Celebrate the Holidays

December is a Month of Holidays

Happy Holidays or is it Merry Christmas? It is Christmas Day, the end of December. December 25 to be exact. Since Thanksgiving the world has been going mad with Christmas spirit. Displays in stores, Christmas Carol’s on the radio, Christmas movies on TV, Christmas everywhere. Even if you aren’t Christian it’s hard not to get caught up in the frenzy.  You have Santa Claus at the mall and even the Grinch! 

Snow for Christmas

This year will be a white Christmas in many areas. Folks are embracing the cold as just part of the season. No offence to Old Saint Nick but you can keep the North Pole weather right where it is, up north, at least as far as I’m concerned. OOPS ! Did that sound grinchy? I’m just not a fan of the cold.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

It seems to me that the Christians in the world know Christmas stands for the birth of Christ but in this modern world it’s just a commercial holiday. It’s meaning much like Labor Day, Memorial Day and so many other holidays has been diluted. For the religious that’s bad but think about it another way.  The holiday has become a season of celebration for many people of diverse backgrounds. They may not join in the religious aspect but they enjoy the lights, the music and the joy of the season. I have Jewish friends that celebrate Hanukkah in December and also join in with the Christmas parties that abound. And what about Kwanzaa which celebrates African Heritage.

Lots of December Celebrations

There’s lots of celebrations in December so maybe Happy Holidays is the best choice. 

  • Saint Nicholas Day (Christian)
  • Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican)
  • St. Lucia Day (Swedish)
  • Hanukkah (Jewish)
  • Christmas Day (Christian)
  • Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian)
  • Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish)
  • Kwanzaa (African American)
  • Omisoka (Japanese)
  • Yule (Pagan)
  • Saturnalia (Pagan)

Don’t forget Season’s Greetings

And finally, there’s Season’s Greetings. Maybe this is the best choice of all. Not everyone is happy this time of year. I know many families and individual’s that are missing loved ones. Some have passed on other are estranged some are fighting wars in far off lands. Some families are struggling with illness or other hardship. It’s easy to forget that not everyone is happy during this time of year. Lets be gentle and tolerant and remember that many struggle in this season of joy.  I’ll end this missive with a nice generic

Season’s Greetings to all!



It’s Still the Christmas City

In this era of political correctness where formerly mainstream concepts have to take a “back seat” to the minority out of “sensitivity”, I am proud of my City of Taunton. Since December 1914, the city of Taunton has provided a large annual light display each December on Taunton Green, giving it the additional nickname of “Christmas City”.

Taunton Green 2010

Taunton Green 2010

Each year a banner proudly proclaims “The Christmas City” over the display in the center of town. The display includes angels (gasp), and a nativity scene, (What!), a menorah, and even Santa Claus and to the best of my knowledge there has not been any complaint. Everyone I know looks forward to the Lighting of the Green. Every year, no matter the theme, the paths are lined with lighted Christmas trees, and families stroll the lighted paths.

Taunton Green 2011

Taunton Green 2011

It’s beautiful. Soft music, Christmas Carols, is piped in playing in the background.

Taunton Green 2012

Taunton Green 2012

For the last several years, since I got interested in photography, I’ve made it a point to photograph the Green in all of it’s Festive Glory.

Taunton Green 2013

Taunton Green 2013

This is a time when Santa Claus is banned from school Christmas parties…oh sorry Holiday parties, and other towns change the name of the December School vacation from Christmas Vacation to Winter vacation. Everyone is so afraid to offend instead of fostering understanding, tolerance and mutual acceptance.

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Christmas trees are a pagan symbol but they have been embraced as a symbol of Christmas, a melding of different faiths. Beautiful decorated fireplaces are a tradition in many homes but the Yule Log was borrowed from the Wiccan celebration of Yule before it became associated with December 25.

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I am happy Taunton stands by its tradition and I hope it will continue for many years to come. I hope someday people of other faiths will not feel so threatened by a Christian holiday that they can embrace the festive beauty of the season and enjoy it too. You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the colorful lights and artistic displays.

Taunton Green 2014

Taunton Green 2014

I have no wish to offend my Jewish, Muslin, Buddhist and Wiccan friends or any other religion I may have missed but I will end this post in the spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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How much does it Cost?

Ever wonder what it would cost to give every gift from the  song, The Twelve Days of Christmas?


Every year someone manages to figure it out. This year (2013) according to PNC Wealth Management the cost breaks down as follows:

— Partridge, $15;

— Pear tree, $189.99;


— Two turtle doves, $125;

turtle dove

— Three French hens, $165;

threefrench hens

— Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96;


— Five gold rings, $750;


— Six geese a-laying, $210;


— Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000;


— Eight maids a-milking, $58;


— Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294;


— 10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767;


— 11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562;


— 12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776;


Wow! But I don’t know about those Maids a Milking… $58.00 seems a little low even at minimum wage.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas is behind us but the Christmas Season doesn’t have to end there. I remember as a kid we always kept our tree up after the New year. I  think it was about a week. I always thought it was to get plenty of enjoyment out of the tree. It goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down the week after New Year. But it turns out there is a reason for leaving the tree up until January 6th. The 12 days of Christmas aren’t the 12 days leading up to Christmas Day, but the 12 days between December 25 and January 6!


This period is also known as Christmastide and Twelvetide. The Twelfth Day of Christmas is always on Epiphany Eve (5 January), but the Twelfth Night can either precede or follow the Twelfth Day according to which Christian tradition is followed.

England’s Boxing Day falls in this period as does Childermas or the Feast of the Innocents.


Currently, the twelve days and nights are celebrated in widely varying ways around the world. Some give gifts only on Christmas Day, some only on Twelfth Night, and some each of the twelve nights.

The custom of the 12 days is largely forgotten or ignored in the United States which is probably why I was unaware until I looked it up! After all the Saints and Feasts that are celebrated in the various branches of Christianity are done, what I got out of my research is that the 12 days are the time between the birth of Jesus and his baptism.

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So if you plan to give your sweetheart the gifts from the Song, The 12 Days of Christmas, it’s not too late. But you’ll have to hurry …     music-notes-hiOn the first day of Christmas my truelove gave to me a Partridge in a pear tree…

100 Years of Lights

My adopted city of Taunton, MA is known as the Christmas City. Every year the city goes all out with a light display.


The Annual Lighting of the Green and Lights On Festival is traditionally held the Friday following the Friday after Thanksgiving.  The Lighting of the Green has happened in the center of Taunton for 100 years, and we hope this tradition will survive 100 more.  This year’s Lighting of the Green will be focused on 100 years of family memories, and it’s sure to offer something for the whole family.

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Originally the Green was decorated to draw shoppers to the downtown area. Over the years people from all over New England came to see the Decorated Center of Taunton.

edaville2012 069 copyThis has continued even with other major light shows in the area such as the  lights at LaSalette Shrine and Edaville Railroad.

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In the beginning it was just  Christmas trees. Over the years  it evolved to displays, some of which were motorized and moved.

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One of the factors that contributed to Taunton’s reputation as the Christmas City is that prior to 1951, there was no Route 24. That meant that all the people who were traveling between Boston and Fall River would have to go through downtown Taunton when using routes 140, 44 and 138.

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The 1948 display was the first to feature an illuminated sign that reads, “THE CHRISTMAS CITY,” and during that year WBZ-TV first came on the air and broadcast the lighting of the Taunton Green.

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I’ve only lived in Taunton since 2006 but have embraced the city and it’s traditions. Unlike many of the other places I’ve lived, this doesn’t feel like a “stop along the way”. I feel a pride of place that I haven’t experienced except in my original hometown in New York.

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Because of my work schedule I have never had a chance to attend the Lighting of the Green Ceremony and even though I have the day off this year, I will  miss it again as I have a previous commitment to a friend. But missing the festivities is really a small price as the Green will be decorated and lit throughout the Christmas Season. I will have my chance to enjoy the lights and take my photos as I have in years past and I promise you’ll see them right here.

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