My New Tool- A Travel Map

My Travel Map

I’m excited. I ran across a new way to keep track of the places I’ve been. A Travel Map! It was an impulse buy and I was prepared to hate it. I ordered it from a link on Facebook. Not the smartest thing to do but it looked really interesting. As followers of Aroundustyroads you know I periodically run through the states I been to and the ones I still need to visit. The original goal was to visit all 50 states. 

As my age has climbed and I repeat travels to my favorite states, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Hawaii to name a few, the odds that I have enough travel years left to get to all of them  has started to work against me.  

I needed someway other than a list to keep me on track. I’m a visual person so a map seemed like a good idea, especially one I can update neatly.

The Travel Map 

On a website called I found a framed map of the United States. There are other maps too but I’m concentrating on domestic travel right now. The borders of the states are raised and you add pictures from each trip.  They even provide a template for the photos and a link to Walgreens to print your pictures.  

The map came really fast. I had it in only a couple of days which certainly put my mind at ease. It wasn’t a scam. I was even happier when I opened the package and saw the map.  

Of course I had to start adding pictures right away. 

A Work in Progress

The nearest Walgreens is only half a mile away so getting the pictures printed is quick and easy. I’m finding the hard part is picking the pictures to use. Since I travel alone a lot I’m not often in pictures. I’m more likely to be behind the camera so I gave up trying to find a useable picture with me in it. Oh I have some but not enough for every state. Then I have to be sure the picture I select can be manipulated to fit in the state outline. So far I’ve added Washington State, Arizona, Florida, Maine and New York. I just sent off another batch of photos so I can add more. 

This is fun. It brings back memories and when I have all the pictures added I’ll be able to see where I still need to go at a glance. Pretty cool, huh!


Week 1 Winner

Since I decided to try one of the 365 photo challenges again mother nature is trying her hardest to throw a monkey-wrench into things. It’s been record cold and we had a 2 day blizzard. Not the kind of weather to inspire me to go out looking for pictures. Instead I’m inside taking down the tree and other decorations so the house has boxes piled like I was getting ready to move. Certainly not photo ready. And how many pictures of my cats can I take!?

Anyway, I made it through week 1. I am very lucky it was a short week. 🙂 This week isn’t looking much better but I’ll persevere. In the meantime here’s the results of the first week. It was very close but I have to go with the New Year picture.

New Year 2013 007a

It beat out Rocky’s picture  by just a hair but it’s kind of appropriate for the first week of a new year. Rocky will get other chances. There’s 360 more days to go!

2 for 2

Since it’s Sunday I thought I’d take a break from the Alaska story to brag a little bit. While we were in Alaska and unable to obtain a copy of the Boston Sunday Globe, another of my pictures got published. It was the Sunday May 19th issue. The picture appeared in the travel section under the feature called The Sight. That is the 2nd picture they have accepted. I managed to get some back issues so here it is.

balloon festival 121 copy


Just had to share the news 🙂 Tomorrow I’ll start telling you about Skagway.

Day 13~ Challenge Progress Report

I’m still in the 21 day challenge. Yesterday was only day 13 but it was the most challenging day so far. I picked out a location and subject and looked forward to grabbing a shot on my way to work. I forgot to consider that sunrise wasn’t until 7:15 am and I would need to be close to work by then. Sure enough, when I arrived at the shoot location it was still pitch dark. Even a long exposure wouldn’t help. I needed a flash of inspiration.

Once at work I was locked into a 12.5 hour shift so it was dark when I left too. At home I was desperate to find a “subject” I didn’t want to miss a day in the challenge. Finally just before I went to bed I decided to pull out some Valentine’s Day photo props. Since it was late I kept it simple.

I was too tired to trust myself to edit the results so it’s a day late posting but here it is.

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