
I’m sitting here at home relaxing after a crazy day at work. I had the TV on although it was more for background than entertainment. At least that was until I heard the train whistle. I had the station set to PBS and they were running their train special. I wish I could tell you the name of it but I wasn’t paying much attention until they began talking about train rides in Tennessee.


The train ride they featured was the one that left from Etowah.  This was the train ride I was originally going to take while I was on vacation. Oh what a difference. Now I understand that PBS sent a professional film crew but oh my. The scenery was far more spectacular than than what I experienced.


The all day trip was only $57.00. My trip was more than $75.00.

So I made the wrong choice when I Chose the Nantahala Gorge over the Hiwassee River Gorge. If I get back to the area I’ll be sure to pick the right train.

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It got me feeling philosophical.

Isn’t life all about choices. We make choices all day long from what to wear in the morning to what to do for a career. What college to attend, or even do we go to college.

And when we make those choices we have to deal with the results that inevitably follow. More choices. An endless river of choices.

I don’t know about you but I’ve made more than a few wrong choices so far and I’m sure there are more to come but that just means more choices…endlessly!