Cherry Blossoms Afterall

I gave in. The temptation was too much. The National Park Service changed the prediction for peak Cherry Blossoms. It’s been too cold so the new prediction is March 19 – March 22.

I was all set to skip it but now I have another week and I just can’t stand not doing anything or going anywhere. I think the cold weather has messed with my brain. As Southwest Airlines says…”I Gotta Get Away”.

I booked everything so now I just have to get my work to approve the time off. I’m sure they will. I don’t have to bother my Pet Sitter  either because my friend Joe said he would watch the “kitty”. Rocky would love to know that he’s “the kitty”!

My Timeshare has a new perk. I can pay for my plane fare and hotel with my time share points. I book through their web site and pay for the flight and hotel. Then I authorize the number of points I want to use. 4-6 weeks after the trip is completed they send a check.  I’ve never used this perk but I’ve met people that have and they love it. So I’m going to give it a try. That’s the only way I can swing this on such short notice.

I also booked my “Dream Vacation” that I earned on my last trip to Maui. I was going to go to the Big Island but I can get a longer stay if I go back to Maui. So that’s what I’m going to do. I booked February again so I can chase the whales some more.

I guess its not safe to let me stay inside on a cold day! Look at what I’ve done! I’ve booked a quick trip to Washington DC for the Cherry Blossoms and a 5 day trip to Maui. I also renewed my Priority Pass.

You may have seen the ads for Priority Pass on TV. It’s program that lets you use exclusive lounges in airports around the world. Usually it cost $99/year but this is another perk of my Timeshare.  They pay the annual fee. There is a $27.00 charge per person each time you use a lounge but I’m told it’s well worth it if you have a long layover. We could have used it on the November trip to Maui.

Oh my, I lost track of the time. Rocky is teasing because it’s his dinner time But I’ll leave you with this last thought…I do love my Timeshare!



Moving Day

Now that we know that the Ka’anapali Beach club is the “Pink Pyramid” we need to move our things from the Ka’anapali Shores. I just knew the “Pink Pyramid” would haunt me forever!


Almost everything was packed the night before. There were just a few perishables left that we were trying to keep fresh including the pineapple I received as a Welcome Gift. Check out at the “Shores” was 10 am but even with my early check in we couldn’t get our room at the Beach Club until 2 pm. I took my larger suitcase down to the car on my way to the update breakfast with my timeshare counselor. I left Sandy in the room to wait for me to return.


I met Tara in the Ohana Bar & Grill where we had a very nice breakfast. The table was on the deck and we could watch the breakers roll in. After breakfast we went inside to chat. I don’t know why it always happens to me but when Tara went to added a recommendation to my account she couldn’t do it.  Finally after much digging we learned that the previous counselor had added a recommendation that should have expired but didn’t. They wanted me to sign a release. Problem was that only Diamond Resorts would benefit. I’d be leaving myself open for a big cost jump if I wanted to add on at all.

Finally we came up with a compromise. They would let me move my points  from the US collection to the Hawaii Collection. That action removed the previous recommendation but it took forever to get to this point.


In the meantime, Sandy was still sitting over at the “Shores” waiting for me. I sent her a text telling her I’d be late. Her reply was that the cleaning lady had come by twice. Tara’s boss made a call to the Shores to arrange a late check out. I’d already arranged for early check in at Ka’anapali Beach club (KBC).

Finally the paperwork was done and I was free to get us checked in, pineapple and all.

Next stop was the airport to pick up Cuz Kathy. When we arrived a band was playing to entertain people waiting for their luggage.  Kathy’s plane kept getting later and later. First the Starbucks closed down for the night. Then the musicians packed up and left. Still no Kathy!

When she finally arrived she came from the opposite side from where we were expecting her. Needless to say I about jumped out of my skin when she came up behind me.

No matter, we were all together now so let the fun begin!