What Are You Thankful For?
Happy Thanksgiving! 2020 hasn’t been kind. We are all struggling with the “New Normal”. Many families have lost loved ones. It’s a sad, challenging year. But even in the darkest times, we need a Thanksgiving Day. We need to take stock and find that hidden blessing, that moment when we can see through the dark to the brighter day ahead.
I’m Thankful for…
So let me help you get started. Try to list 10 things you’re thankful for in 2020. Here’s my list:
- My Family- I may not see them often as we are scattered and I may not hear from them often, we all have busy lives. But in my heart I know there are there for me if I need them. I know they love me and I love them even if we don’t say it. This is a big virtual huge to all of them!

- My furry four legged family- Banner and Balboa, my two kittens are a daily source of joy. They make me laugh with their antics and Balboa especially is a cuddle bug, in my lap whenever I sit down but it’s Banner that snuggles in with me at night.

- My home- My condo is small and needs upgrading but its home. Owning my own home allows me to have pets and not worry about what a landlord might say or do.
- My job- In this time of COVID many people are losing their jobs and even business owners themselves are not immune. Restaurants are struggling and many will not survive. Even at my job folks were laid off and furloughed in the beginning of the pandemic although most have come back and we are in a hiring phase. For now it appears my job is safe.
- My Health – Oh I have my aches and pains for sure. You don’t reach senior citizen status without earning a few age related hiccups like arthritis or diabetes. But it could be worse. My doctors think I’ll be around a while.
- My Doctors- When you get older you don’t have “A” doctor you have a team. I’m lucky to live in Massachusetts where health care is top notch. I have a great Primary who heads up a team of specialist to keep me tuned up and kicking along.
- Health Insurance- So speaking of health in this day and age that means you have to have health insurance. The company I work for provides a generous health care plan that includes vision and dental all for a reasonable employee contribution. I never have to ask myself if I can afford to go to the doctor or fill that prescription.
- My friends – My friends are special. COVID has meant that I don’t see them as much. We don’t sit outside to chat anymore. We don’t go out to restaurants for lunch but they are in my thoughts.
- Caring, warm co-workers. They are more friends than colleagues and show it in many ways. –

- And Number 10… I’m thankful for the beautiful area of the country where I grew up and can still go visit. Lake George- Truly a gem

So what’s on your Thankfulness List?
Right now the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is on top of my today list! How about you?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

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