because I didn’t have the sign…bummer LOL

Well I’ll start getting those photos ready this week and in the meantime if anyone wants to checkout the Cog railway the web link is

Practice Picture #1

I was fooling around with the remote release on the camera so I will be sure it will work when I need it most to get that prize-winning picture!  So here’s practice picture #1. It’s of Covered bridge #44 which was restored or rebuilt just a few years ago. So there’s the bridge and there I am and I have the  sign.

It was really a neat place. When I decided to practice here I didn’t know there was a swimming hole with an old-fashioned rope swing under the bridge.

I tried to get a shot with these boys jumping from the rope with me holding the sign but once they knew I was taking their pictures they kept falling off or dragging their feet. We couldn’t get another clean shot no matter what we tried. Stage fright? 🙂