To New York City Transit System: You Rock!

On Thursday Humane Actions trumped politics in NYC. Good for you MTA and boo /hiss for  Joe Lhota.

NEW YORK (AP) — A former chairman of the Metropolitan Transit Authority and New York City mayoral hopeful says he wouldn’t have stopped the subway because two lost kittens were scrambling along the tracks.

A spokesman for Joe Lhota (LOH’-tuh) tells the New York Post ( ) Friday the candidate doesn’t think shutting down subway service for lost cats is appropriate. But he said Lhota believes it wouldn’t be the mayor’s decision in any case.

On Thursday, the MTA cut power on two Brooklyn subway lines for more than an hour as the two pets scurried around the tracks. The furry felines were finally rescued about seven hours later.

Officials say kittens Arthur and August are being treated in a shelter.

Other mayoral hopefuls tell the paper they would’ve stopped the trains.


I don’t live in NYC or even NY State  anymore but I applaud the actions of the MTA and Mr. Lhota would have just lost my vote. If cruelty to other humans, including wars and murders, are ever going to be overcome by the human race, we have to start with the kindness to the smallest and weakest. We have to respect all life.

Sorry, I don’t mean to get on my soap box but Mr. Lhota’s attitude is a symptom of a much bigger problem…that we have the right to disregard all other creatures in our quest to reign supreme.

I’m glad the MTA shut down for an hour and I hope Mr. Lhota loses his bid for election.