Colorado Rocky Mountain High

Colorado’s Rocky Mountains

When I say “Colorado Rocky Mountain High” I’m not talking about their legalization of Marijuana. In fact when I thought about going to Colorado it was just because I haven’t been there yet! I have a co-worker who used to live in Colorado. She has only good things to say about the state but every time I say I might go and suggest a place she says ” Oh that’s a great place to visit but…it’s really hard to get there“. Now that we’re all stuck at home I’ve started thinking and planning for a vacation that might not happen but planning is almost as much fun as the trip itself . So lets talk about Colorado.

Colorado Weather

When I first started looking into a Colorado vacation I had to narrow down the time frame. I’m not a winter sports buff, unless I’m watching it on TV. Love downhill racing from my armchair. It’s a great Olympic sport. But I never learned to ski. Too many of my friends wrecked their knees skiing when I was growing up. Plus its cold. So I don’t think I want to go in the winter. Since it’s mountains snow can come early in the fall. I came close to getting stranded in Wyoming in October due to snow so looks like summer is my vacation of choice.

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Next step was to decide which part of the state I wanted to visit. Colorado is a big state. I started out by checking availability for  my time share.  This was before the quarantines and travel bans so there wasn’t much to choose from. If I wanted to book now there are 62 resorts available throughout the state! But back when I first thought about Colorado there was Vail (too touristy), Telluride (Where Butch Cassidy robbed his first bank) or Steamboat Springs ( Big Ski Area). Except for Vail my friend said nice to all and tough to get to for all. No help with my choice.  But finally the hot spring in Steamboat Springs tipped the scale. So I’m booked into The Steamboat Grand Resort in August. Time to figure out what to do there in the summer. Just in case I really get to go.