Retirement is Hard Work

Its Hard Being Retired

I thought retirement would be boring. My to do list just keeps getting longer and longer. You’d think once Redfin kicked me out that life would get easier but it hasn’t. Everyday I get another email from them with instructions of things they want me to do to get my severance pay.  Sign this separation agreement, agree you won’t sue for age discrimination, send back the lap top and monitors, Health Insurance, Stock plan, 401K. The list goes on. I don’t know why they can’t just send me one email with everything in it and then go away. They aren’t paying me anymore so my time should be mine.

69 Funny Retirement Memes Guaranteed to Make You Smile


I’m waiting for my unemployment benefits to kick in. I have to have a list every week of places I’ve contacted for work.  That’s a full time job- looking  for work since I have to provide the name of the contact person and their phone number so Unemployment can check up on me. Most of the time I’ve been sending in applications via web sites so I don’t have a contact which means digging around on search engines to find out who the HR person is for each company I apply with.

We Need More Arts Workers in Arts Advocacy |

Old Friends

I have a list of former co workers I can reach out to but haven’t figured out how to approach them yet. How do you call someone that you haven’t seen in 8 years to ask for a job? It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Doctors Appointments

One of my retired friends told me that when you hit a certain age you have to retire to make time for all the doctor’s appointments. That seems about right. In the 2 weeks I’ve been unemployed I’ve spent an enormous amount of time with various doctors and have more appointments coming up. My health insurance ends Nov. 30 but I can opt for COBRA at Redfin’s expense for 3 months then I need add a  Medicare Advantage plan. Just to find that out has been hours on the phone. 

18 Memes That Will Make You Laugh After a Bad Doctor Appointment



Whew, So much to do. Good thing I don’t have to work anymore!


What Happened to the Stress Free Zone

Even Paradise can encounter Stress

Dealing with an owner update shouldn’t be filled with stress. They aren’t supposed to be trying to sell you anything. Its supposed to be educational. That’s why when my owner update came due at 8 AM Sunday morning I was eager to get it over with. Not that I didn’t want to know what changes had been made to my program. I just didn’t want to spend the whole day with the reps from Diamond Resorts. Nice people but my time on the island was limited. I had better ways to spend my time than locked in a meeting.

Changes are Coming

I enjoyed a nice breakfast while I watched several whales cavorting  just offshore. What a way to spend a morning. The rep assigned to me was originally from Chicago and he was very upbeat and fun. We finally wrapped up breakfast and settled down to the nitty gritty. A lot of his presentation had my eyes crossing. There was some interesting stuff but he sure liked to talk! Once he got into the part about maximizing my return and making my timeshare work for me I perked up. Now he had my attention. It all sounded great. Then he pulled my file and the sales pitch began. Oh too bad, you don’t have enough points to qualify for these perks. You have to be at 70,000 points not the 50,000 you’ve worked so hard to reach.  Now I was mad. I’ve scrimped and struggled to reach this level and now he’s telling me within 2 years it won’t be enough to let me vacation when I want. 

It was a Long, Long Morning

That peaceful breakfast with the whales seemed a long time ago. It was only at 8 am but now it was 1 pm. I had an appointment at 2 pm for a massage. I was led upstairs where I was supposed to sign off on the update. It was not to be. First they had a legal question on my last upgrade. Then I still had to wait for someone else to give me my incentives (gifts). I called the spa and moved my massage to 3 pm. No time for lunch. Finally the last person came out and again tried to sell me the upgrade. I was seeing red at that point and stood up to walk out. That’s when they finally let me go. I’d have to come back to see the concierge for my gifts.

Puamana Day Spa


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I arrived at my appointment at 3:15. My stomach was growling but I really wanted to try a massage for my hip problem. I knew a deep tissue massage would hurt and it did, especially on that left hip but at the end I was like rubber. I had to really concentrate just to walk. The ladies at the Spa are mother and daughter and have a very peaceful way about them. Just what I needed after that wasted morning!

The Thing About Hawaii

RainbowsHawaii is a Paradise to me

As this trip to Hawaii approached I was surprised by the different reactions I got from people that knew where I was going. I admit I was a bit ambivalent about this trip. It’s a long plane ride and I’ve been to Maui before. In fact I’ve been here quite a lot. As one person said to me “It’s a long way just to sit on a beach”. I have to agree with that but the trip was booked so I was going.

Upgrade To First Class

As I was checking in for my flight I was given the option to upgrade to first class. At least for the first leg of my journey from Boston to LAX. I made a quick decision and clicked on yes. Oh my! I think I am hooked for life. I’ve traveled first class before but only for short trips. I thought it was nice then but for a long flight it’s going to be a “must” in the future. Did you know that even water is served to you in real glass cups, not plastic?! The breakfast that came with First Class was a turkey and cheese sandwich on flat bread, a side of fruit and yogurt, a beverage and a bread choice like a cinnamon roll or biscuit. There was real silverware. No plastic knives and forks. I was given a warm towel to freshen up with. So nice.

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Grocery Delivery Perk

As you know from my last post I arrived at my resort with limited options for a late meal. My TimeShare offers a grocery delivery perk. I’ve never used it but maybe I’ll look into it for future trips. Basically you tell them what you want to have in the condo when you arrive, bread, eggs, juice, soda etc. And they order it and make sure it’s there waiting for you when you check in. If I had thought to use that I wouldn’t have been in a dilemma  about what to have for dinner.

Now That I’m Here

Hawaii has already begun to work her magic on me. I had a wonderful first night sleep. I can feel the tension of the last few months draining away and I haven’t done anything  more than look out the window at my ocean view. It’s like this every time for me. From that first trip back in 2007 to today Hawaii never fails to sooth and calm me. Hawaii is more than ocean waves and palm trees. I can get those in Florida. No,  there’s something else here.  I hope I don’t sound stupid but I really feel like the islands speak to my soul. Welcome to Paradise!

Under the falls

Inn Season Resorts, Ogunquit ME

It’s not everyday that something in the news isn’t just interesting but actually crosses my path. But that’s exactly what happened on Monday when the news stations were reporting recent cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The incidents were tragic. They reported 3 deaths in a house in Plaistow, NH. , a death in a Legal Seafood restaurant on Long Island and 20+ guests sickened while at a resort in Maine. Thankfully there were no deaths there although they reported that 3 guests were hospitalized.


In the Plaistow home the carbon monoxide detector had been disabled. In the restaurant the leak was in a pipe and I don’t think there were any detectors.  The incident that really caught my attention was the incident at the resort in Maine. Not that the other 2 incidents weren’t tragic. They were and in many ways more so than the resort incident because there were no deaths reported in Maine but I thought the name of the resort was familiar. Then they showed photos of the resort with the fire trucks and rescue vehicles in front and I thought, I know this place.

And I do know it.  I was there a few years ago, maybe as long ago as 10 years when they were first building the resort. This is a timeshare property. It was one of the ones I considered before I settled on my unit on Cape Cod.


The property looks like it’s been well maintained but according to the fire chief they have had trouble getting access to the individual units for inspections because each one is separately owned. That raised an eyebrow because although that’s true the maintenance is the responsibility of the property manager, not the unit owner. At least that’s how it is at my resort. In a time share you don’t own the unit outright, you own a week or  1/52 unless you buy multiple weeks.


I’m not sure why Inn Season wouldn’t have installed the detectors and passed the cost along as operating expense but thank goodness there were no serious injuries. I hope now the carbon monoxide detectors will be installed and I hope the source of the gas is also found before any further exposure can occur.


To think that could have been my timeshare!


Time is Running Out

I was taking a leisurely stroll through my timeshare options until I got to Maryland.  As you can tell, I fell in love with that option. I was so enamored that I attempted to book a week, any week only to find that it was completely sold out. A big  NO VACANCY sign.


That was a “wake up ” call for me. I may not have a decision to make if I continue to drag my feet. The last time I ended up having to take the “left overs” it worked out great. I ended up in Sedona  for my first visit. I liked it so much that I went back to the same resort a few years later. Still I’d rather make a decision than have it made for me. With that in mind I ran through the remaining exchanges to see if they were even available. Most weren’t.


Of my 17 unvisited states with timeshares exchanges only 6 still have vacancies! One of them is just too expensive (The points are too high).

I think I’m going to go with Tennessee. Colorado has weeks available but not my first choices. Missouri just didn’t send my heart pitter patting although located in Branson Southwest should be able to find it now.

Michigan was way too many points! Shockingly high.

New Mexico ~ Located in Santa Fe , New Mexico..I’ve thought  about New Mexico a lot. There’the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque and the massive Carlsbad Caverns. There are several nature preserves too but the only times available as well as the long distances between the places I want to see, is summer. It would be very hot. It’s desert after all.


Tennessee has 5 choices , most in Gatlinburg. With 5 resorts to pick from there’s bound to be some open reservations.


I chose to enter a time range and not select a resort. Sure enough I had lots to chose from and since I’m traveling alone I only need about 3500 points for a week. I grabbed a week in May. Spring time in the Great Smokey Mountains is supposed to be nice.

Now I just have to see if work approved the vacation time! May is considered part of our busy season.