The Yellow Rose of Texas

So far we’ve been to the Alamo, the mission San Jose and Mission Concepcion and it’s only just approaching time for lunch.

The tour guide was keeping an eye to the sky because if it starts to rain the riverboat ride will be canceled.  But first it’s time for lunch.

Our tour takes us to El Mercadao or Market Square where we are turned loose for shopping and lunch.

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We headed to the food court for lunch although some of our group chose to eat in the Mexican Restaurants. We kept watch for a street entertainer known as the  Mexican Elvis but he was no where to be found on this day.


In the middle of the food court was a display of brightly painted skulls . I refrained from taking a picture  because they had a sign that it was a religious display and to please treat with respect. It was set up in preparation for Day of the Dead Celebration.

It was also in El Mercadao that I spotted the large display of Yellow Roses. I don’t know the whole significance of the Yellow Rose of Texas but I do remember growing up with the folk song so I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of the huge flowers.

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Finally having explored the stalls around the food court we ventured back outside and crossed the road to the other side of El Mercado. This side reminded me of a Mexican Quincy Market in Boston.

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More stalls of souvenirs between store fronts with more trinkets. People sat outside  on benches enjoying lunch and as in all places like that, little birds arrived to steal away the dropped crumbs.

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It was a nice, relaxing break but soon we were back on the tour bus to head to the next stop, The Buckhorn Saloon and Museum.

What about a Rail Vacation?

I’m just sitting here while the tile guy grouts the tiles. He has his radio on for music to work by. Good station. Music to sing along to 🙂 (Maggie May, City of New Orleans, etc. I never was any good with titles of songs)

The problem is I can’t get anything done with him in the kitchen. I can’t finish unpacking boxes so I can’t clean because the boxes are everywhere .  The cats are enjoying them..the boxes that is.

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I’d be embarrassed to take a nap so I am playing on the computer.

I have many , many errands to run but doesn’t look like he’s going to be done anytime soon. I guess I’ll be really busy tomorrow.

Having spare time online can be very expensive.  I ordered some heavy winter clothes online. I hope they fit. I am justifying the purchase because I really need some warm outdoor clothes.  I want to be warm if I go out looking for wildlife to photograph. A good example are the snowy owls of Duxbury Beach.


I’ve gone over there a couple of times only to be beat back by the cold wind off the ocean. Every winter the snowies migrate down from the Arctic. Some are just passing through but some stick around. The Snowies that detour to Logan Airport are trapped and released on Duxbury beach so usually it’s a good spot to find them. Most of my photographer friends have had success getting shots but I always let the cold get to me. Maybe now I’ll be able to stay warm long enough to get my shot.


Having just spent way too much money I moved on to other internet searches. When my AAA magazine arrived there was an article about Amtrak Vacations. Using the article as my guide I found the website and the brochure. Some of the trips sound like cruises on land! And they are priced accordingly still the idea intrigues me. Have any of you been on an Amtrak Vacation?


I found one that was pretty reasonably priced and had departure dates that would work with my schedule.  Called “Riverwalk to the French Quarter”.  7 days for about $1200.00 per person. It starts in San Antonio where you tour the Alamo and get to visit the River walk. Then you board the train for the trip to New Orleans. So now I just have to be sure I have someone to share the trip with. I didn’t see any single rates.


We’ll see if my sister is willing to give it a try.


Everything’s Bigger in Texas

I promise…no bad Texas jokes. I mulled Texas over quite a bit before I decided it is going on the Yes Side of the ledger. Texas is such a big state that there’s no way to see everything and do everything in one vacation.

scan0004a(Oh sorry, what was that about Texas jokes? )

I was in Dallas, Texas about 10 years ago. Back then I was selling Mary Kay Cosmetics and their home office is in Dallas so I was there for an annual Convention. I don’t remember exactly how many days I was in town but I think it was in August so it was hot! And when it’s hot, folks in Dallas disappear between 12-2 for a siesta! No one is on the streets.


I did get to see the “grassy knoll” and the “Book Depository” where Lee Harvey Oswald took the fatal shot  that ended the life of President John F. Kennedy. The Sixth Floor Museum has a collection of photos and documents and news  clippings from the time. The tour is a self guided tour with an audio tape, or it was at that time.


Of course if I was there for a Mary Kay convention then that was going to be the focus and it was quite impressive. We got to tour her offices on the 13th floor of the Mary Kay World Headquarters and we got to go to the Mary Kay museum. That made me think of seeing how flight attendants uniforms have changed over the years.  There was a whole  section of manikins dressed in the various Mary Kay uniforms from over the years.1960_objt03

So as you can see, I didn’t see very much of Texas. Next trip I want to see the Alamo. Founded near the San Antonio river in 1718, the Alamo became a symbol of Freedom for the nation and remains an iconic element of Texas independence.


While in San Antonio I want to explore the River Walk, a 3 mile, flagstone esplanade that winds amid tropical foliage along both sides of the San Antonio River.


Along the Mission Trail is Mission San Jose . Established in 1720, it is still an active parish and known as a photographer’s dream.


In Austin, located in Central Texas, we’d sample the Texas Barbecue. “They” say that Texas barbecue, especially central Texas barbecue, is so good that you don’t need barbecue sauce and some places don’t even bother to serve it! The very best barbecue is said to be around Austin. Texas Barbecue is usually beef but some pork can be located if one looks hard enough.


Oh dear, Running out of space again but we can revisit Texas another time. There’s rodeos to consider, vintage train rides and National Parks, space center Houston and mountains in West Texas. There’s even a “Birding Trail.” Yup it’s called the Great Texas Birding Trail and more than half of the recorded species of North America can be found along here. And we can’t forget that Texas has a Gulf Coast. So there’s much,much more to cover in Texas!


Score 17/26