Hot, Humid and Hazy At Gristmill Pond

One of the things that fell by the wayside as I made adjustments to my new life in Real Estate was my photography. I was so caught up in studying for my test and getting trained in my new duties that I stopped going out to shoot. After I passed my test I realized I hadn’t even had the camera in hand for a month! The last time was while I was in Seattle the beginning of June. That is unheard of for me! Since I bought the camera I have tried to take a least a few pictures every day.

I had a photo shoot scheduled to take senior pictures in Brewster Gardens in Plymouth  July 8 so I dusted off the camera and lenses and headed to the Gristmill Pond in Plymouth to shake off the rust before the shoot.

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When I got there it was sunny and the sky was blue, a beautiful day. The breeze off the ocean was keeping the temperatures down so I was expecting great light by the time of the appointment at 6 pm.

I pulled into the pond to see Mr & Mrs Majestic (your remember them, the swan couple) escorting one juvenile swan. I don’t know if they are still cygnets if they have their white feathers, but they were putting on a parade up and down the pond…a perfect photo op.

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I hopped out of the air conditioned car, pulled out the camera and started taking pictures. It felt great to have the camera back in hand. I noticed the lenses kept fogging up. I expected that when I first stepped out of the car but after awhile the temps should have equalized. That’s when I noticed the blue sky was gone and the fog was rolling in off the ocean.

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I wandered back to the car to remove the UV filter and of course the swans came swimming back again the minute I walked away.

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I slammed the trunk of the car and ran back for more pictures when it hit me…where were my car keys?….I’d just had them.  I used them to open the trunk.

I looked under the car. I checked my pockets. I looked in the car windows…nothing. Then it hit me. I must have dropped them in the trunk while I was rummaging  in the camera bag!

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Oh boy, I’m really stuck. I have AAA but my cell phone is also locked in the car. Where’s a thief when you need one. I started asking anyone in the area who had a truck if they had any wire or anything I could use to unlock the car. No luck or maybe no one was willing to admit they could break in.

Meanwhile the clock was ticking down to my appointment.

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Finally I walked to the Old Grist Mill and begged a phone call. AAA agreed to send someone but gave an ETA of 6:30. I couldn’t even call my appointment to tell them I’d be late because the phone # was on my cell phone which was locked in the car!

I know I was looking like a crazy woman. I was sweating and red faced because of the humidity. If it’s one thing that makes me crazy , it’s being late!

Well as they saying goes, all is well that ends well. AAA arrived early and had me into the car and trunk in minutes. They were awesome. I made it to Brewster Gardens 10  minutes early and the photo shoot went off without a hitch.

This is an example of the beautiful results. 🙂

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The soft light from the clouds and fog that rolled in gave me wonderful exposures and my client and I had a great laugh over my panic.

Return to Daniel Webster

Mr. Majestic seemed to have life on the Grist Mill Pond well in hand so after observing for a while I decided to squeeze in a visit to one more place, Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary.

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Many of you may remember that this is one of my favorite places to go to look for birds and wildlife to photograph. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since I’ve been back there. My last trip left me covered in deer ticks and then I got busy with “staged” photography for my cards. Well I don’t have my Deet with me but I’m only going to go sit in the blind for a while and see if anything is going on.

The parking lot was full when I arrived. Not surprising since it’s Sunday but I did feel my heart drop. Usually lots of walkers means less animal activity but I’m here so I’m going to check it out.

At the blind another photographer was watching the panne flats. I asked him if there was anything happening. His response, “Not unless you like Canada Geese”. Shortly after I set up he gave up and left. I settled in for a wait but it didn’t take long for things to pick up. Mama & Papa Canada Geese were giving their 5 goslings swimming lessons.

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Into the water they went, swam in a small circle and then out to the shore again. This routine went on every 10 minutes or so, never venturing too far out.

Turtles were hauling out to sun themselves on every rock and log in sight, even climbing on each other.

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Then I spotted another bird that I’ve only seen once before…a glossy ibis.

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I must have spent an hour watching this beautiful bird forage in the shallows. He/she had rich mahogany body feathers with darker wings.

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When the sun hit just right his feathers glistened with an  iridescent rainbow of colors.

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He wasn’t making it easy to get pictures. He was either behind the reeds or way out in the middle.

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I had a 300-500 telephoto lens on the camera but it was still a reach. The pictures are better than my first try last year but I wish he had come closer or I had a bigger lens.

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To paraphrase the line from Jaws “I think we need a bigger boat”….I think I need a bigger lens!

Packing Time

It’s been a few months since I did any traveling. Sometimes I just need to take some time to recharge that way I appreciate my trips more. I found last summer that one trip after another was exciting but draining. By the time I was headed out on my last trip I was worn out. It was so easy when I reached my sister’s house for the Adirondack Balloon Festival to just kick back. The weather helped because it rained so several launches were canceled.
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It’s a new year now and my travel schedule is just getting started. The first thing I found was that my new and improved tripod with it’s “ball head” doesn’t fit in my old suitcase. After much debate I decided to get a new suitcase rather than leave the tripod home.
It was also time to replace my luggage tags. The old ones were starting to fade and I’d even managed to break the corner on one.
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Rocky was ready to perch on my suitcase for a new portrait for the new tags.
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(I’ve covered up the name and phone # on the tag for obvious reasons)

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But one thing hasn’t changed. I’ll still have the suitcase with the most cat hair on it. Rocky immediately took his place on top of the suitcase. I can see packing is going to be its usual challenge!RockyTravel 003 copy
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Rocky Holiday Photo..Take 2

We’ve only been “clicker” training for 2 days so I wasn’t even going to bother trying to get the picture of my “vision” but When I turned my back there he was…right in the middle of the picture set up I was working on.

Ok he was ready and willing. I decided to try again.

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We’re getting closer  but we’re not quite there yet.

A Pet Photo Shoot

I have a vision. I know what I want on my personal Christmas card this year. I can see it in my mind. It includes one or both of my cats. I can be flexible. But working with animals can be tricky even the most cooperative ones.

Step one: Get the set ready.

Step 2: Set up camera and pre focus.

Step 3: Call the Cat.  That was the easy part. Rocky came running, jumped into the set and slid taking the drape and set with him.

Step 4: Set the set back up.

Step 5: Catch a cat…don’t call it. Once again Rocky was more willing. He thinks he’s a little kitty rock star and that everyone should worship him.

Step 6. Try to communicate what you want him to do.

Step 7: Use cat toys, treats, funny noises to try to get your animal actor to perform.

Step 8. Pick up to try again another day Rocky let me know when he was done. Tail in the air he walked away like a true Prima Donna. I found him curled up asleep on my bed. I guess I wore him out.

It wasn’t a total loss. I managed to get a couple of nice pictures so I could create this combo that I call “Twins”,  but it’s not what I want for the card.

I am not giving up. I’ll be trying again next time I have an hour or so to fuss around. Maybe  a bit of turkey will hold his attention.