Bash Bish Falls

Bash Bish Falls

Bash Bish Falls is located in a State Park of the same name in the Town of Mount Washington, Ma. This is the highest single drop water fall with the state’s borders.

Bash BishFalls lies in the Taconic mountains located int he Hudson Valley. Even so, Massachusetts residents prefer to include it in the Berkshire mountains and New York residents consider it all part of the Adirondack Mountains.

60-80 ft drop

After a series of cascades, nearly 200 ft in total, the final drop splits. The twin falls stream past the jutting center rock to fall 60-80 feet to the serene pool at the bottom.

A Dangerous Attraction

The falls are clearly posted  “no swimming” but I saw several people with shirts off and towels ready that were just itching to jump in. The rangers were present the whole time I was there making sure none one acted on the impulse. Because of the large number of drowning, injuries and falls in 2009 AOL Travel named Bash Bish Falls as one of the “Most Dangerous Tourist Attractions” in the U.S. In 2010 AOL upgraded the warning  to the world.

Leaving the Falls

Obviously leaving the falls was easier than climbing up to it. Driving back to the highway was shorter and quicker going through New York. It wasn’t long until I was back on I 90 heading for the New York State Line.

Wildlife in New York

I had barely crossed the stat line when I spotted a brown spot against the green. As I drew closer I could see it was a deer. Just about the time I drew even with her I realized it wasn’t one deer. It was a doe and fawn. The fawn was tiny and covered with spots. That made my day. A beautiful waterfall and now a mama and baby deer. What more could you ask for on a Saturday afternoon?


West Virginia

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

I can’t say that I’ve been to West Virginia but if singing this John Denver song counts then I’ve been many times. 🙂 I even played it in the background while I was doing my research for this post. I figured it would put me in the mood.

One of the first things I ran across was Cass Scenic Railroad State Park. Nestled in the mountains of West Virginia, Cass Scenic Railroad State Park offers excursions that transport you back in time to relive an era when steam-driven locomotives were an essential part of everyday life. Now that sounds like a top of the list experience in my book.


For a scenic drive West Virginia boasts the 43 mile long Highland Scenic Highway. This was built for the pleasure of mountain driving. The quiet two-lane highway takes you into the heart of the 919,000 acre Monongahela National Forest. On the 23 mile section known as Rt 150 there isn’t a house, business, utility pole, bill board or traffic signal! There’s no plowing in the winter so unless you plan to travel it on your snowmobile, plan a summer visit.


In Wheeling, a winter trip will land you in the middle of the Oglebay Winter Festival of Lights. A 6 mile driving tour set in a spectacular setting – a 19th century ridge top resort that was once a “Gilded-age” tycoon’s estate. The estate is now owned by the city of Wheeling and every year more than a million people  enjoy more than 5o lighted displays.


Adventurous souls should explore the New River Gorge in south-central West Virginia. Once the coal capital of the state today tourism rules the economy and the New River and nearby Gauley River have become top white water rafting destinations.


Plan your trip for October and you might see some crazy acrobatics on and off the New River Gorge Bridge. Bridge Day is the largest BASE Jumping event in the world. Every year some 450 BASE jumpers leap off the 876 ft. high bridge doing all kinds of flips and turns before deploying their single parachute.


At the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers you’ll find Harpers Ferry, the site of John Brown’s ill fated  slave rebellion. But long before this historic event, Thomas Jefferson described it as “perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in nature. ” Harpers Ferry is remarkably well preserved with narrow streets and a lot of history.


West Virginia is the only state completely contained in the Appalachian Mountain Range giving the state a hilly winding topography. Folks joke that if the state were pulled flat it would be bigger than the state of Texas!

Country roads, take me home 
To the place I belong 
West Virginia, Mountain Mama 
Take me home, country roads

The count now stands at 20/28

South Carolina

If someone says South Carolina to you what is the first thing that comes to mind? To me it’s the heart of the south. Maybe Gone With the Wind was set in Georgia but for some reason it’s Charleston SC that makes me think of southern hospitality and Southern Belles, like Scarlett. Sorry Margaret Mitchell, I shouldn’t move the location of such a beloved classic.:)


I have a sister-in-law from Charleston. My brother met her when he was stationed at the Charleston Naval Station. She’s always been a good sport with us “northerners” and she has a really wild sense of humor.  I haven’t seen her in awhile but I have these great memories of laughing till my sides hurt! Good times! But most of the visits have been elsewhere, not in her home state of South Carolina, so forgive me, Ellen, if I don’t get it quite right.


Charleston SC is known own for its rich history, well-preserved architecture, distinguished restaurants, and mannerly people, Charleston has received a large number of accolades, including “America’s Most Friendly [City]” by Travel + Leisure  and  “the most polite and hospitable city in America” by Southern Living magazine. (See,  I’m not the only one who thinks of Southern Hospitality.)

About 70 miles south of Charleston is 5,000 acre Hunting Island State Park, home to loggerhead turtles, alligators, herons, and oystercatchers.


Also part of the low country is the Famed Hilton Head Island. This is one of the most popular and developed resort areas on the eastern seaboard.


It includes 25 championship golf courses and 300 tennis courts. My friend “Ace”, a tennis fanatic, has attended tennis camps at Hilton Head.


I also hear a lot about Myrtle Beach. That’s a big tourist area but close to Myrtle beach is something much closer to my heart. Someplace I intend to make sure I visit. Believe it or not I first heard about this place at King Richard’s Faire. Then I saw a show on one of the TV channels…Travel Channel, Animal Planet …one of them. The place I really want to visit is  Myrtle Beach Safari. It’s on T.I.G.E.R Ave.

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TIGER Stands for The Institute of Greatly  Endangered and Rare Species. The same people that tour with the tigers and ligers with the medieval fairs run this sanctuary. As I recall, a day at the sanctuary getting to play with the animals is VERY expensive but I wasn’t able to check the cost while I was preparing this post. Their “tour season” seems to have ended so they may not have posted their tours for next season yet. But the video on the website is running and I think if you check that out you will understand why I want to go there so badly.

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Although I haven’t had the opportunity to explore SC to my heart’s content I was there for my brother’s wedding. So I think I have to count SC on my “yes” side even though I still want to go back.

My new tally 15/25…10 more states to go in the countdown.

Battleship Cove

Battleship Cove is located in Fall River , Ma.

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It’s a nonprofit maritime museum. In addition to the brick and mortar museum, the grounds are decorated with propellers, props and preserved pieces of hulls.

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In the water of beautiful Mt. Hope Bay the  rescued naval vessels are still afloat and maintained. A nominal admission allows you to explore the majestic ships.

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This is the largest collection of preserved US Navy Ships in the World. The fleet includes five National Historic Landmarks: Battleship USS Massachusetts, Destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Submarine USS Lionfish, and PT Boats 617 and 796.

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While exploring the grounds I met a veteran who is now making his living as a pilot/photographer. He had a stand set up with his amazing photographs. You can check out his work at

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Battleship Cove and it’s museums sit surrounded by Fall River Heritage State Park. The park hugs the shore of the Taunton River (Mt. Hope Bay) and offers a boardwalk, benches, groves of trees, an antique  carousel, public sailing programs, and a three-acre meadow where I watched families flying kites.

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The carousel is housed in a separate building and was closed to the public for a private party when I was there. I definitely want to return to see that. I could see traditional carousel lights through the windows of the upper level but couldn’t see much else.

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I watched a common merganser float with the tide and a 2 drakes got into a tussle over a female  duck.

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I even saw a turtle making a dive for the bottom. All around was activity, joggers, dog walkers, families with strollers. It was clear that this is a popular park  in beautiful shape and I had a beautiful spring day to enjoy my introduction.

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If you go you’ll find  the parking is free in the lot located under the Braga Bridge near the Battleship Cove Visitor Center.

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Park all day and enjoy all the area has to offer. I only scratched the surface on this first visit.

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It’s clear I’ll have to go back to dig a little deeper.

Challenge #1 ~ Plymouth Rock

Did you get it? It’s Plymouth Rock.

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The first time I went to see Plymouth Rock I was surprised to see the monument. For some reason I expected a rock possibly protected by a fence around it. I wasn’t expecting this elaborate memorial.

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Plymouth Rock located in Pilgrim Memorial State Park is  in one of the most heavily visited State Parks in the system. The big draw being the  “Rock”, the world-famous  symbol of the courage and faith of the men and women who founded the first New England Colony.

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Every year nearly one million people from all over the world come to visit the town where in 1620 Europeans first made a home in New England.

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The park is located on Water St, Plymouth , Ma.

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In 1774, Plymouth Rock split in two when a team of oxen attempted to raise it. Only the lower portion was left at the waterfront. The upper portion was moved to be displayed  in the Town Square. Souvenir seekers caused further damage so the rock was moved again to the safety of  an iron fence at Pilgrim Hall in 1834.

It had a rough trip to the museum obtaining a distinctive crack when it fell off its conveyance.

In 1859 the Pilgrim Society  acquired the other half of Plymouth Rock and in 1867  a canopy structure was completed on the waterfront to house it. In 1880 the upper chunk was united with the lower piece with cement and 1620 was carved into the rock.

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Plymouth rock made its last move to its current location in 1921 during the celebration of Plymouth’s tercentenary and a new canopy.

If you plan to visit you will find a replica of the Mayflower, the Mayflower II, anchored in the park.

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So that’s challenge #1. Tomorrow I’ll have a new one for you. 🙂 At least you know it won’t be the Mayflower!