Last Vacation of 2018

Last Chance Vacation

Before my hip surgery I planned on a last fling. After all, I had no idea how long I’d be laid up after the hip replacement. So it was off to Virginia to visit Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg. I was joined on this last excursion by my sister Sandy and my friend Joe from Florida. We settled in at Historic Powhatan Resort. 

The accommodations were excellent, well appointed and comfortable. We even had a gas fireplace.

Ambiance with the push of a button!

The First Order of Business- Food!

The first day is always a travel day. Arrive get settled and find a grocery store or restaurant. We were lucky this time. There was a wonderful little grill right on the grounds. We wasted no time in checking out the food selections.

The Powhatan Bar & Grill is a cozy little restaurant geared to casual dining. Typical pub food fills the menu. The staff were so much fun we found ourselves returning regularly throughout our trip as much for the friendly waitstaff as for the food. 

Day Two- Scooter Rental

Recognizing my mobility issues I’d made advance reservations to have an electric scooter delivered to the resort. It was brought out and dropped off with no problems. I was given a thorough briefing on how to use it and how to charge the battery each night. It was small enough to fit in the back of the rental SUV so I figured we were all set. Joe had joined us by now so we were ready to begin exploring. First on our list was Busch Gardens. They were boasting a light display to beat or at least rival Disney World in Orlando. Since Joe works at Disney we had a solid reason to check it out.

Cold Night Ahead

Even though we were south of Massachusetts the weather was cold and to see the lights we would be out after dark. We bundled up but it was much colder than we expected! I was told to expect a lot of hills but if this were a novel that comment would be called foreshadowing of what was to come!



Raff’s Cafe, Haverhill

Fresh Start

Back at home I put the unpleasant airline experience behind me making plans with Joe to go Maple Sugaring. Vermont was holding it annual Maple Sugar Festival. On that weekend sugar houses, craft stores, Inns and Restaurants across the state celebrate all things  Maple by opening their businesses to truckloads of tourists. Maple is King this weekend from pancake breakfasts to crocheted maple leaves! I was interested in the sugar houses with their boiling, bubbling sap but it would be quite a drive to get there so Joe suggested meeting at his sister’s restaurant, Raff’s Cafe,  for breakfast before we headed to Vermont.

Raff’s Cafe

Raff’s cafe  is located at 620 Primrose St, Haverhill right off RT 495. It’s in a little strip mall. The restaurant serves breakfast and lunch, open from 6 AM and closing at 2 pm.

When I walked in around 9 am it was completely full. I made a detour to the “powder room” to wash off the hour + drive.  When I came back out a small table had opened up. I introduced myself and experienced a flashback from Cheers…where everybody knows your name!

I’ve been friends with Joe for more than 30 years but had not met his sister. Still when you’ve been friends for so long the family hears your name and they made me feel like they had known me forever. The dynamics of the staff and the customers also made me think of Cheers. Lots of banter and no one seemed to be a stranger. Clearly this was a popular local breakfast spot.

While I waited for Joe I was offered coffee, tea, hot chocolate a soft drink, water…something, anything…even my breakfast! Joe’s sister, Bobbie-Jo suggested I have my breakfast and they’d leave an empty plate for Joe telling him he’d already finished his (joke). I finally caved and accepted a hot chocolate with loads of whipped cream. (Yummy) I’d just finished it when Joe arrived.

Bobbie-Jo and Chuck, Co-Owners

We ordered breakfast which came cooked to perfection by Chuck, the co-owner. Our table was near the kitchen and I was entertained by the oldies that drifted out the half door.


I was amazed at the prices. The menu was comprehensive with all the old favorites and all very reasonably priced! (see page 1 below) In fact I’d have said they were priced below average. I love bacon but am very fussy about how its cooked. The bacon here came out of the kitchen cooked to perfection! I also had French Toast, another win!


You can’t beat this little gem for price, quality or friendliness. If you are in the area, stop in. I am sure you won’t be disappointed!

Photos by Joe St. Jean, Take Pride Photography

(This endorsement is totally unsolicited. They didn’t even know I was writing about them)


Slappy Cakes

One of the things I didn’t mention about our search for the resort was that what finally turned the tide was when one of the people I spoke with told me to turn at the corner where Slappy Cakes was located.

Now that might not have been such a significant suggestion except I’d just heard about Slappy Cakes from, of all people, my dentist! Yes, my dentist goes to Maui frequently. He said we HAD to go to Slappy Cakes but he wouldn’t tell me any more than that.

Of course that got me curious and with the miracle of the internet I quickly learned that Slappy Cakes was a breakfast venue specializing in pancakes. What makes it special is that you get to cook your pancakes yourself. Now this might not sound like fun but the way its done changes everything.

When I first told my sister about it she was less than enthusiastic (she didn’t think cooking her own breakfast was a fun way to spend the morning)  but being the good sport she is, she gave in and agreed to give it a try. It wasn’t what she expected. In fact it turned into one of her favorite places for breakfast.


Slappycakes is like the pancake version of a Japanese steak house. You have a heated grill in the middle of the table. You order the batter (we liked the buttermilk) and any add in’s. We were partial to the blueberries. Sandy thought they tasted like the wild blueberries we used to pick as kids.



The waiter brings out the fixings and gives each person a spatula.slappy-cakes3 minutes a side and you have yummy pancakes. Kids like it because they can get creative with the batter then eat their creations.


The bacon was good too. Nice and crisp. We went back 2 more times before our visit was over.


Dick’s Last Resort

I’ve finally made it to the top of the street. The Skylift is closed for maintenance so that just leaves the Space Needle but I think I’ll have lunch before I take that adventure. If I get dizzy I want it to be from the height not from hunger.

The couple from Chattanooga had told me about Dick’s. They said good food, good prices. They were  on their way there when I spoke with them.  It seemed as good a choice as any so I started toward the entrance. Almost immediately a young man yelled at me. ” Stop reading the menu and come in, you’re wasting time!” I was surprised and I wasn’t reading the menu. He hopped down from the fence he was standing on, yes he was really standing on the top rail and stepped up to open the door for me. At that moment I heard a huge  “Fart”. It came from a cartoonish statue next to the door.

Gatlinburg 050

Inside were long tables for family style service. A young man yelled at  me from across the room…”Hi Lady”. Soon he came bounding over with the menu. He quickly pointed out that there are only 2 food groups at Dicks’s…meat and fries and he was right, well maybe some fish.

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Everyone had these silly paper hats and he asked me if I wanted one. I’ll play along so I said sure. As he was folding the hat for me he asked me how many cats I had. That threw me for a minute because I couldn’t figure out how he knew I had cats. When I admitted I had 2 I became the cat lady for the rest of the meal. It finally dawned on me…my luggage tag on the camera bag is a picture of Rocky. Very observant, my waiter.

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So now with my silly paper hat on with the gross comment “I eat my chocolates from the kitty box” (yuck) my meal was delivered.

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I ordered the shrimp. Yes , you guessed it, fried again.  They were very good but the fries were a bit soggy. Just as well, I didn’t need all that grease.

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While I was looking around and eating my meal a couple of the waiters opened the sliding window and climbed outside. My waiter stood on the same railing that the fellow who greeted me had stood on but he tried to perform the crane move made famous by the movie Karate Kid. He seemed pleased when I recognized it.

I was about done at this point so I asked if he would take my picture with my stupid hat so I could share the fun with everyone. As he got started everyone got into the act. Dick’s is a fun, loud and raucous place to be. And yes, the name Dick’s does refer to the male anatomy..not a man’s name.

Cabby Shack

Oh I’ve been busy, busy, busy. Monday and Tuesday of the past two weeks have been just beautiful. Low 80’s, sunny and minimal humidity. Perfect days for getting out and about.

I’ve been trying to cram a lot in those 2 days because that’s pretty much the only chance I have to get stories to tell you here. I’m still trying to figure out how my vacation time and money is going to work out with this new job so nothing to report on that front. I’d like to go to Yellowstone next year but I don’t know if that is going to work or not. In the mean time I’ll keep taking “Mini” vacations on Monday and Tuesdays.

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The cabby Shack is located in Plymouth, MA right on the waterfront. It’s a typical waterfront restaurant with typical waterfront fare, fried scallops, fish and chips, clam boats, a smaller  broiled section and a few burgers.

The food is good and you can sit inside or outside. I stopped there for dinner the other night. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t get any bargain here. I had the fried scallops and a light beer and the bill was $29.00! (Before tip) It’s one of those places where certain dishes are marked “Market price”.

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It was good and for an occasional treat, certainly worth it. But back to the reason I chose this restaurant. It made me think of Key West. I know that’s a stretch but the first time I went to Key West we had dinner in a restaurant that had 2 levels. We sat in the upstairs level. The building was surrounded by palm trees.

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Well, as you can see in the pictures, this little restaurant in Plymouth also has 2 levels and is surrounded by palm trees. If I have to pay a little extra for the ambiance of the Key West Connection, then so be it.

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Now we just need a little Jimmy Buffet to make it perfect.