Personal Day In Hawaii

Personal Time

Personal time, by that I mean no tours, no special activities, is rare for me on vacation. I’m usually on the go, go, go. I am very aware that I have a limited amount of time and there’s always so much to see and do. But I’m starting to find that these crazy busy vacations are beginning to take a toll on me. I’m not getting any younger and my chronic back issues really drain my energy. So after the long day touring Volcano National Park I took a break. I just hung out around the resort but there was still plenty to do.

Ocean rowing


Ocean View from the Lanai

Atlantis Submarine


Tree TrimingA good part of my morning was spent relaxing on the lanai.  I watched the little submarine go up and down taking tourists to the bottom of the bay. I did that on Maui but I skipped it here. It was fun just to watch the process from my deck.  The grounds keepers were busy too. They were trimming off the large palm leaves from the trees that were scattered over the property. After the storm that came through Monday they wanted to make sure there were no loose limbs to fall on the guests. Every morning the rowers come by my deck. Today was no exception. They were out in force. Late morning a huge cruise ship slid into view. It was too large to dock so they used tenders to transport the tourists. My guess is they were coming into Kailua Pier to wander the shopping district along Alii Drive.

Tiki Grotto with Cruise ship

Entertaining Afternoon

Lunch was at Don’s Mai Tai Bar. The food was expensive but ok. Simply a case of trying to live up to the price. I’d have liked a plain cheeseburger better but then they wouldn’t have been able to charge $16.00! Service was good and the outdoor setting was relaxing. Watching the bartender whip up the exotic drinks was entertaining in and of itself.  Later in the afternoon I was joined by a couple from  the Volcano tour and their local friend.  Finger foods and drinks followed. Finally an entertainer plugged in . He was obviously popular as it was standing room only. Glad I had a seat from the afternoon! What a great way to spend my “off” day!