Recovery Tuesday

After my harrowing experience on the Road to Hana I wanted a day to get my nerves back under control so I stayed away from that northbound route.  My morning was booked with the owners update meeting so it was after lunch before I pointed my rental car toward the Maui Ocean Center.


Th Pacific Whale Foundation has an office in the same complex as the aquarium. The surf was up but I still did not see many surfers out. I was glad I did not have a whale watch booked for today.

I stopped at the scenic lookout only to find it packed!


I lucked out when one car pulled out giving me an opening to park. There was an outreach desk for Pacific Whale Foundation set up with a volunteer to answer questions.


There were quite a few “blows” as I was standing there and the we saw flippers waving in the air. Because of the size and the 2nd  blow close to the flipper waver, we suspected it was a mother and calf. I could have stood there watching all morning but I had a mission so I bid adieu to the volunteer and gave up my spot to the next waiting car.


At the Pacific Whale Foundation’s store I signed up for a membership as this would give me discounts, booking priority and a free Whale Watch. I chose to book a sunrise photo safari to look for whales for Wednesday. That gives me a full day of Whale watching for Wednesday; the morning Photo Safari and the afternoon Snorkel and Whale Watch on the Pride of Maui.

I still have a regular whale watch coming to me. I have a year to use it so right now I’m holding it until I see if I get my special picture on the trips I have booked.

That mission accomplished I drove to Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge to see if there were any birds around. That’s when I realized I didn’t have a hat or water with me so it would have to b a very short visit.