Happy Anniversary
Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day that turned my life upside down. Yup I was laid off from Redfin 1 year ago today. It’s not as if I’d never been laid off before but I’d never been laid off when I was 70+ years old. I just didn’t have it in me to start over again. so I’m trying out retirement. Evan after a year I’m not sure it suits me. I still wake up in the morning feeling guilty because I’m not rushing around to get ready for work. I worry about paying the bills. Social Security doesn’t go that far and my Redfin investments are still in the tank. I got a nice severance package and I’ve been using that to make up any shortfalls but it can’t go on forever.
Typical Day since Layoff
I’m trying to live the frugal life since the layoff. No spontaneous shopping trips. Minimal take out or restaurant meals. I stopped taking road trips to save on gas. One big thing I did was restrict my time ordering kindle books. Since I like series I made it a rule that I had to re-read all the books in a series before I could add a new one. I’m working on the Stephanie Plumb series now. I’m currently on book 12 but the new book is #30 so I have a way to go.
I also dropped cable and just have streaming now. That saved me $100/ mo. I’m debating if I want to downgrade the streaming service. I have “Live TV” but the price just went up and I only watch a couple of channels. If I’m patient eventually the new programing will be added to my streaming service.
My cats are a constant source of entertainment. Just last night Banner was trying to stuff his fluffy body into a paper grocery bag, The whole side ripped out. Balboa was quite interested in watching this and when Banner got out of the remains of the bag Balboa was there to try to get in. Banner immediately lifted his paw and bopped Balboa on the head- no claws, no rough housing just “BOP!” It was such a surprise and so deliberate. It just cracked me up. Surprised Balboa too.

Banner Photo credit Deb Neumann

Balboa photo credit Deb Neumann
If I could just shake the feeling that I should be working I think I’d like retirement. I don’t mind relaxing and reading or playing on the computer. I’m not bored yet. I guess as long as the money holds out I’ll keep up the routine. I wish I could think of something to do on my own time to make money. A side hustle so to speak. If I get bored or get itchy feet and want to travel again I can look for a part time job to support my habit.