An Update from Mayor Stubbs

Hi Guys
I have greatly improved over the last few weeks and is beginning to get back to his old self. I may need another surgery to repair a floating septum bone but otherwise I am doing well. I am watching the elections with great and Feel ready to dispense advice on any issue. I am roaming more freely (around the store) and extra precautions have been taken to assure I remain safe and well while recovering. I may come out of retirement and Claw my way back to the top..
Many thanks for your wonderful support

Mayor Stubbs

A sad moment indeed. It sounds like Mayor Stubbs is going to retire.

Hi Guys

I am still recovering slowly but he has been able to make my way out to the front of the shop and although not quiet my old self I am feeling a bit better today. I am still very stiff and hold close to LORI as i’m still a little jumpy around other animals and loud noises.
As you have read i don’t think i will return to public life in the same manor as before. I had a great run and a very exciting life as Mayor but its time for Talkeetna to find a new mayor. I only hope i have served them with as much love and respect as you all have shown for me.

I love you all —- meeow!

A Message from The Mayor

I’m happy to report that I am now back home in Talkeetna, where I continue to mend. I must thank my brother from another mother, Morris The Cat, for helping to cover my medical expenses. All donations I’ve received that exceed my expenses will be donated to the Mat-Su Animal Shelter, to support fellow animals in need.
Unfortunately due to my strict recovery diet, I am unable to drink my usual catnip-laced water from my wine glass, but I do hope to be back in my normal routine in the near future. Thank you all for the cards, packages, donations, and Facebook love you’ve shown me during this difficult time. I do hope you will all consider moving to Talkeetna so that I can repay you with town-wide dance parties and mouse hunts, because let’s be real, there will be a party as soon as I’m back on my feet.
Love, Mayor Stubbs