Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful!

We’ve been talking about the “Dakotas” , North and South, so I couldn’t help but notice the weather out there. Wow! Have you seen the pictures? A blizzard hit the whole region!

Rapid City, where we went on vacation a couple of years ago, got 21 inches of snow. Temps are struggling to reach the 30’s when it was 85 last week! Here is a partial report from the AP.

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — In the span of 24 hours, the scenic Black Hills in South Dakota were coated in up to three and a half feet of wet, heavy snow, one of several Great Plains states walloped by a storm system that’s caused millions of dollars in damage.

Wind gusts of up to 70 mph were recorded in the Black Hills, National Weather Service meteorologist Katie Pojorlie said Saturday morning, but the snow was expected to end later Saturday, giving people a chance to start digging out from the unusual early fall snowstorm that set records.

But wintry weather wasn’t the only thing wrapped into the powerful cold front, as thunderstorms brought heavy rain, hail and tornadoes in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. No one died in the tornadoes, reports said, but snow was blamed in the deaths of three people who were killed in a traffic accident on U.S. 20 in northeast Nebraska.

Forecasters said the front would eventually combine with other storms to make for a wild — and probably very wet — weekend for much of the central U.S. and Southeast.

Pojorlie said the historic mining city of Lead, S.D., in the northern Black Hills had received 43 ½ inches of snow by 7:30 p.m. Friday and more had fallen overnight. Rapid City had 21 inches, but 31 inches was recorded just a mile southwest of the city.

Farther south at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, the mustangs found themselves in a winter wonderland.


Tornados touched down in near Wayne, Nebraska but thankfully there were only minor injuries.

Is the weather getting crazy or what?!

Another 8

Can you believe it? Another letter of the alphabet is used to start the names of 8 more states. Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, and North Dakota.

Lets go for Nebraska and Nevada. Nebraska first.

Nebraska …No

Nebraska is a Great Plain State. Miles and miles of  treeless prairie, ideal for cattle-grazing but not so good for breaking up thunderstorms. Nebraska lies right in the heart of Tornado Alley.

So what is there to do in Nebraska, well one thing comes immediately to mind and that’s storm chasing. Would I do it? I don’t know. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s safe. It is not. Not when seasoned storm chasers like Tim Samaras can be killed by these deadly storms. At one time I would have jumped at that kind of vacation. Now I am not so sure.


So if I’m not going storm chasing, what is there to do? Explore Nebraska’s historic routes – Pony Express, Lewis & Clark, and the Mormon and Oregon trails. Discover things to do – fossil beds and the Niobrara River – canoe, kayak, fish, tube and waterfalls. At Lincoln, the capital, take in the Great Plains Art Museum and Historic Haymarket. Omaha is home to attractions – a zoo, General Crook House. Gerald R. Ford Birth Site, Hot Shops Art Center, gardens, Union Pacific trains and Boys and Girls Town, plus nearby Chimney Rock and the Strategic Air and Space Museum.


So I guess there’s plenty to do in Nebraska.

On to Nevada…Yes, I have been to Nevada but I prefer it’s neighbor to the east, Arizona. Of course the biggest draw for Nevada is Las Vegas….what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…isn’t that what they say?


Big on most tourist lists is Hoover Dam. I haven’t gone to it but I know many people who have and they all highly recommend it.


My first trip to Nevada was way back in the 1970’s and since I am not a gambler I spent most of my time by the pool or going to shows.


I was only about 5 rows back from the stage for Tom Jones and only a little father back for Mr. Las Vegas himself, Wayne Newton.


Both entertainers really worked hard and put on great shows.


About 10 years ago my sister and I accompanied my mother to Reno.

Nevada-Virginia-City-c830544034We took a tour to Virginia City and Lake Tahoe, (Lake Tahoe is actually California) but the high point for me was a show by a group called “RAIN”. They are Beatle impersonators and I love the Beatles.

RainThey did an awesome show taking the Beatles through the years. They had costume changes that matched exactly the way the Beatles looked at different times in their career. It was amazing. It was easy to think you were watching the real thing!


There’s probably a lot more to this state than I’ve seen especially nature and wildlife but I’m not going to put it on my return list just yet.

So the new tally is 9 states visited, 19 still to go.