Maybe New Mexico?

Santa Fe, New Mexico

I haven’t ignored my vacation planning completely while I’ve been being domestic. I’ve been considering New Mexico. My time share has a resort in Santa Fe called, what else, Villa de Santa Fe. The Web site says “ Take a colorful journey to the base of the breathtaking Sangre de Cristo Mountains at Villas de Santa Fe. Discover Indian pueblos, historic sites, Spanish colonial art or stunning adobe churches and architecture”.
More searching indicates that the best time of year to visit is September to November.  That fits with the Big Balloon Festival in Albuquerque.

Villas de Santa Fe

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

In 2023 the Balloon Fiesta is scheduled for Oct 7 -15. so it falls right in the sweet spot for visiting Santa Fe. According to google maps the drive is 62 miles and should take about an hour of actual drive time. There are a lot of stops you can make along the way so I would need to try not to get side tracked or distracted.  The balloons fly in the early morning or the late afternoon/evening so lots of time during the day for exploring.

Photographers — Albuquerque Balloon Fest Insider Tours

Loretto Chapel

Located in Santa Fe, Loretto Chapel was built around 1873 by the Sisters of Loretto. I remember visiting the Spanish Missions when I visited San Antonio, TX and really enjoyed them.  Loretto Chapel has a so called miraculous staircase. Its a 20-foot-high circular stairway to the choir loft built by a wandering carpenter after the chapel itself was completed in 1878. The carpenter used wooden pegs (not nails) and the staircase itself has no visible means of support. They say it is hard to get pictures of the staircase as there are always so many tourists admiring it but I’d love to try.

Bandelier National Monument

I’m not sure if I am up to the physical part of this but I sure want to try. At the base of Frijoles Canyon are a collection of ancient cave dwellings and other stone structures belonging to ancestors of the Pueblo tribe. Explore the settlement by following the paved trail through the village and climbing the wooden ladders into the caves themselves.

Visit Bandelier National Monument for History and Hummingbirds - Birds and Blooms


It seems like a trip to New Mexico wouldn’t be complete without a stop in Roswell where the modern UFO era began. Unfortunately Roswell isn’t just around the corner. It’s almost 200 miles and a 3 hour drive and that’s without stops along the way. I guess that is one that would have to be “played by ear”. 

Fly the Friendly Skies with ?

Fly the Friendly Skies

Fly the Friendly Skies is the slogan for United Airlines. Southwest makes it fun. They have a multitude of slogans “Love Is Still Our Field”, “Just Plane Smart”, “The Somebody Else Up There Who Loves You”, “You’re Now Free To Move About The Country”, “THE Low Fare Airline,”“Grab your bag, It’s On!” and “Welcome Aboard.” The airline’s current slogan is “Low fares.Nothing to hide.”. Delta has requested trademark stats for The World’s Most Trusted Airline.” And what about American? I found 4 possible slogans for American Airlines

So do any of them live up to their slogan?

Who do you Fly with?

I fly Delta quite often. I used to fly Southwest but I got tired of their free for all boarding policy. Granted I think they are a good value but as I’ve gotten older comfort and convenience has trumped low fares, especially when the fare difference isn’t that much. It’s been awhile since I’ve flown United too but for no reason other than they either didn’t fly where I wanted to go or there were better schedules with other airlines. I haven’t had a problem.  I’m flying American Airlines to Hawaii when I take my next trip. So far they have been helpful and accommodating. I’ve had some issues with American in the past so I have my fingers crossed. Delta seems to be my airline of choice even though that’s the only airline I’ve ever seen a flight attendant totally lose it.  Yup, one had a complete melt down. Tore the intercom phone out of the wall and threw it across the cabin.  That’s the only time I’ve been disturbed enough to file a complaint.

It’s all about Attitude, Not Altitude

I hear all about the horror stories. I subscribe to several travel sites and hear the complaints. No airline is immune. I fly for business a couple of times a year and I fly for pleasure 2-3 times a year. That doesn’t put me in the same category as those million mile folks but I’d say that’s probably above average in experience. The way I cope is to chill out. I try not to let the little things get to me. Travelling can be stressful so if your plane is late or you have to be re-routed will it really make a difference? Will you still get where you’re going? I’d much rather have a plane grounded for mechanical problems and my trip delayed than to take off and have an engine fail at 30,000 ft. I go into travel with the attitude that things are going to go wrong. Deal with it. Consider it an adventure.  This means that I don’t yell at the gate attendants, flight attendants or anyone else connected with my experience. And do you know what? They always try to help me out.

 My Favorite Airline

There’s good and bad with all the airlines. There are surly TSA agents and there are friendly out going, helpful ones. There are crowded airports and long lines. It can be exhausting, confusing and just plain irritating.   I really think having a good attitude goes a long way to getting  help when you need it. Sure, I’ve had my share of experiences with grumpy attendants but take a minute to watch how the average traveler treats these employees. I don’t blame them for being rude or less than helpful when they are verbally abused by a good number of passengers. Courtesy is a two way street. Remember, expect the unexpected and roll with it. And the next time you need help try honey instead of vinegar. It might help.



You can’t Escape Karma

The pictures from my phone camera finally got here so now I have a story to tell.

First, a little background.  In a way I think it’s payback for something that happened 30-40 years ago. I had a chance to go to a seminar in Vancouver , BC and they let us bring a guest. I invited my mother.

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Now my mother is a feisty little thing and when we were returning to the hotel one night she walked into a wall. Let me explain. The hotel had a large wall of glass. The doors were also glass and opened in the center. My Mom wears glasses and in the dark it was hard to see where the glass wall stopped and the glass door began. The doors opened for me  but my Mom walked into the glass wall…and bounced! Like a cartoon character she bounced backward several steps. I should have said.. “Are you all right?” but instead I laughed. I laughed so hard I thought I’d cry. Bad daughter!


With that history I think the universe caught up to me on this San Diego trip.

cat laugh

As many of you know, New England had a “blizzard” Tuesday night. (It kind of fizzled but they still called it a blizzard). My Southwest flight was out of Providence on Wednesday morning. Not knowing what the driving would be like I left home very early for the 30 minute drive.

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I witnessed a 3 car accident right in Providence but other than that the drive was uneventful. I was in the gate area by 9:30 am for an 11:30 flight which was then delayed to 12:15 and then 12:45 and then 1:15. About then the desk attendants  began rebooking connections for Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Salt Lake City, Denver, every destination except San Diego.

When I was asked I was told the San Diego connection was running behind so I’d have 30 minutes to get to my gate after landing in Baltimore. No need to rebook a new connection.

Except when we landed in Baltimore I was being paged. I was the last passenger and they were holding my flight. I was stuck in a middle seat for a 5 hour plus flight. Just what I didn’t want. Luckily my seatmates were very nice and the flight passed pleasantly.


Arriving in San Diego I had to let everyone off ahead of me before I could make it to the rear of the plane for my carry-on. Finally, Back pack on and carry-on in front of me I made my way down the  aisle and out the plane door to the jetway except something snagged my backpack and I was stopped dead. My momentum wanted to carry me forward and as I tried to catch myself my foot slammed into the crack between the plane and the jetway and it was all over.

Woman tripping over a rug

I landed flat on my face.


Southwest employees came running. One had my sneaker, one had my arm and helped me sit down. They wanted to know if I’d hit my head, was I hurt and so on. I’m sure they saw lawsuit floating above my head. All I wanted to do was get on my way.


When the dust settled and I recovered from my embarrassment and took stock of my injuries I did have a bump on my head, floor burns and bruises on my left arm and right knee, a wrenched back and a groin pull. Walking was quite a challenge for a few days.

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I’m happy to report that I am on the mend and moving a bit better. And I feel this should have paid off any bad karma for laughing at my mother’s mishap all those years ago.


This time I’m traveling to Seattle on Southwest. It’s been awhile since I’ve flown Southwest so I was surprised by their open seating policy. It worked out ok and it was a pretty uneventful flight. The only issue was the plane change in Baltimore. When they transferred the luggage it was pouring rain. I guess Southwest doesn’t believe in covering luggage with a tarp. The luggage was so wet that water was running out of bags on the baggage carousel.

I took a cab to my hotel and when I unpacked all of my clothes were soaked and had to be hung up to dry. I was not a happy camper but maybe the downpour had surprised them. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Now about my digs for the week.

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My new employer is putting me up until Friday when  it will be time to head back home. My accommodations are in the Hotel 5 which is located in the Belltown section of Seattle.

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I feel like I’ve been dropped into one of J.A. Jance’s novels. She writes a series of novels about J.P. Beaumont, a Seattle Homicide Detective. She often describes places in Seattle which until now were just fiction.

But back to my Hotel, I walked in with my luggage still dripping water to see plastic draped through the lobby. Apparently they had a construction project going and they ran late. The poor night desk clerk looked quite harried. Another “guest” and I use the term loosely was reading him the riot act. I’m not sure about what but nothing the clerk offered him was good enough. I really felt bad for the clerk..not the guy yelling.

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As soon as the clerk could break away from Mr. Irate, he checked me in and in spite of having just been reamed out like that, he was pleasant and professional  to me.

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The hotel was filled with bright colors, nothing calm or subdued here. At first I felt like I was getting a wake up call at 10 pm with all the bright colors but slowly they began to grow on me. The floors in the room were hardwood which surprised me since most hotels have industrial carpet. I have to admit I liked the way the hardwood looked.

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There was free WIFI in the rooms, always a big plus in my opinion.

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I unpacked and hung my soggy clothing in the shower to drip dry…I’m serious, it was that bad! Then went back down to find a restaurant. It was quiet in the lobby now so the clerk sent me one block down to the Palace Kitchen

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  where I had a lovely if expensive dinner with a ceramic chicken.

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Tomorrow I’d find the home office and meet the staff.