Time is Running Out

I was taking a leisurely stroll through my timeshare options until I got to Maryland.  As you can tell, I fell in love with that option. I was so enamored that I attempted to book a week, any week only to find that it was completely sold out. A big  NO VACANCY sign.


That was a “wake up ” call for me. I may not have a decision to make if I continue to drag my feet. The last time I ended up having to take the “left overs” it worked out great. I ended up in Sedona  for my first visit. I liked it so much that I went back to the same resort a few years later. Still I’d rather make a decision than have it made for me. With that in mind I ran through the remaining exchanges to see if they were even available. Most weren’t.


Of my 17 unvisited states with timeshares exchanges only 6 still have vacancies! One of them is just too expensive (The points are too high).

I think I’m going to go with Tennessee. Colorado has weeks available but not my first choices. Missouri just didn’t send my heart pitter patting although located in Branson Southwest should be able to find it now.

Michigan was way too many points! Shockingly high.

New Mexico ~ Located in Santa Fe , New Mexico..I’ve thought  about New Mexico a lot. There’the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque and the massive Carlsbad Caverns. There are several nature preserves too but the only times available as well as the long distances between the places I want to see, is summer. It would be very hot. It’s desert after all.


Tennessee has 5 choices , most in Gatlinburg. With 5 resorts to pick from there’s bound to be some open reservations.


I chose to enter a time range and not select a resort. Sure enough I had lots to chose from and since I’m traveling alone I only need about 3500 points for a week. I grabbed a week in May. Spring time in the Great Smokey Mountains is supposed to be nice.

Now I just have to see if work approved the vacation time! May is considered part of our busy season.

Pardon me boy, Is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?

Words made famous in the Big Band era by Glen Miller, today trains have a pride of place in Chattanooga’s former Terminal Station.


You can even stay at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel. And as long as you are in Chattanooga Tennessee, you need to cross the state border back into Georgia for a brief stop in Rock City. From the top of Lookout Mountain you have spectacular views of 7 states, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia . Walk the less- than -a-mile- long Enchanted Trail past ancient rock formations , a 90 ft. waterfall and the Swing-a-Long Bridge,  a 180 foot-long suspension bridge that sways above the Chattanooga Valley


For Civil War history buffs, move on to Franklin, Tennessee where the focal point of the town Square is a monument to unnamed Civil War Soldiers. This is an area where the plantation system rose and fell so visit Carnton Plantation while you’re in the area.

Along the Tennessee and North Carolina border are the Great Smoky Mountains, 800 square miles of the southern Appalachians. Even the Grand Canyon is described as a distant second to the visual drama of the Smokies.  This National Park is the most popular park in the country.


OK all you Elvis Fans, It’s one for the Money, Two for the show, 3 to get ready and 4 to go, go , go to Graceland Mansion, The King’s home from 1957 until he died 20 years later. While you’re in Memphis visit The Music Museums. Memphis is hailed as home to the blues, and birthplace of Rock and Roll. Celebrate not only Elvis but music greats like Muddy Waters, B.B. King and countless others.


The National Civil Rights Museum opened in 1991 in the Lorraine Building. Much of the exhibit features Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr. who was shot and killed on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel.MARTIN LUTHER KING

In Nashville we can visit the Grand Ole Opry and the Belle Meads, the most well preserved of Tennessee’s plantations.


Also in Nashville is the official home of Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United states. President Jackson lived in Nashville from 1788 until his death in 1845.

For the amusement park fans, Dollywood is located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee but don’t call it an amusement park. According to Dolly Parton it’s a “family adventure”.

Horse lovers all know the Tennessee Walking Horse. Visit Shelbyville, Tennessee at the end of August to join the 11 day celebration  of Tennessee’s own special horse breed.

tennessee walker

The last bit that I have time to cover is the Tennessee Whisky Trail. W.C. Fields advised people to “Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite…and furthermore always carry a small snake.” Tennessee sipping whiskey is a blend of corn, rye, barley, yeast and water. In 1866 Jack Daniels Distillery opened in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Tours start in the visitor’s center, furnished with antique moonshine-making equipment and artifacts. Go in late October to combine your visit with the Barbecue Festival.

Jack Daniels

Gotta love guide books and brochures.:) Makes it sound like I’ve been there but no, sadly Tennessee is still on my bucket list. So the Visited and Unvisited now stand at 16/26