Just a Little Behind


I’ve had a rough couple of weeks so I’m behind on my research for my next vacation. The first glitch came two weeks ago. I was really cooking along. I’d gotten a couple of locations down and prepared my posts then all of a sudden I couldn’t get into my site!? It took a few days to track down the culprit. Blue Host, my web hosting company, had done an update and I’d also done an update and they weren’t compatible. Once I finally got to the right person it was fixed in a snap.

Snap Fingers Cartoon Images – Browse 1,001 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe Stock

But it was now mid-week and work commands my attention then. 

Life interferes too

So Saturday rolls around and I have a long list of errands to do including the aforementioned mentioned research. Idaho & Indiana are next on my list. I made the unwise decision to start my weekend with my annual flu shot. While I was making my appointment for that the CVS website recommended a COVID booster. It’s been awhile since I had one so I marked OK on my appointment. I was smart enough to ask the pharmacist if it was stupid to get both the Flu shot & COVID at the same time. She looked at my shot record and said I’d  “probably” be fine. Then Stabbed both arms, COVID on the Left, Flu on the right. I got two cute little Band-Aids  and left.

Cartoon character a woman getting a vaccine Vector Image

OOPS! Saturday afternoon the chills started, my ever present cough became unbearable and all I wanted to do was sleep. Nothing got done except cuddles with the kitties. I promise I won’t get both shots at the same time again!

Rain Rain and more Rain

As if those delays weren’t enough I think I’ve been transported to Seattle and the Norwest Rain forest. All it seems to do here is rain. I wake up every morning to drizzle. We had 2 sunny days this week. All the rest was rain. Well the good thing about it is that its not snow and the weather folks can’t complain about drought. Now they just warn of flash flooding.

And the Last Straw

My Dad always said he drank beer because he saw what water did to pipes. (He was a plumber) I have the unpleasant opportunity to see that for myself as the kitchen faucet split. Apparently the cover is plastic and it just gave out leaving rusty, nasty pipe to look at.


So its Saturday again and raining and my plans to dig into vacation planning have to take a step back so I can go to Home Depot for a new kitchen faucet.  At least it isn’t leaking and I have a contractor who will do the replacement for me. Could be worse I suppose.

Know that I am working on that vacation research and will update when I can. Maybe next post!

Another Rainy Weekend

Another Rainy Weekend

The forecast is for high winds and torrential rains. Warnings of possible flash floods. This is the rainiest start to July in 100 years! Last weekend wasn’t a wash out and I had all good intentions of writing a post but somehow by the time I got 5 minutes (and believe me it takes me more than 5 minutes) the weekend was gone. So I had big plans for this weekend so I would have something interesting to share. But it looks like mother nature has other ideas.

Rainy weather, the inscription rainy on the sweaty glass.

How Do I plan my Weekends

If it ever stops raining I have plenty of ideas for weekend adventures. I bought 2 “Adventure Books“.  One is Lighthouses of New England and the other is Massachusetts State Parks. Both books are huge. If I went to every lighthouse I’d have years worth of places to visit. Add in the State Parks and I don’t have to travel to find something new to see. Toss in the Sand Castle events from Hampton Beach to Cape Cod and a whale watch or two and I’ve just booked myself for the rest of my life! 

So what’s up with This Weekend?

A friend of mine bought a farm recently. So far they have chickens and donkeys. They almost got a horse but that didn’t work out. Today they are having an event of some kind with crafts and vendors. I planned to drop in, say Hi and check out the goods for sale. But so far my day has not gone as planned. I woke up to no electricity so that got my day off to a slow start. I stuck my nose outside for a temperature check and wow! It’s a jungle out there. Hot and steamy and not even 7 am!

I need a haircut and have to do some grocery shopping. Then I’m free to head over to my friends event- if the rain hasn’t started by then.  So I’ll just play it by ear. Sunday is supposed to be a washout so I really hope the rain holds off so I’ll have some pictures and stories to share next week.


May be an image of horse and nature

There’s Always the Cats

Of course I never mind being stuck at home too much. I always have entertaining company with Banner & Balboa!



It’s Raining but Its not Raining Men

Its Raining Men – NOT!

Its raining and the prediction is rain for the next 10 days! I guess that even though we left April behind we didn’t escape the April Showers! The flowers, trees, grass, weeds and all the other spring things are definitely blooming. Now if the rain would just stop for a day or two…on the weekend.

What’s been happening?

Aside from the rain I’ve been working. I clocked 67 hours this past week.

I was so looking forward to doing something fun this weekend and then sharing it here but mother nature had other plans. Saturday it poured until about 2 pm. Then the sun did come out. You know that yellow thing in the sky? But where could I go with only a couple of hours? Its  Kentucky Derby Day and I love to catch that race.

I’ve been watching it for years and hate to miss it. Someday I plan to attend in person. Now that would be something to write about!

More Than Work!

Ok I did more than work. I enrolled in a class that runs 5 Thursdays in June. Its how to set up and design a blog. Maybe I’ll finally get the instruction I need to Tweak this baby! I can’t wait to start the class. And one other thing happened. I got my renewed passport back, not that I’m planning any overseas trips.

I’m still fixated on the good old USA. I also picked up a renewal of my motion sickness patch so I’m ready to get out on the ocean. Look out whales and sharks!

Captain John Boats

Speaking of chasing whales, I usually go out of Plymouth, MA with Captain John. http://www.captjohn.com/ I follow them on Facebook too. https://www.facebook.com/CaptainJohnBoats/ His feed has been filled with great whale sightings already this spring. Even the humpbacks have started to come back. Right whales, white-sided dolphins…I can’t wait to get back out there!

Rain, rain go away

All right mother nature. I’m all for rain. Its good for growing things but can you make it rain when I’m at work or asleep at night and give me some sunshine on the weekends? Please?



Be Careful What You Wish For!

Be Careful what you wish for!

Friday was about as wet and dreary as it can get in New England in the spring. The prediction was that it would rain all day. As I drove to work I thought what a great day it would be to stay at home and cuddle with the cat. (oh oh , be careful!) Saturday was supposed to be cloudy but dry so I planned another venture into Boston. I thought I could ride the hop on hop off trolley around the city collecting lots of pictures and ideas for future blog posts. I would then spend Sunday drafting those posts for those days when I didn’t have time to get to my computer. Well, I got my wish a day late; on Saturday.

The job that lets you be wrong

I was up early Saturday to bring you up to date on my conflict between my beloved blog  and the job that pays the bills. It was still raining but the weather folks continues to  predict a dry day. Oh yes, its raining now they said,  but it will dry out. It will be cloudy but dry.

Saturday Morning TV

At 9 am I put on the morning lineup of children’s programming. Its a whole series of nature programs starting with Jungle Jack Hana and wrapping up with Rock the Park at noon. I do enjoy Saturday morning TV. I settled into my recliner and was immediately joined by Rocky. He curled up on my lap, nice and warm. I could feel more than hear his purr rumbling away. It wasn’t long before I was sound asleep with him. I’m quite sure we had a duet going with both of us purring. When I woke up I checked the weather again. Same forecast, cloudy and dry. A glance out the window showed the wettest “dry” I’ve ever seen. I’d like to have a job where I could be wrong like that!

Still Raining

After lunch I ran some errands and did the weekly grocery shopping. By the time I left the store it was raining even harder. I could get the camera out and try to take some storm photos but I really didn’t feel like trying to keep the camera dry. As 4 pm rolled around and it was still raining I chalked the day up as a total loss. Hopefully the weather will be better Sunday. I can’t help but remember my wish Friday morning to have a dreary, wet day to stay home and cuddle with the cat. Just goes to show, you have to be careful what you wish for.

Monday Morning, Can’t trust that day

Monday morning, sometimes it just turns out that way (The Mamas and the Papas)

I woke up bright and early Monday morning. The weather report had said a storm was rolling in with high seas, rain and winds. Well it was certainly windy last night. With that in mind I thought after breakfast I’d give the GPS another chance. A folder with a bunch of GPS tours came with the unit. I could drive around and see if the weather cleared. My first whale watch wasn’t scheduled until Wednesday.

I sat at the table watching the sunrise. Maybe its because I was on the top floor but I had a lot more birds visit than when we were here in November. Oh the ever present Mynas were there but so were little finchy type birds including a pair of Redheads.



While I was kicking back I got a rather uncomfortable feeling. The meds I take for diabetes have the unpleasant side effect of making me prone to UTI’s. Now if I were at home such a development would be handled with a quick call to my doctor but she’s 3000 miles away!

To try to keep the situation under control at home I’ve switched to cranberry juice instead of orange juice. Luckily that was what I picked up at the TIMES grocery store last night. So out came the big glass and I rapidly downed 2 big glasses. My fingers are crossed that I caught it in time. I refuse to let a illness sideline me on this trip!

But back to my view from the pent house, I’ve heard we can see the whales from here  and I’ve been watching all morning. So far nothing but I’ve got my binoculars handy in case.


The sky has cleared considerably and the sun has come out. Even the surf has settled down a bit. I think it might be a nice day after all.

OOPS! I may have spoken too soon!
