Arm Chair Traveler

There’s a magazine that’s always on the rack by the check out counter in most of the grocery stores in my area. It’s called Woman’s World and it has lots of short articles crammed into a little publication.

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It includes things like short fiction, household tips, decorating, cooking tips and recipes, crafts…always the latest diet…health tips and I could go on. But the one department I always check is the  Armchair Traveler. It’s always a 2 page spread with pictures highlighting someplace you might like to go.

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If it sounds like someplace I’d like to go I pull out the 2 pages. I have a whole file full but they do come in handy. When I planned my trip to Oahu they had just had an Armchair Traveler about Oahu. It helped  pin down the things we wanted to see.


I thought of that trip and our Big Island Adventure when I opened this week’s issue as once again, Hawaii was the featured location, this time the 2 smallest Hawaiian Islands, Molokai and Lanai.


I haven’t thought much about Lanai but I do want to go to Maui and planned to include a side trip to Molokai at that time. I’ve heard that Molokai has great snorkeling and scuba diving and I am interested in that.

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According to the article Molokai has a few other things going for it like the highest sea cliffs in the world!

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Lanai is the smallest island and is described as tranquil and romantic. It’s home to two Four Season’s Resorts and the historic Hotel Lanai. The Garden of the Gods, a surreal lunar-like landscape,  is located on Lanai.


The article lists beaches and waterfalls for a tourist’s pleasure and wraps up with the weekly “Armchair Traveler” Cocktail, this week it’s a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito. This drink is popular at the Four Seasons Resort Lanai at Manele Bay.

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I will share it with you but with one disclaimer…I haven’t tried it. If any of you do, let me know if you like it 🙂

  • 5 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lime juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. lavender syrup *
  • Ice Cubes
  • 3 Tbs. cucumber flavored vodka
  • club soda
  • additional mint for garnish
  • Lime Slices (optional)

Place mint in tall glass; using end of wooden spoon , crush mint. Add lime juice, lavender syrup, and ice cubes. Pour vodka over ice; stir. Top off with club soda. Garnish with mint and lime slices, if desired. Serves 1


*To make syrup, bring !/2 cup water and 1/2 cup if sugar to boil; stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Stir in 2 Tbs. culinary lavender; let stand until cool. Strain into jar; cover and store in refrigerator.

With a Cucumber Lavender Vo-jito in hand, some Hawaiian tunes on the I-Pod you’re ready to drift away in you’re mind. Imagine the gentle breezes, the smell of the sea and you are  “Armchair Traveling”. The next best thing to being there!