Marvelous Marvin- Atlanta

Marvelous Marvin has Arrived

Marvelous Marvin arrived on my doorstep earlier than expected. He actually made it in time to go to Atlanta, GA with me. He must have galloped across Alaska’s Tundra to make it to the post office in time.Moose scrambles up the bankHis ETA was Friday 1/10 but on Tuesday 1/7 my doorbell rang and there he was. He didn’t even have time to say hello to cousin Merle before I had him packed away for Atlanta.

Marvin at the Marriott

We were staying at the Marriott Marquis. What a huge hotel! But even with 20+ floors not all of the attendees could be accommodated . We had folks in the OMNI Hotel at the CNN Center, the Sheraton, The Hyatt Regency and The Westin Peachtree Plaza. As you can see this was a very big deal. Our closing dinner and Party was so huge it had to be held in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium!

The Atmosphere was Electric

This was my 5th Redferno (that’s the name of the annual convention) and Marvin’s first. The energy was vibrating like it was about to explode. So many people that all embraced the same corporate culture here in one place, together, to celebrate our success and get a peek at the future. Music blared from every meeting room. The joint (as they say)was rockin’ . People were cheering. Its like being dropped into the middle of an Amway convention. It can be quite a culture shock. It was for me the first time I came. I was interested to see how my team mates would feel about a moose in their midst.

Marvin at Thrive

I chose to introduce Marvin at a smaller venue. Our Boston Market dinner was Wednesday evening at a restaurant called Thrive. I was more comfortable introducing Marvin to just my team before any of the other teams found out about my stowaway. Marvin immediately charmed everyone. Of course Marvin couldn’t go to the meetings but he would be able to join us again for the really big send off party on Friday.

Less than 3000 miles

Well That explains a lot.

I haven’t had an oil change since March so I stopped by my car care center today and had them check the records. I just hit 3000 miles!  Proof that I haven’t been anywhere or done anything worth writing about this summer. That’s depressing!

mechanic cartoon

I’m still having pain in my abdomen/side even though the rash is gone on my side anyway. It’s stubbornly hanging on in the middle of my back where it started.

I work for Redfin Real Estate and we are opening up in Rhode Island. Thursday night Redfin held a Launch party in Providence. The Rhode Island Team is Agent: Jeremy, Buy side coordinator : Tara and Listing coordinator: Me! Tara and I felt it was important to attend to offer support to our leader, Jeremy. Both Tara and I also have Massachusetts agents we support but that’s not a new market.

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It was a nice party but I noticed that I really couldn’t stand for that long before my back started misbehaving. It’s improving but there’s still a long way to go.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever get back to 100%.