Time to make the Decision not the Donuts

Decision Timewalking across the wire bridge in New Portland Maine

While I considered my options I spotted a young man walking his dog. I explained my dilemma and he recommended continuing on the back roads. Of course he, like my directions, left out a few things, like a T intersection. Which way now? Another decision! I chose right bumping along the dirt road for another mile or two before it changed back to hard top.

Back on Route 27.

Carrabasett RiverEventually I worked my way back to the first Wire Bridge sign. I’d gone full circle. At least I knew where I was now. I got back on RT 27 and started looking for Rt 234. Several miles along I spotted it but now do I go east or West? My directions didn’t say. I chose to go straight (west). It felt like I was driving forever as is typical when you have no idea where you’re going.


Eventually I drove into a town called Strong. Unfortunately  at that point I lost RT 234. This was really turning into quite the scenic drive. Like Gilligan’s 3 hour cruise, my 2 hour scenic drive was the never-ending drive heading into it’s 3rd hour. I was now on Rt 142 or was it Rt 145? I kept seeing signs for both but it was far too late to turn around. Best to keep on truckin’.


Holy moly another T intersection but at least this one has road signs. 12 miles to the left to Phillips or 3 miles to the right to Errol. I don’t know Errol but I do know that I can find RT 4 in Phillips so Phillips it is. Just then the skies opened up and the rain started in torrents. It was just sunny! What happened!?

Route 4 and back to Rangeley.Field of Lupine

The rain stopped as quickly as it started just as I got on RT 4. Now it was deja vu. This was how I drove into  Rangeley the first day. I passed Small Falls. I would have stopped but I was afraid the rain might start again. I’ll save it for another day. Then I passed the dirt bank from the “You have reached your destination” fiasco. Next up was the trail head for the Appalachian Trail. I was on a roll now. I knew exactly where I was. I drove past the Suds and Sizzle, the IGA and finally my resort. I’d earned a lunch out for a change. I’m headed for the Red Onion.