What a Week!

What a Week It’s Been!

I wish every week was as productive  as it’s been this week Not that it wasn’t without aggravation but lets go over the week one thing at a time.

Kitchen Faucet

Remember that nasty, rusted kitchen faucet? Well my contractor, finally,

was able to squeeze me in between big jobs. After all replacing a faucet is a little job and I feel lucky that I found someone to do it. Most of the plumbers I called didn’t even bother to call me back and if they did they said they’d “Let me know”. Never heard from them again. Well here’s my before and after photos. Love my new Faucet. It solved the water pressure issue that I thought was in the building and finally I have a spray that works! I even like to way the new faucet blends with the décor. The bronze matches the drawer fixtures. 


I may have mentioned that when I went to Home Depot to pick up the faucet that I also ordered a a new gas stove. It has a grill on top and air fryer setting and convection oven. It’s gorgeous but it scares me. I have a lot to learn about this.  I guess it was sort of like going to the grocery store when you’re hungry. You buy things! Anyway Home Depot delivers but they don’t install. Now imagine how hard it is to get a gas certified plumber to come out not once, but twice. They need to disconnect the old stove, leave it and come back once the new stove is delivered and hook that one up.

I found the plumber through my HOA as they are doing a lot of Gas work in the other building in my condo complex. I was surprised when he said he could do it without any push back! More than surprised, I was thrilled. The only  fly in the ointment was that Home Depot wouldn’t give me the delivery window, just the day that they were coming out. I was promised an email and a phone call. I got neither so I made a nuisance of myself calling their delivery hot line. 

Home Depot Scheduling

Finally at 3 pm on Friday they gave me a delivery window of 7-11 am on Saturday!  Sent a quick text to the plumber who said nope- all booked. can’t do it. Push it out a week!

I reminded him that I had our texts with the date of delivery. I just didn’t have the times until Home Depot got around to scheduling the delivery. He must have found the text or felt guilty because he came through with one of his employees.

The plumber’s assistant ( I can’t call him a Plumbers Helper    Plunger - Wikipedia   ) was removing the old stove when I got a call from the delivery team. They were 30 minutes out, Perfect Timing. They brought the new stove in with an ingenious system of belts and took the old stove out the same way. PA (Plumbers Assistant) had just come back from a supply run and walked in as the HD team was leaving.  He hooked up the new stove and was out the door. All done by 9:30 am!



The last home improvement was my dining room table. Its over 25 years old so I guess it’s an antique. It’s part of a set with a big hutch and dry sink so I really didn’t want to replace it but it was getting very wobbly. I’d tried tightening the legs from under the table but that didn’t work so before the PA left he helped me flip the table over. I grabbed a pair of pliers and went to work on the bolts holding the legs in place.  My neighbor helped me flip it back onto its feet. One thing about living in a condo, there’s always someone around. 



 I’m pretty pleased with my week. A new faucet, a new stove and my table as good as new.  And I even had time to explore another vacation option. I’ll tell you all about that in another post. Get ready for Santa Fe.

TOURISM Santa Fe Santa Fe Re-Opening