Quoddy Head State Park

A short drive from Lubec and we arrived at Quoddy Head State Park.

Quoddy head

Once again everyone was excited about the birds. I was out of step as I was excited about the landscapes. This is truly spectacular Maine Coast country, a real example of “Down East”.

Maine Coast

Right off the parking area was a trail that followed along the cliff tops before jogging into a peat marsh.

A Walk In The Woods

The birders were stopping along the trail to listen to bird calls and look for birds. I was busy trying to capture the essence of the place.

The Birders

The peat marsh was open space with a boardwalk. There were lots of little signs along the boardwalk describing the plants and flowers.  There were lots of pitcher plants but that was bout the extent of my flora knowledge.

Pitcher Plant

Still it was pretty in a stark kind of way. The sky was still overcast so the light was soft, no shadows.

Peat Marsh

After our hike we rendezvoused back at the parking area for a picnic lunch.

Quoddy head Light

We wrapped up with a brief visit to the light house. Quoddy Head is the eastern-most point in the US, the first place the rising sun can be seen on US soil.