Snow in Hawaii

Now I’m no expert but with 3 trips and 3 islands under my belt I do think I can share some insight into Hawaii’s varied climate.


Whenever I tell people I’m heading to the Islands for vacation I am always asked about the weather. Even better was when there was a headline in BOLD letters “SNOW IN HAWAII”. I love it! So let me share what little I do know about Hawaii and its weather.


For the most part weather in Hawaii is fairly consistent year round. There are 2 seasons, summer from May to October and winter which runs from November to April. Daytime temps in the summer are around 85 degrees F and only slightly lower in winter at an average of 78 degrees F.

So how can there be snow if it’s 78 F you ask.


 Well the islands have an amazing diversity of micro-environments. Each have their own unique weather, plants and animals. Did you know a volcano like Kilauea creates its own weather? It sure does and we experienced that the first night on the Big Island. As we drove from Hilo to our time share we hit a heavy fog bank and lots of misty air. It was so dark and hard to see that it made for a very stressful drive for our first night there. Only after we visited Volcano National Park did we find out that it was from the volcano. The islands are all of volcanic origins with topography that ranges from sandy, sea level beaches to towering volcanic mountains.

Mauna Loa on the Big Island is the world’s largest active volcano. It extends 13,697 feet above sea level but there is another 3100 below sea level. When you hear that there has been snow in Hawaii it is likely to be on  either Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea, also on the Big Island. So you could go skiing in the morning and surfing in the afternoon all on the same island.

By the way, Mauna Kea is even taller than Mauna Loa and is the location of the world’s largest observatory.

So now that the matter of snow has been addressed let’s talk about the trade winds. Sometimes they can be pretty strong as Sandy and I experienced when we explored  Pali Lookout (Nu’uanu Pali) on Oahu. But thanks to these prevailing breezes even 85 F is comfortable.


The trade winds bring moist , cool air into the northeastern slopes of the mountains. As the winds are forced up the mountain slopes the air cools and the moisture condenses causing rain. ( Sorry for the science lesson)  This is why the islands seem to have  a split personality, warm and wet on one side and desert dry on the other.


Most of the resorts and tourist destinations are on the dry side. Tourists don’t like to get rained on. They want to bask on the sandy beaches and drink their tropical drinks with little umbrellas. I like the beaches and snorkeling but I also love the lush green of the rain forest. The Big Island is a great example . The beautiful botanical gardens are all around Hilo because it is on the windward side of the Big Island but the resorts are on the Kona side. Driving from one side of the island to the other is dramatic. You leave the moist rainforest, drive a twisting road over the mountains (with outstanding vistas at every turn) and hit the flat, dry, arid side of the island. You drive through desert and lava fields to reach Kona.


This wet/dry pattern is repeated to varying degrees on each of the islands. Depending on where you are you can experience tropical rain forests, cool alpine regions, arid deserts, and sunny beaches – all within the span of just a few miles. Is it any wonder that I’m enamored of the islands? Like thousands of people before me, I fell in love with this island paradise.

The Winter Brrrr

This past weekend we finally got a heavy snowfall. So far the winter hasn’t been too extreme. The weatherman keeps referring to 40 degrees as “seasonal”. Hmm I seem to remember it being much colder than than but I suppose they have the records. Anyway, this weekend we got a storm that ranged through southeastern MA. The mountains and NH only saw about 2 inches compared to our 1 1/2 – 2 ft.


I am born and raised in the north. I grew up in the Adirondacks but as much as I have fond memories of snowball fights, sledding and snow shoeing I just can’t seem to get excited about it now.


I saw my younger brother a few weeks ago and he was talking about getting out cross country skiing. Made me feel cold just listening to him. Still maybe I can force myself out to do some snow shoeing. Its only cold until you get started then you work up some internal heat as you tromp along.

Still if given the choice of of a brisk winter day or spending the afternoon snorkeling among the tropical fish, I’ll take the fish any day!


What am I doing living here!


That pretty much sums it up.

Its A Blizzard Out There

Yesterday an unprecedented storm struck much of the east coast reaching blizzard conditions in many areas. Washington DC, Pennsylvania and NYC reported record snow fall. As the storm progressed northward it wound it’s way through Connecticut into Southeastern Massachusetts. Falmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth were some of the communities most hard hit but I’m happy to report that in my little corner of the world the storm was just a snow storm.


And I’m also happy to say that my condo folks were right on top of the clean up.



Not everyone was upset about the snow.


Enjoy your day everyone!


I Bet I’m in Trouble!

Hi everyone. I want to thank so many of you who reached out to be sure I was ok. That was so nice. I’m sorry I’ve been neglectful.

So here’s the reason’s or excuses.

#1. New England has been snowed in!


We have had over 100 inches of snow this season and 68 inches of that fell in February. We had snow 20 days out of 28 and it set a record for 2nd coldest month since they started keeping records.

#2. My wolf photo shoot was canceled because we had 2 blizzards that weekend and even if they would have held the shoot I wasn’t driving all that way in a blizzard.

#3. I came down with a winter cold. 🙁 As a result I lost my mind. I just couldn’t get my thoughts in order to put them down on the page.

And the #4 reason I haven’t been posting….I gave myself a birthday present.

And it was a very bad thing. You see I am addicted to reading. When I have to go buy a book or order one from Amazon there are down times while I wait but because we’ve had so much bad weather I didn’t want to be stuck in the house without reading material so I gave myself a Kindle for my birthday. Now I have a book calling my name all the time! I really have to get a grip on myself!

I do still have some more Las Vegas stories for you and a Disney vacation is right around the corner so I’ll try to get my act together and gets some new posts up for you.

I’ll need to update you on the kitties too. Rocky and Buddy are always good for some stories.

So I apologize for being MIA for so long and I promise I’ll start applying myself again. Many thanks to all of you for sticking around and waiting for me.



It’s been a Long Winter

I don’t mean to complain but Thursday’s  post was the view after the storm last weekend but then we got another one on Tuesday and another one (minor) on Wednesday. It’s been like that all winter. Pictures of snow storms are all starting to look alike.

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Yes I know there are places that get a lot more snow and much colder temperatures than Massachusetts but people that live there expect to be snow bound for 6 months of the year. A good big blizzard or “nor’easter is fun… now and then. But I’m getting weary. I’m tired of searching for a spot of color in a monochromatic world.

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Even the blue skies after a storm have a kind of diluted color. Usually the snow sparkles and the sky gets such a deep blue it hurts your eyes, but not this year. This year the white is without the sparkle and the sky is a light blue, if it’s blue at all. We’ve had a lot of just plain gray days. It feels like the world is in black and white.

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It’s depressing, at least to me. I wonder if this is how  it feels to live in the “North Country” where there’s 6 months of darkness.  I couldn’t do that.

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People say this is New England…It snows…. but not like this. Skiers and snowboarders  are having a great time. I’m glad for you! But not for me, oh no, not for me. 🙁

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I see postings on Facebook telling people to stop complaining or if they don’t like it to move.  I’m at the point I wish I could move to someplace with sun and warm weather. A tropical island come to mind. But my job is here and my condo is here (and upside down in value) so I don’t think a move is in the cards.

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Guess I’ll just have to buck up. We should be on the downside and heading toward spring. March is only 2 weeks away. Maybe there is an end in sight?

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