The Best 4 Hours

The Best 4 Hours

The Best 4 Hours The Best 4 hours I’ve spent in a long time were those at the Theater of the Sea. Oh , you could spend the whole day. They have a beach and you could do extra events like swim with dolphins but if you just want to experience the shows you can do it all in 4 hours. I did and I had a blast. I had arrived right when the ticket office opened but even so the reptile tour had already started. I managed to catch it before it was too far along.

The Parrots

After the reptile show we moved on to the Parrot show. There were metal bleachers for us to sit on and everyone settled in while we waited for the parrots to be brought out. A quick little movement caught my eye. There was a little crab trying to get across the cement floor of the enclosure. I crossed my fingers but he made it!The Best 4 hours

When the parrots joined us it wasn’t quiet any more. Parrots are nothing if not outspoken! I loved watching them count and play games. Beautiful birds.

The Best 4 Hours 

Next up, the Dolphin Show

More bleachers and I sat in the “splash zone”. I thought the cool water might be nice about now but these were very polite dolphins. They splashed their trainer but not so much on the audience. The lighting was challenging. I was in the shade but the dolphin show was in the sun most of the time. Still I caught a few of their tricks.

The Best 4 Hours 

The Best 4 Hours 

Saved the best for lastFascination

The last show was the Sea Line show. More Bleachers and more fun. The Dolphins had been really good. Lots of exciting leaps and splashes but the sea lion had the personality. They just made you laugh. Kids were fascinated.

Sea Lion

Sea Lion

A fish Gift

My 4 hours were coming to a close and they were the Best!

The Photos

I hope you enjoyed the photos from my visit as much as I enjoyed taking them.

New England Aquarium

What a busy week that last week in August turned out to be! I had a wonderful day with Nancy, Alex and Dawn at the Roger Williams Park and Zoo. I told you all about that but then I was surprised by a visit from some of my New York relatives. They were taking their kids to the New England Aquarium in Boston and wanted to see if I wanted to meet them for the afternoon. Silly question. Of course I did!

I had a work commitment in the morning but it turned out that I finished at the perfect time. I got a Text from them letting me know they were about 90 minutes away and so was I! Could that have worked out any better if we’d planned it?

I headed into Boston but today I chose to drive in. I knew parking would be expensive and it was. $35.00! And the garage only took cash. Oh well what’s that saying, Admission $20.00,  Imax $10.00,  parking $35.00 , an afternoon with family…PRICELESS!!

George is my Nephew and his wife is Kelly and the two awesome kids are my (dare I say it) GREAT Niece Catherine and  GREAT Nephew Patrick.

Of course they are GREAT but  in this case I’m referring to the generational fact that I’m not just an aunt but a great aunt..WOW. I am getting old!

I haven’t been into the Aquarium in quite a while so it was fun to go again and to watch the kids get so excited about the great ocean tank. We even got to see the divers go in to feed the fish.

They’ve added a new Shark and Ray Touch Tank since I was there last too. Everyone enjoyed that, adults and children alike.

The sea lions aren’t on a separate boat anymore either. They have a beautiful enclosure where they are out for visitors to see all the time instead of just when the trainers come in to do a show.

Catherine slipped under the sea-lion statue for a photo moment.

Cute and she thought of it all on her own.

We also squeezed in an IMAX 3D show.

We were busy every moment.

The kids were great too. After that long drive they still held up the whole afternoon. I was very impressed. George and Kelly can be very proud.

Finally as it approached closing time we headed out.

The kids, and I bet the adults too, were getting hungry. George, Kelly and the kids headed over to Faneuil Hall to the food court and I headed back to the car. I had things I had to get done so I had to beg off from dinner but the time we had together was lots of fun.

Thanks guys for inviting me along! 🙂