Riverboat Ride on The San Antonio

With an eye to the sky our guide made an executive decision. She swapped the Buckhorn Saloon and the Riverboat Ride. We could see the dark clouds heading our way on the horizon. Although it was still sunny and only partly cloudy  so no one complained of the change in itinerary.

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We followed our guide down the stone stairs from street level to the tropical gardens and cafes to the boat landing for the start of the Riverboat ride down the San Antonio.

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As with all such excursions our riverboat captain had an entertaining and informative banter to help us pass the time.

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Our Riverboat ride was about 35 minutes long and fully narrated. According to the guide we covered about 1.5 miles of the San Antonio River.

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Along the banks is the River Walk, a public park that is open 365 day a year. Our hotel was located right on the River walk.

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We cruised past the restaurant where we had dinner the night before.

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Adorning the Lila Cockrell Theater at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center is a stunning mosaic mural by Mexican artist Juan O’Gorman.

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Entitled “Confluence of Civilizations in the Americas”, it was created as part of the 1968 HemisFair World’s Fair. The mural is visible from the Riverwalk as well as the convention center.

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San Antonio’s version of the Space Needle is the Tower of The Americas. Topped by a fine dining restaurant and observation towers, it would be a great place to visit if the weather holds out.

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The green roofed building we spotted is the Bexar County courthouse.

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The building was designed by architect J. Riely Gordon, and borders Main Plaza, along with such other architectural landmarks as the Cathedral of San Fernando. The style is Romanesque Revival, and the main material used is red sandstone. Ground was broken for Gordon’s structure on August 4, 1891, and the cornerstone was laid December 17, 1892. After several delays, construction was fully completed in 1896. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.

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Other buildings were crowned with gargoyles and many sky scrapers peered down on us as we passed in the shadows of these man made canyons.

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This riverboat ride was really enjoyable. I highly recommend it.

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The Yellow Rose of Texas

So far we’ve been to the Alamo, the mission San Jose and Mission Concepcion and it’s only just approaching time for lunch.

The tour guide was keeping an eye to the sky because if it starts to rain the riverboat ride will be canceled.  But first it’s time for lunch.

Our tour takes us to El Mercadao or Market Square where we are turned loose for shopping and lunch.

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We headed to the food court for lunch although some of our group chose to eat in the Mexican Restaurants. We kept watch for a street entertainer known as the  Mexican Elvis but he was no where to be found on this day.


In the middle of the food court was a display of brightly painted skulls . I refrained from taking a picture  because they had a sign that it was a religious display and to please treat with respect. It was set up in preparation for Day of the Dead Celebration.

It was also in El Mercadao that I spotted the large display of Yellow Roses. I don’t know the whole significance of the Yellow Rose of Texas but I do remember growing up with the folk song so I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of the huge flowers.

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Finally having explored the stalls around the food court we ventured back outside and crossed the road to the other side of El Mercado. This side reminded me of a Mexican Quincy Market in Boston.

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More stalls of souvenirs between store fronts with more trinkets. People sat outside  on benches enjoying lunch and as in all places like that, little birds arrived to steal away the dropped crumbs.

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It was a nice, relaxing break but soon we were back on the tour bus to head to the next stop, The Buckhorn Saloon and Museum.

Mission Concepcion

I have been so slow with my posts. I apologize. Between my post vacation cold and catching up at work, life seems to be conspiring to keep me from sharing my vacation. The most recent set back was my photo editing program which claims I’m out of memory. Sounds like I’m going to have to clean out the hard drive.

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But I managed to limp along and get some pictures of the 2nd mission we visited in San Antonio. This one is also still a working church but it is not fully restored.

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The church itself looks essentially as it did in the 1700’s but most of the colorful geometric designs that once covered it’s walls and ceiling have long faded away.

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There is ongoing work now to try to restore these frescoes and  bring them back to their original glory.

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Mission San Jose

Sorry I missed a few days including Halloween especially since Halloween and the Day of the Dead  is a religions experience in San Antonio. Unfortunately  I got laid low by the after vacation cold. They are always tough, stuffy nose, chest congestion and oh so tired.  I guess I’m lucky it hit on the weekend. I doubt work would be happy to have me take more time off right after vacation!


But Back to Vacation. After visiting the Alamo, which in addition to being the Cradle of Texas Liberty was the first mission on the San Antonio River built in 1718, we headed to Mission San Jose. This mission was founded 2 years after the Alamo in 1720 and is one of the best known of the Texas Missions.

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At first the missions were without walls but as the number of mission residents grew, walls were erected to encircle the the mission structures.

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Mission residents learned the use of firearms to fend off Apache and Comanche raids.

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Mission San Jose is not only a well preserved piece of history , it is still an active church with a breathtaking sanctuary.

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The Spanish artisans, many brought in from New Spain, preserved the basic components of Spanish architecture.

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In Mission San Jose a beautiful Rose window is preserved and has reached legendary status.

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Mission San Jose is the finest example of a completely  restored mission in the United States, important enough to be a National Park.

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Remember The Alamo

Our first day in San Antonio was spent on the Grand City Tour. It was a full day of exploring Old Spanish missions, a river boat ride on the San Antonio River, a Japanese Sunken Garden and much more. It was very overcast and threatening rain but we were intrepid souls determined to see the sights in spite of the weather.

Of course no visit to San Antonio would be complete without a stop at the Alamo, the Cradle of Texas Liberty, so that was where our tour began.


In some ways the Alamo was a bit of a let down. The iconic facade that everyone recognizes was blocked by modern equipment while a master stone mason worked to restore the entrance.

We all realize that these historical buildings need maintenance so they don’t crumble away but of course we all wished it could have been done “on someone else’s tour”.


Inside the chapel section was considered sacred ground so no photos were allowed. It’s a small area but you could almost feel the weight of the atmosphere…the impact of what had happened here. A docent was available to answer questions and a model of the original mission as it would have looked in 1836 was prominently placed.

A side room held displays of artifacts including a rifle purported to have belonged to Davy Crockett, himself.

Outside of the Chapel, but still within the walls of the Alamo we could take photos to our hearts content. We saw the monument erected to the only men that came to reinforce the defenders, led by Colonel William Travis, when he sent out a call for help.

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32 men from the nearby town of Gonzales perished in a futile attempt to dispel Santa Anna’s forces.

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A narrator in period clothing demonstrated the flint lock rifle that was in use at the time. He did a good job from making humorous observations about how one could injure oneself before even going to battle to showing us the spark the flint made that hopefully set off the powder allowing the gun to fire. Ever heard the phrase “flash in the pan”?

The court yard was surrounded by the mostly original walls.

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Access was gained through a sally port.

Back outside we marveled at the Cenotaph. Towering 60 feet high and located adjacent
to the surviving buildings of the Alamo itself, San Antonio’s “Alamo Cenotaph” pays tribute to the men who died defending the ancient mission in 1836 rather than surrender to overwhelming odds.DSC_1348_edited-1

According to tradition the Alamo Cenotaph marks the spot where the slain defenders of
the fortified mission were piled after the battle and burned in great funeral pyres.

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There are no remains under the marker rather the ashes were collected and are said to be interred in a marble casket in San Fernando Cathedral.

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The universal opinion seems to be that Santa Anna was cruel and despicable but I was surprised to learn that he offered to let everyone leave if they would surrender. The heroes refused and the rest, as they say, is history. After the battle Santa Anna did allow the women and children to leave. It is from the recount of events by these survivors that historians have pieced together the events of that day.

It is amazing to think that a handful of defenders, probably less than 200 , held the mission for 13 days against an army that is said to be both battle hardened and greatly out numbering those in the mission.

David Bowie, Davy Crockett, William Travis are the most often remembered heroes but a full roster of those who fought and died can be found at http://www.thealamo.org/history/the-1836-battle/the-defenders/index.html