Guess What Day It is!

Guess What Day it is? 

Mike Mike Mike, Guess what day it is!? Nope not Hump Day. It’s February 2nd – Ground Hog Day. Today’s the day we find out if the groundhog will see his shadow. So what you ask, Why do I care? Well if tradition is right when the ground hog sees his shadow he’ll be  scared and run back into his burrow. He’ll hide and we’ll get 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow then we’ll have an early spring. As you can imagine everyone is hoping  “No Shadow”.

Punxsutawaney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and they go all out for Ground Hog Day. There are lots of local ground hogs and mini ceremonies but Puxautawney Phil gets the lime light. And according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Phil’s opinion is the only one that matters. He was even the Ground Hog in Bill Murray’s movie Ground Hog Day. As I write this I’m waiting to hear if Phil saw his shadow this morning or not. It’s quite overcast here in Massachusetts but who knows what it’s like in Pennsylvania? 

Meanwhile in Punxsutawney PA

The top hatted, frock coated, officials are leading a chant…Phil, Phil, Phil. They have to wake him up to get him out of his den. I guess you could say that’s the original rude awakening! Phil has a “Handler” and he’s approaching Phil’s home. He looks a little hesitant to me. Maybe Phil wakes up grumpy?  As he reaches in the crowd quiets and there’s Phil! 

Did The Little Critter see his shadow?

Groundhog Day results 2020: No shadow! Phil predicts early spring is coming.

This is only the 20th time out of 124 in his recorded history (there are 10 years where no record remains) that Phil hasn’t been able to find his shadow. That’s only a 40% successful prediction rate. Still at this mid-point of a New England winter it’s nice to think we might get an early spring.

Brrrr Its Cold!

I’m not sure where all of you are from. I’m sure I’ve got some followers from  warm, sunny locations but here in New England winter has returned with a vengeance. Last week we had record high temps, beautiful spring weather. (Take that Punxsutawney Phil!) but the groundhog was right after all! This weekend brought an Arctic Blast that left us all shivering in our boots. High winds added to the cold temps by driving new record lows with the wind chill added in. Its been the coldest weekend of this winter.


To go along with the miserable cold, I caught a cold. I’ve done so well this year too! This development left me with a dilemma. I wanted to get out in the area to find some new things to tell you about but I was sneezing and felt miserable so I didn’t want to be out in the cold.


I considered (very seriously) driving to Essex Junction, Vermont for the Vermont Flower show. It would be inside so I’d be warm and I thought we could all use some flowers to offset this cold blast.


My hesitation came from the fact that it would be a 4 hour drive and this cold was kicking my butt. It had drained so much energy that every time I sat down for 5 minutes I fell asleep. So after much internal debate I took a pass. I spent the weekend bundled in a fluffy throw in my recliner watching travel programs. Or maybe I should say sleeping through travel programs.


(Sorry I can’t use a picture of me because my arm isn’t long enough for the selfie but this one pretty much sums it up)

I fell asleep watching a program about Hawaii only to wake up to Andrew Zimmern swallowing some horrible looking thing he consider food on an episode of “Bizarre Foods”. Sorry Andrew, I find your show extremely cringe-worthy.


To make sure the weekend wasn’t a total loss I signed up for a webinar at 3 pm on Sunday about Travel Writing. At 2 pm I set up my laptop, got a pad and pen and a bottle of water. I was ready. I sat back to wait and promptly fell asleep! I woke up at 3:15 having missed the first 15 minutes. Luckily it will be posted online until Tuesday so I can watch it again to see what I missed.

Since this blog pretends to be a travel blog (most of the time) I thought I might get some good tips to improve my content. At the least it got me thinking. I got some good ideas about finding local things to share. So cold or not, the weekend wasn’t a total loss.



Ground Hog Day

I know I still have more to tell you about South Dakota but I had to acknowledge my little friend, the Ground Hog. Last summer I had saw a little Ground Hog that seemed to have made his home right by RT 44. I saw him almost every day when I went to work. When fall came around he disappeared. I don’t know if he died, moved his den or was trapped and moved. I still look for him but there aren’t even any tracks in the snow. Still in honor of Ground Hog Day I am posting his picture.

Since it’s sleeting and storming, we can assume the ground hog didn’t see his shadow but the way this winter is going, I really don’t think it will matter. I am fairly certain that we will have more than 6 weeks of winter to get throughJ


NEWS FLASH!…The weather is so bad even Woodstock Willie plans to stay in on Wednesday. No word yet on Punxsutawney Phil’s plans.


Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring!