The View from the Train

Once I moved to the open air car I had a chance of getting a few pictures. Good thing because I get very grumpy when I can’t take pictures!

I got the train going around a curve

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Another of the train going around the curve.

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Lake Fontana

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The Trestle Bridge

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Train going around a curve.

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Back of the train coming around the curve. See the little red caboose.

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Lots of foliage.

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March Blizzard 2013

Oh it was tempting to skip work today but I am getting close to the end of my employment. With that deadline looming  I dragged myself out the door about 9 AM. Here’s what greeted me.

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The tree by the front door

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The decorative bench on the front lawn. Pretty clear we have a bit of accumulation.

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Along Rt 44 trees weighed down and other snowy vistas

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Christmas tree anyone?

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Can you believe it was still snowing? This isn’t Alaska. It’s Southern Massachusetts!

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It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow! Talk about weather extremes.

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But my favorite…Here come the plows.

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I got this picture of the west bound plow by holding the camera out the car  window as I drove eastbound.